
To set up, build, and run the WCF sample

  1. Ensure that you have performed the One-Time Setup Procedure for the Windows Communication Foundation Samples.

  2. To build the C# or Visual Basic .NET edition of the solution, follow the instructions in Building the Windows Communication Foundation Samples.

  3. To run the sample in a single- or cross-machine configuration, follow the instructions in Running the Windows Communication Foundation Samples.


In the files
the line:
VER | FINDSTR /c:" 6.0." >NUL
should be changed to:
VER | FINDSTR /c:" 6.1." >NUL
Windows 7 version is 6.1. Otherwise this will fail (unless you have IIS 6 Admin tools installed.)
Run cleanupvroot.bat, then run the setupvroot.bat file.

posted @ 2012-11-19 10:52  .net's  阅读(327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报