weinre可以调试移动端网页,具体的安装方法是cnpm 来安装,cnpm install weinre -g。
options: --httpPort port to run the http server on default: 8080 --boundHost ip address to bind the server to default: localhost --verbose print more diagnostics default: false --debug print even more diagnostics default: false --readTimeout seconds to wait for a client message default: 5 --deathTimeout seconds to wait to kill client default: 3*readTimeout --boundHost can be an ip address, hostname, or -all-, where -all- means binding to all ip address on the current machine' for more info see: http://people.apache.org/~pmuellr/weinre/ C:\Users\Administrator λ weinre --httpPort 80 --boundHost hanlee.butup.me 2017-06-13T14:05:28.454Z weinre: starting server at http://hanlee.butup.me:80 ^C终止批处理操作吗(Y/N)? y