ubuntu18.04 20.04 22.04 环境下的QGIS安装
截至到2022年8月份,最新的qgis版本是 QGIS (3.26.x Buenos Aires)
Most linux distributions split QGIS into several packages; you’ll probably need qgis and qgis-python (to run plugins). Packages like qgis-grass (or qgis-plugin-grass), qgis-server can be skipped initially, or installed only when you need them.
Below you find instructions to install per distribution. For most distro’s there are instructions to install QGIS stable and instructions to install a cutting edge QGIS testing build (note the warning).
In the section following this one, you will find ALL possible options to install different versions of QGIS in different versions of Debian/Ubuntu. If you have problems, verify there whether your distribution is still supported as the repositories also contain older unsupported distributions with the last QGIS version that was supported. Beware that those might have meanwhile ceased to work.
Here you will simply install the latest stable QGIS (3.26.x Buenos Aires) in your Debian or Ubuntu without having to edit config files.
Although you see ‘Debian’ in some places, this also works for ‘Ubuntu’, as one is actually a symlink to the other on our server.
First install some tools you will need for this instructions:
sudo apt install gnupg software-properties-common
Now install the QGIS Signing Key, so QGIS software from the QGIS repo will be trusted and installed:
wget -qO - https://qgis.org/downloads/qgis-2021.gpg.key | sudo gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring gnupg-ring:/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg --import
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/qgis-archive.gpg
Add the QGIS repo for the latest stable QGIS (3.26.x Buenos Aires).
Note: “lsb_release -c -s” in those lines will return your distro name:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://qgis.org/ubuntu $(lsb_release -c -s) main"
Update your repository information to reflect also the just added QGIS one:
sudo apt update
Now, install QGIS:
sudo apt install qgis qgis-plugin-grass
Add ‘qgis-server’ to this line if you also want to install QGIS Server
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