makefile error:missing separator
23 : 38 Today is a tough day
I had write the first program of module, but something happend, it is not so smothy, but i enjoy it
1. I need to read some document about Vi command or Emacs
2. when compile, and insmod of hello, the kernel said, the version mismatch. so I had chand /usr/include/linux/version.h to match the current version.
3. so when I write the makefile, there are always a error, that said :missing separator. Stop, the reason is i had some <blank> at the begin of the line, so when I change it to <Tab>. every thing is okay.
4. when rmmod hello, there are no respond as the ldd said. I don't know why!
posted on 2004-11-01 11:18 liuzhikun-cn 阅读(5264) 评论(8) 编辑 收藏 举报