IIS 模块(Modules)
与以前版本不同,新的IIS版本中,不再在服务器上持有多数的功能(Instead of keeping the majority of functionality within the server itself),而是用一个名为“Web服务器引擎(Web server engine)”来替代。在这个Web服务器引擎上,可以根据需要,添加或者移除模块,用以实现各种功能。比如,用身份验证模块来实现鉴定客户端的证书的功能,用缓存模块管理缓存行为。(模块所在位置是工作者进程)
(3)可以自定义服务器的角色(You can customize a server to a specific role in your environment.)。
一、本地模块(Native Modules)
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
CustomErrorModule |
Sends default and configured HTTP error messages when an error status code is set on a response. |
Inetsrv\Custerr.dll |
HttpRedirectionModule |
Supports configurable redirection for HTTP requests. |
Inetsrv\Redirect.dll |
ProtocolSupportModule |
Performs protocol-related actions, such as setting response headers and redirecting headers based on configuration. |
Inetsrv\Protsup.dll |
RequestFilteringModule |
Added in IIS 7.5. Filters requests as configured to control protocol and content behavior. |
Inetsrv\modrqflt.dll |
WebDAVModule |
Added in IIS 7.5. Allows more secure publishing of content by using HTTP over SSL. |
Inetsrv\WebDAV.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
AnonymousAuthenticationModule |
Performs Anonymous authentication |
Inetsrv\Authanon.dll |
BasicAuthenticationModule |
Performs Basic authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authbas.dll |
CertificateMappingAuthenticationModule |
Performs Certificate Mapping authentication using Active Directory. |
Inetsrv\Authcert.dll |
DigestAuthenticationModule |
Performs Digest authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authmd5.dll |
IISCertificateMappingAuthenticationModule |
Performs Certificate Mapping authentication using IIS certificate configuration. |
Inetsrv\Authmap.dll |
RequestFilteringModule |
Performs URLScan tasks such as configuring allowed verbs |
Inetsrv\Modrqflt.dll |
UrlAuthorizationModule |
Performs URL authorization. |
Inetsrv\Urlauthz.dll |
WindowsAuthenticationModule |
Performs NTLM integrated authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authsspi.dll |
IpRestrictionModule |
Restricts IPv4 addresses listed in the ipSecurity list in configuration. |
Inetsrv\iprestr.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
AnonymousAuthenticationModule |
Performs Anonymous authentication when no other authentication method succeeds. |
Inetsrv\Authanon.dll |
BasicAuthenticationModule |
Performs Basic authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authbas.dll |
CertificateMappingAuthenticationModule |
Performs Certificate Mapping authentication using Active Directory. |
Inetsrv\Authcert.dll |
DigestAuthenticationModule |
Performs Digest authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authmd5.dll |
IISCertificateMappingAuthenticationModule |
Performs Certificate Mapping authentication using IIS certificate configuration. |
Inetsrv\Authmap.dll |
RequestFilteringModule |
Performs URLScan tasks such as configuring allowed verbs and file name extensions, setting limits, and scanning for bad character sequences. |
Inetsrv\Modrqflt.dll |
UrlAuthorizationModule |
Performs URL authorization. |
Inetsrv\Urlauthz.dll |
WindowsAuthenticationModule |
Performs NTLM integrated authentication. |
Inetsrv\Authsspi.dll |
IpRestrictionModule |
Restricts IPv4 addresses listed in the ipSecurity list in configuration. |
Inetsrv\iprestr.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
CgiModule |
Executes Common Gateway Interface (CGI) processes to build response output. |
Inetsrv\Cgi.dll |
DefaultDocumentModule |
Attempts to return a default document for requests made to the parent directory. |
Inetsrv\Defdoc.dll |
DirectoryListingModule |
Lists the contents of a directory. |
Inetsrv\dirlist.dll |
IsapiModule |
Hosts ISAPI extension DLLs. |
Inetsrv\Isapi.dll |
IsapiFilterModule |
Supports ISAPI filter DLLs. |
Inetsrv\Filter.dll |
ServerSideIncludeModule |
Processes server-side includes code. |
Inetsrv\Iis_ssi.dll |
StaticFileModule |
Serves static files. |
Inetsrv\Static.dll |
FastCgiModule |
Supports FastCGI, which provides a high-performance alternative to CGI. |
Inetsrv\iisfcgi.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
DynamicCompressionModule |
Compresses responses and applies Gzip compression transfer coding to responses. |
Inetsrv\Compdyn.dll |
StaticCompressionModule |
Performs pre-compression of static content. |
Inetsrv\Compstat.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
FileCacheModule |
Provides user mode caching for files and file handles. |
Inetsrv\Cachfile.dll |
HTTPCacheModule |
Provides kernel mode and user mode caching in HTTP.sys. |
Inetsrv\Cachhttp.dll |
TokenCacheModule |
Provides user mode caching of user name and token pairs for modules that produce Windows user principals. |
Inetsrv\Cachtokn.dll |
UriCacheModule |
Provides user mode caching of URL information. |
Inetsrv\Cachuri.dll |
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
CustomLoggingModule |
Loads custom logging modules. |
Inetsrv\Logcust.dll |
FailedRequestsTracingModule |
Supports the Failed Request Tracing feature. |
Inetsrv\Iisfreb.dll |
HttpLoggingModule |
Passes information and processing status to HTTP.sys for logging. |
Inetsrv\Loghttp.dll |
RequestMonitorModule |
Tracks requests currently executing in worker processes and reports information with Runtime Status and Control Application Programming Interface (RSCA). |
Inetsrv\Iisreqs.dll |
TracingModule |
Reports events to Microsoft Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). |
Inetsrv\Iisetw.dll |
7.托管支持模块(Managed Support Modules)
即在请求处理管理中,有两个模块用于支持托管代码集成(A couple of modules in IIS support managed integration in the IIS request-processing pipeline.)。
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
ManagedEngine |
Provides integration of managed code modules in the IIS request-processing pipeline. |
Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\webengine.dll |
ConfigurationValidationModule |
Validates configuration issues, such as when an application is running in Integrated mode but has handlers or modules declared in the system.web section. |
Inetsrv\validcfg.dll |
二、托管模块(Managed Modules)
Module Name |
Description |
Resource |
AnonymousIdentification |
Manages anonymous identifiers, which are used by features that support anonymous identification such as ASP.NET profile. |
System.Web.Security.AnonymousIdentificationModule |
DefaultAuthentication |
Ensures that an authentication object is present in the context. |
System.Web.Security.DefaultAuthenticationModule |
FileAuthorization |
Verifies that a user has permission to access the requested file. |
System.Web.Security.FileAuthorizationModule |
FormsAuthentication |
Supports authentication by using Forms authentication. |
System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule |
OutputCache |
Supports output caching. |
System.Web.Caching.OutputCacheModule |
Profile |
Manages user profiles by using ASP.NET profile, which stores and retrieves user settings in a data source such as a database. |
System.Web.Profile.ProfileModule |
RoleManager |
Manages a RolePrincipal instance for the current user. |
System.Web.Security.RoleManagerModule |
Session |
Supports maintaining session state, which enables storage of data specific to a single client within an application on the server. |
System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateModule |
UrlAuthorization |
Determines whether the current user is permitted access to the requested URL, based on the user name or the list of roles of which a user is a member. |
System.Web.Security.UrlAuthorizationModule |
UrlMappingsModule |
Supports mapping a real URL to a more user-friendly URL. |
System.Web.UrlMappingsModule |
WindowsAuthentication |
Sets the identity of the user for an ASP.NET application when Windows authentication is enabled. |
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