
1、Adding the MySQL Yum Repository
centos 6

rpm -Uvh https://repo.mysql.com//mysql80-community-release-el6-1.noarch.rpm

centos 7

rpm -Uvh https://repo.mysql.com//mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm

2、Selecting a Release Series

yum repolist all | grep mysql
yum-config-manager --disable mysql80-community
yum-config-manager --enable mysql57-community

注:提示命令不存在,yum install yum-utils -y

3、Installing MySQL

yum install mysql-community-server

4、Starting the MySQL Server
centos 6

service mysqld start

centos 7

systemctl start mysqld.service

5、Securing the MySQL Installation (for MySQL 5.6 only)


6、MySQL Server Initialization (for MySQL 5.7 only)

grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
mysql -uroot -p
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass4!';

7、Installing Additional MySQL Products and Components

yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo='mysql*-community*' list available
yum install package-name

8、list all the installed packages for the MySQL components

yum list installed | grep "^mysql"


posted @ 2018-07-13 18:23  martin1317  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报