Cheat Sheet


Coding Guidelines for C# 1.0 - 7.3 Cheat Sheet logo
Design & Maintainability 
(level 1 and 2 only)

Class Design

  • A class or interface should have a single purpose (AV1000)
  • An interface should be small and focused (AV1003)
  • Use an interface to decouple classes from each other (AV1005)
  • Don't suppress compiler warnings using the new keyword (AV1010)
  • It should be possible to treat a derived object as if it were a base class object (AV1011)
  • Don't refer to derived classes from the base class (AV1013)
  • Avoid exposing the other objects an object depends on (AV1014)
  • Avoid bidirectional dependencies (AV1020)
  • Classes should have state and behavior (AV1025)
  • Classes should protect the consistency of their internal state (AV1026)

Member Design

  • Allow properties to be set in any order (AV1100)
  • Don't use mutually exclusive properties (AV1110)
  • A property, method or local function should do only one thing (AV1115)
  • Don't expose stateful objects through static members (AV1125)
  • Return an IEnumerable<T> or ICollection<T> instead of a concrete collection class (AV1130)
  • Properties, arguments and return values representing strings or collections should never be null (AV1135)
  • Define parameters as specific as possible (AV1137)

Miscellaneous Design

  • Throw exceptions rather than returning some kind of status value (AV1200)
  • Provide a rich and meaningful exception message text (AV1202)
  • Don't swallow errors by catching generic exceptions (AV1210)
  • Properly handle exceptions in asynchronous code (AV1215)
  • Always check an event handler delegate for null (AV1220)
  • Use a protected virtual method to raise each event (AV1225)
  • Don't pass null as the sender argument when raising an event (AV1235)
  • Use generic constraints if applicable (AV1240)
  • Evaluate the result of a LINQ expression before returning it (AV1250)
  • Do not use this and base prefixes unless it is required (AV1251)


  • Methods should not exceed 7 statements (AV1500)
  • Make all members private and types internal sealed by default (AV1501)
  • Avoid conditions with double negatives (AV1502)
  • Don't use "magic" numbers (AV1515)
  • Only use var when the type is very obvious (AV1520)
  • Declare and initialize variables as late as possible (AV1521)
  • Assign each variable in a separate statement (AV1522)
  • Favor object and collection initializers over separate statements (AV1523)
  • Don't make explicit comparisons to true or false (AV1525)
  • Don't change a loop variable inside a for loop (AV1530)
  • Avoid nested loops (AV1532)
  • Always add a block after the keywords ifelsedowhileforforeach and case (AV1535)
  • Always add a default block after the last case in a switch statement (AV1536)
  • Finish every if-else-if statement with an else clause (AV1537)
  • Be reluctant with multiple return statements (AV1540)
  • Don't use an if-else construct instead of a simple (conditional) assignment (AV1545)
  • Encapsulate complex expressions in a property, method or local function (AV1547)
  • Call the more overloaded method from other overloads (AV1551)
  • Only use optional arguments to replace overloads (AV1553)
  • Avoid using named arguments (AV1555)
  • Don't declare signatures with more than 3 parameters (AV1561)
  • Don't use ref or out parameters (AV1562)
  • Avoid signatures that take a bool flag (AV1564)
  • Prefer is patterns over as operations (AV1570)
  • Don't comment out code (AV1575)

Framework Guidelines

  • Use C# type aliases instead of the types from the System namespace (AV2201)
  • Prefer language syntax over explicit calls to underlying implementations (AV2202)
  • Build with the highest warning level (AV2210)
  • Use lambda expressions instead of anonymous methods (AV2221)
  • Only use the dynamic keyword when talking to a dynamic object (AV2230)
  • Favor async/await over Task continuations (AV2235)
Coding Guidelines for C# 1.0 - 7.3 Cheat Sheet logo
Naming & Layout 
(level 1 and 2 only)


  • Use US English (AV1701)
  • Don't prefix fields (AV1705)
  • Don't use abbreviations (AV1706)
  • Name members, parameters and variables according to their meaning and not their type (AV1707)
  • Name types using nouns, noun phrases or adjective phrases (AV1708)
  • Name generic type parameters with descriptive names (AV1709)
  • Don't repeat the name of a class or enumeration in its members (AV1710)
  • Avoid short names or names that can be mistaken for other names (AV1712)
  • Properly name properties (AV1715)
  • Name methods and local functions using verbs or verb-object pairs (AV1720)
  • Use a verb or verb phrase to name an event (AV1735)
  • Postfix asynchronous methods with Async or TaskAsync (AV1755)
  • Use an underscore for irrelevant parameters (AV1739)


  • Write comments and documentation in US English (AV2301)
  • Document all publicprotected and internal types and members (AV2305)
  • Write XML documentation with other developers in mind (AV2306)
  • Avoid inline comments (AV2310)
  • Only write comments to explain complex algorithms or decisions (AV2316)


  • Maximum line length is 130 characters
  • Indent 4 spaces, don't use tabs
  • Keep one space between keywords like if and the expression, but don't add spaces after ( and before )
  • Add a space around operators, like +-==, etc.
  • Always add curly braces after the keywords ifelsedowhileforforeach and case (AV1535)
  • Always put opening and closing curly braces on a new line
  • Don't indent object/collection initializers and initialize each property on a new line
  • Don't indent lambda statement blocks
  • Keep expression-bodied-members on one line; break long lines after the arrow sign
  • Put the entire LINQ statement on one line, or start each keyword at the same indentation
  • Add parentheses around every binary expression, but don't add parentheses around unary expressions

  • Be reluctant with #region (AV2407)
  • Use expression-bodied members appropriately (AV2410)


posted @ 2021-09-11 17:40  jlxuqiang  阅读(265)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报