- 全局热键
QT中监控全局键盘鼠标事件 - CSDN博客
Qt 全局热键 QxtGlobalShortcut 分析与使用举例 - CSDN博客
Qt 5.1 全局快捷键 win8.1 可用-CSDN下载
Python 全局热键功能(多个) - CSDN博客
如何实现全局热键 - CSDN博客
Qt/PyQt中使用系统全局的快捷键 - CSDN博客
keyboard - Set global hotkey with Python 2.6 - Stack Overflow
PYHK, a Python Hotkey Module - schurpf.com
schurpf/pyhk: Simple global Python hotkey registration
FunkMastaZ/pyhk3: There's another version of pyhk for Python 2 but I wanted this to be more up-to-date. Eventually, I want to use this with Selenium to make hotkey suites 😃
pyHook 1.5.1 : Python Package Index
Tim Golden's Python Stuff: Catch system-wide hotkeys
RegisterHotKey function (Windows)
Virtual-Key Codes (Windows)
- Gist
如何看待 Github Gist 这个服务,怎样更好的利用? - 知乎
GistBox - The Beautiful Way to Organize Code Snippets
Code Snippet Manager | Gisto | Snippets made awesome | Manage your github gists on desktop
- Visual Studio扩展
graphical-debugging/GraphicalDebugging.csproj at master · awulkiew/graphical-debugging
michaelbCool/Byte-Array-Visualizer-Extension-for-Visual-Studio: An add-in for visual studio that visualizes a byte array variable while debugging.
bejovos/DebugAddin: Debug extension for Visual Studio
GraphicalDebugging - Visual Studio Marketplace
JloveU/graphical-debugging: GraphicalDebugging extension for Visual Studio
Image Watch Help
Windows Writing debugger type visualizers for C++ using .natvis files sample in C#, XML for Visual Studio 2012
Create Custom Views of Native Objects
C++ Debugger Visualizers for VS2012 - Visual Studio Marketplace
KindDragon/CPPDebuggerVisualizers: C++ Debugger Visualizers
Search results - debug visualizer | Visual Studio , Visual Studio Marketplace
C++ Debugger Visualizers for VS2012 - Visual Studio Marketplace
Array Visualizer - Visual Studio Marketplace
ILNumerics Array Visualizer, a graphical watch window for Visual Studio
ILNumerics Array Visualizer - Visual Studio Marketplace
VSImageVisualizer - Visual Studio Marketplace
Liblas exception: 'version minor out of range" error - CloudCompare forum
LAStools/LAStools: efficient tools for LiDAR processing
LAStools | rapidlasso GmbH
能支持LiDAR点云数据(.las)的各种软件? - 知乎
VS2010 编译并使用laslib_xianxiongliu_新浪博客
有没有编译通过了LAStools,还没有见到有谁编译成功了LAStools,这个点云库已把我虐哭,有没有成功应用的? - 知乎
LAStools: converting, filtering, viewing, processing, and compressing LIDAR data in LAS format
dem - Converting LAS 1.4 to 1.2 - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library — pdal.io
New Format Features: LAS Versions 1.3 and 1.4 — laspy 1.2.5 documentation
LASer (LAS) File Format Exchange Activities – ASPRS
laspy/laspy: Laspy is a pythonic interface for reading/modifying/creating .LAS LIDAR files matching specification 1.0-1.4.
- 杂项
Docusaurus – 5 分钟为开源项目创建一个静态网站,文档、API 一应俱全 - 小众软件
facebook/Docusaurus: Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
Docusaurus · Easy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websites
Picsew – 自动将「多张截图合成」一张长截图 [iPhone/iPad] - 小众软件
「办公必备」万彩办公大师 – 免费小巧的办公小工具百宝箱 [Win] - 小众软件
再也不用录屏了,支持 20+ 直播平台的「直播视频」下载工具 [Windows] - 小众软件
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