#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 接口,python中的接口,通过在父类中主动抛出异常实现 接口的作用:起到了限制的作用 """ class IFoo: def fun1(self): pass raise Exception("----") class Bar(IFoo): def fun1(self): #方法名必须和父类中的方法名相同,不然没办法正常执行,会抛出异常 print("子类中如果想要调用父类中的方法,子类中必须要有父类中的方法名") def fun2(self): print("test") obj = Bar() obj.fun2()
由于python 本身没有抽象类、接口的概念,所以要实现这种功能得abc.py 这个类库,具体实现方法如下 :
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 抽象类,抽象方法 抽象类,抽象方法是普通类和接口的综合,即可以继承也可以起到限制作用 """ import abc class Foo(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def fun1(self): print("fun1") def fun2(self): print("fun2") @abc.abstractclassmethod def fun3(self): pass class Bar(Foo): def fun3(self): print("子类必须有父类的抽象方法名,不然会抛出异常") obj = Bar() obj.fun1() obj.fun2() obj.fun3()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #继承 class Animals: def eat(self): print(self.Name + " eat") def drink(self): print(self.Name + " drink") class Person(Animals): def __init__(self, name): self.Name = name def think(self): print(self.Name + " think") obj = Person("user1") obj.drink() obj.eat() obj.think()
class Animals: def __init__(self,name): self.Name = name def eat(self): print(self.Name + " eat") def drink(self): print(self.Name + " drink") class Person: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def eat(self): self.obj.eat() def think(self,name): print(name + " think") animals = Animals("animals") obj = Person(animals) obj.think("person") obj.eat()
class Foo: def __init__(self): self.name = 111 def fun(self) print(self.name) obj = Foo() #obj是Foo的实例化对象
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class MyType(type): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return obj class Foo(metaclass=MyType): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def f1(self): print(self.name)
解释器解释: 1.遇到 class Foo,执行type的__init__方法 1.Type的init的方法里做什么么呢?不知道 obj = Foo(123) 3.执行Type的 __call__方法 执行Foo类的 __new__方法 执行Foo类的 __init__ 方法
new 和 __init()和__metaclass__:
__new__函数是实例一个类所要调用的函数,每当我们调用obj = Foo()来实例一个类时,都是先调用__new__()
然后再调用__init__()函数初始化实例. __init__()在__new__()执行后执行,
类中还有一个属性 __metaclass__,其用来表示该类由 谁 来实例化创建,所以,我们可以为 __metaclass__ 设置一个type类的派生类,从而查看 类 创建的过程。
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 依赖注入应用 #DI class Mapper: __mapper_relation ={} @staticmethod def register(cls,value): Mapper.__mapper_relation[cls] = value @staticmethod def exist(cls): if cls in Mapper.__mapper_relation: return True return False @staticmethod def value(cls): return Mapper.__mapper_relation[cls] class MyType(type): def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): obj = self.__new__(self, *args, **kwargs) arg_list = list(args) if Mapper.exist(self): value=Mapper.value(self) arg_list.append(value) obj.__init__(*arg_list, **kwargs) return obj #定义由谁来实例化 class Foo(metaclass=MyType): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def f1(self): print(self.name) class Bar(metaclass=MyType): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def f1(self): print(self.name) Mapper.register(Foo,"test1") Mapper.register(Bar,"test12") f=Foo() print(f.name)
如何实现 ?
在面向对象编程中,通过抽象类及接口,规定具体类的特征作为抽象层,相对稳定,不需要做更改的从面可以满足“对修改关闭”的原则;而从抽象类导出的具体 类可以
改变系统 的行为,从而满足“对扩展开放的原则"
Infrastructure 目录:公共组件目录
Repository: 数据仓库及数据处理目录
UIAdmin: UI层
Application.py : 服务启动文件
- 启动服务后,客户端访问URL,根据tornado路由找到相对的handler进行处理
- 找到handler后其相对方法(get/post/delete/put)中调用Model逻辑处理层方法进行处理并接收处理结果
- Model逻辑处理层需
- 创建接口
- 建模
- 创建协调层
创建完之后 ,由协调层(这里通用Services)调用数据层方法并接收处理结果返回给handler
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web from UIAdmin.Controllers import Account from UIAdmin.Controllers import Region from UIAdmin.Controllers import Customer from UIAdmin.Controllers import Merchant from UIAdmin import mapper settings = { 'template_path': 'Views', 'static_path': 'Statics', 'static_url_prefix': '/statics/', } application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/login", Account.LoginHandler), (r"/check", Account.CheckCodeHandler), ],**settings) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8000) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
settings 中指定配置,如模板文件路径,静态文件路径等
application :路由配置,那个路径由那个handler进行处理
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import io from Infrastructure.Core.HttpRequest import BaseRequestHandler from Infrastructure.utils import check_code from Model.User import UserService class LoginHandler(BaseRequestHandler): def get(self, *args, **kwargs): self.render("Admin/Account/login.html") def post(self, *args, **kwargs): username = self.get_argument("username",None) email = self.get_argument("email",None) pwd = self.get_argument("pwd",None) code = self.get_argument("checkcode",None) service = UserService() result = service.check_login(user=username,email=email,pwd=pwd) #obj封装了所有的用户信息,UserModel对象 if result and code.upper() == self.session["CheckCode"].upper(): self.session['username'] = result.username self.redirect("/ProvinceManager.html") else: self.write("alert('error')")
3.Model 逻辑处理层
- 建模
- 接口
- 协调
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #建模 from Infrastructure.DI.Meta import DIMetaClass class VipType: VIP_TYPE = ( {'nid': 1, 'caption': '铜牌'}, {'nid': 2, 'caption': '银牌'}, {'nid': 3, 'caption': '金牌'}, {'nid': 4, 'caption': '铂金'}, ) def __init__(self, nid): self.nid = nid def get_caption(self): caption = None for item in VipType.VIP_TYPE: if item['nid'] == self.nid: caption = item['caption'] break return caption caption = property(get_caption) class UserType: USER_TYPE = ( {'nid': 1, 'caption': '用户'}, {'nid': 2, 'caption': '商户'}, {'nid': 3, 'caption': '管理员'}, ) def __init__(self, nid): self.nid = nid def get_caption(self): caption = None for item in UserType.USER_TYPE: if item['nid'] == self.nid: caption = item['caption'] break return caption caption = property(get_caption) class UserModel: def __init__(self, nid, username,password, email, last_login, user_type_obj, vip_type_obj): self.nid = nid self.username = username self.email = email self.password = password self.last_login = last_login self.user_type_obj = user_type_obj self.vip_type_obj = vip_type_obj
class IUserRepository: def fetch_one_by_user(self,user,pwd): """ 根据用户名和密码获取对象 :param user: :param pwd: :return: """ def fetch_one_by_email(self, user, pwd): """ 根据邮箱和密码获取对象 :param user: :param pwd: :return: """
class UserService(metaclass=DIMetaClass): def __init__(self, user_repository): """ :param user_repository: 数据仓库对象 """ self.userRepository = user_repository def check_login(self,user,email,pwd): if user: #数据仓库执行SQL后返回的字典 #{"nid":1,username:xxx,vip:2,usertype:1} ret = self.userRepository.fetch_one_by_user(user,pwd) else: ret = self.userRepository.fetch_one_by_email(email,pwd) return ret
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #数据表创建 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import Column from sqlalchemy import Integer, Integer, CHAR, VARCHAR, ForeignKey, Index, DateTime, DECIMAL, TEXT from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, relationship from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:123@", max_overflow=5) Base = declarative_base() class Province(Base): """ 省 """ __tablename__ = 'province' nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) caption = Column(VARCHAR(16), index=True) class City(Base): """ 市 """ __tablename__ = 'city' nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) caption = Column(VARCHAR(16), index=True) province_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('province.nid')) class County(Base): """ 县(区) """ __tablename__ = 'county' nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) caption = Column(VARCHAR(16), index=True) city_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('city.nid')) class UserInfo(Base): """ 用户信息 """ __tablename__ = 'userinfo' nid = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) USER_TYPE = ( {'nid': 1, 'caption': '用户'}, {'nid': 2, 'caption': '商户'}, {'nid': 3, 'caption': '管理员'}, ) user_type = Column(Integer) VIP_TYPE = ( {'nid': 1, 'caption': '铜牌'}, {'nid': 2, 'caption': '银牌'}, {'nid': 3, 'caption': '金牌'}, {'nid': 4, 'caption': '铂金'}, ) vip = Column(Integer) username = Column(VARCHAR(32)) password = Column(VARCHAR(64)) email = Column(VARCHAR(64)) last_login = Column(DateTime) ctime = Column(DateTime) __table_args__ = ( Index('ix_user_pwd', 'username', 'password'), Index('ix_email_pwd', 'email', 'password'), )
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from Model.User import IUserRepository from Model.User import UserModel from Model.User import UserType from Model.User import VipType from Repository.Admin.DbConnection import DbConnection class UserRepository(IUserRepository): def __init__(self): self.db_conn = DbConnection() def fetch_one_by_email(self, email, password): ret = None cursor = self.db_conn.connect() sql = """select nid,username,password,email,last_login,vip,user_type from userinfo where email=%s and password=%s""" cursor.execute(sql, (email, password)) db_result = cursor.fetchone() self.db_conn.close() print(type(db_result), db_result) if db_result: ret = UserModel(nid=db_result['nid'], username=db_result['username'], password=db_result['password'], email=db_result['email'], last_login=db_result['last_login'], user_type_obj=UserType(nid=db_result['user_type']), vip_type_obj=VipType(nid=db_result['vip']),) return ret return db_result def fetch_one_by_user(self, username, password): ret = None cursor = self.db_conn.connect() sql = """select nid,username,password,email,last_login,vip,user_type from userinfo where username=%s and password=%s""" cursor.execute(sql, (username, password)) db_result = cursor.fetchone() self.db_conn.close() if db_result: #建模,将usermodel对象返回给上一层调用者,因为要向用户展示的user_type不可能为1,2这些数据而应该是相对的caption ret = UserModel(nid=db_result['nid'], username=db_result['username'], password=db_result['password'], email=db_result['email'], last_login=db_result['last_login'], user_type_obj=UserType(nid=db_result['user_type']), vip_type_obj=VipType(nid=db_result['vip']),) return ret return db_result
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #依赖注入 class DIMapper: __mapper_dict = {} @staticmethod def inject(cls, arg): if cls not in DIMapper.__mapper_dict: DIMapper.__mapper_dict[cls] = arg @staticmethod def get_mappers(): return DIMapper.__mapper_dict class DIMetaClass(type): def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # 获取配置的对应的对象,携带进入 obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) mapper_dict = DIMapper.get_mappers() if cls in mapper_dict: cls.__init__(obj, mapper_dict[cls]) else: cls.__init__(obj, *args, **kwargs) return obj
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 依赖注入绑定 from Infrastructure.DI import Meta from Model.User import UserService from Repository.Admin.UserRepository import UserRepository Meta.DIMapper.inject(UserService,UserRepository())
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