public function marchOpponents()
$rstep = Yii::$app->params[‘ratingStep’];//(随机范围)
$m= $this->streak*$rstep;//根据连败取人数
$c = GmPlayerRating::find()->where(“rating > :rating”,[‘:rating’=>$this->rating])->count();//分数所在排名
Yii::error(“gid “.$this->gid.” 排名 “.$c );
if ($c<$m)//如50名 要取6连胜后的-10-0名
Yii::error(” c < m “);
}else {//否则取开头 如取3连胜则取 20-30区间
$m = $c-$m;
$sql = “select gid from gm_player_rating where gid !=:uid and protect_tm<:nowtm order by rating desc limit :m,:n”;
$values = [‘:uid’=>$this->gid,‘:nowtm’=>time(),‘:m’=>$m,‘:n’=>$rsN];
$res = $db->createCommand($sql)->bindValues($values)
// if ($this->streak > 0 && count($res==0)){//连胜 取高分,上方无人
// $sql = “select gid from gm_player_rating where protect_tm<:nowtm order by rating desc limit :n”;
// $values = [‘:nowtm’=>time(),':n’=>$rstep];
// $res = $db->createCommand($sql)->bindValues($values)
// ->queryAll();
// }
if ($this->streak < 0 && count($res)==0){//连败取低分,下方无人
$sql = “select gid from gm_player_rating where gid !=:uid and protect_tm<:nowtm order by rating asc limit :n”;
$values = [‘:uid’=>$this->gid,‘:nowtm’=>time(),‘:n’=>$rsN];
$res = $db->createCommand($sql)->bindValues($values)
// echo “count rest:”.count($res);
if ($res==“” || count($res)==0)
return 0;
// print_r($rx);
return $rx[‘gid’];
///核心 elo 算法内容计算期望值
public static function eloRatingScore($pa,$pb,$win=1)
{//按照rating 获取期望所得的声望值
$Ea = 1/(1+pow(10, ($Rb-$Ra)/400));
// $Eb = 1/(1+pow(10, ($Ra-$Rb)/400));
$rssss=(1 – $Ea);
if ($rssss<(1/Yii::$app->params[‘ratingK’]/2))$rssss=0;
$RSa = intval(Yii::$app->params[‘ratingK’] *$rssss);
if ($win==-1) $RSa = intval(Yii::$app->params[‘ratingK’] * (0 – $Ea));
return $RSa;