


                    <th scope="col" width="1%">Formula</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="1%">Service Year</th>
                    <th width="12%">JobGrade</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%">Period From</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%">Periond To</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="8%">Entitlement</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="8%">Acutual</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="25%">Taken</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="25%"></th>
                    for (int i = 0; i < jobgrades.size(); i++) {
                        Map map = (Map) jobgrades.get(i);
                        String nyear1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("nyear"));
                        String bdate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("bdate"));               //职级开始日期
                        String edate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("edate"));               //职级结束日期
                        String serviceyear = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("serviceyear"));   //已在职年数
                        String jobgrade1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("jobgrade"));        //职级

                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){

                        String zhijidays = zhijidays(serviceyear, jobgrade1);
                        String value = dataService.getValue(zhijidays);

                        int nyear = Integer.valueOf(nyear1);
                        int yeardays = 365;
                        if (nyear % 4 == 0 && nyear % 100 != 0 || nyear % 400 == 0) {
                            yeardays = 366;
                        double Acutual = 0;
                        Acutual =((addDays(edate) - addDays(bdate) + 1) / yeardays) * Integer.valueOf(value);

                    <td scope="row"><%=nyear%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=serviceyear%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=jobgrade1%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=bdate%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=edate%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=value%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(Acutual)%>
                    <td scope="row">
                            if (i==jobgrades.size()-1){
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){
                    } %>


     * 获取对应职级的年假天数
    public String zhijidays(String service, String job) {
        Integer intservice = Integer.valueOf(service);
        String dayssql = "";
        if (intservice <= 1) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=0 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 1 && intservice <= 3) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=1 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 3 && intservice <= 10) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=3 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 10) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=10 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        return dayssql;


     * 职级名称与id相互转化
    public String name(String name) {
//        DataService dataService = (DataService) BaseContext.getBean(request, "dataService");
//        String sql="SELECT id,objdesc FROM selectitem WHERE typeid = '2c923daf73e3322e0173e863c72f083e'";
//        List values = dataService.getValues(sql);
//        for (int i=0;i<values.size();i++){
//            Map map = (Map) values.get(i);
//            String ids = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("id"));
//            String objdesc = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("objdesc"));
//            System.out.println(ids+"==============================="+objdesc);
//        }
        if (name.equals("1")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0861";
        } else if (name.equals("2")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0862";
        } else if (name.equals("3")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0863";
        } else if (name.equals("4")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0864";
        } else if (name.equals("5")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0865";
        } else if (name.equals("6")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0866";
        } else if (name.equals("7")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0867";
        } else if (name.equals("8")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0868";
        } else if (name.equals("9")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0869";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0861")) {
            return "1";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0862")) {
            return "2";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0863")) {
            return "3";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0864")) {
            return "4";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0865")) {
            return "5";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0866")) {
            return "6";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0867")) {
            return "7";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0868")) {
            return "8";
        } else {
            return "9";


     * 获取一年中每个职级对应的年假数
    public double everyzhiji(String nyear1,String bdate,String edate,String value){
        int nyear = Integer.valueOf(nyear1);
        int yeardays = 365;
        if (nyear % 4 == 0 && nyear % 100 != 0 || nyear % 400 == 0) {
            yeardays = 366;
        double Acutual = ((addDays(edate) - addDays(bdate)+1) / yeardays) * Integer.valueOf(value);
        return Acutual;


     * 获取对应日期的天数
     * @param date
     * @return
    private double addDays(String date) {
        Date date1 = null;
        try {
            date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(date);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
        SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM");
        SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd");
        double year = Double.valueOf(sdf0.format(date1)); //
        double month = Double.valueOf(sdf1.format(date1)); //
        double days = Double.valueOf(sdf2.format(date1)); ////定义数组,这里2月的天数取28,假设是平年。
        int[] Day = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

        if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0) {
            Day[1] = 29;
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < month - 1; i++) {
            sum += Day[i];
        return sum + days;



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<%@ include file="/vbase/init.jsp" %>
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<%@ page import="com.velcro.workflow.workflow.service.WorkflowbaseService" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.workflow.workflow.model.Workflowbase" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.base.util.StringHelper" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.humres.base.service.HumresService" %>
<%@ page import="java.net.URLEncoder" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.kernel.humres.base.service.IHumresService" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.kernel.base.IDataService" %>
<%@ page import="java.text.ParseException" %>
<%@ page import="java.math.BigDecimal" %>
<%@ page import="com.sun.tools.jdi.ReferenceTypeImpl" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.workflow.pipe.service.ExtendJspService" %>
<%@ page import="com.velcro.workflow.AbstractWorkflowService" %>

    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
    //String Year= String.valueOf(today.get(Calendar.YEAR));
    //String lastYear=String.valueOf(today.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1);
    //  String lastYear=sdf.format();

    DataService dataService = (DataService) BaseContext.getBean(request, "dataService");
    String selectDate = StringHelper.null2String(request.getParameter("selectDate"));
    String lidate = StringHelper.null2String(request.getParameter("lidate"));
    String action = StringHelper.null2String(request.getParameter("lidateaction"));
    IHumresService humresService = (IHumresService) BaseContext.getBean(request, "humresService");
    String humresid = StringHelper.null2String(request.getParameter("humresid"));
    if (humresid.equals("")) {
        humresid = currentuser.getId();

    if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(lidate)){
        String quitdateNum=dataService.getValue("select count(*) from quitdate where humresid='"+humresid+"'");
        if (quitdateNum.equals("0")){
            dataService.executeSql("insert into quitdate(id,humresid,date) values(replace(uuid(),'-',''),'"+humresid+"','"+lidate+"')");
        }else {
            dataService.executeSql("update quitdate set date='"+lidate+"' where humresid='"+humresid+"'");

    if (StringHelper.isEmpty(lidate) && action.equals("qc")){
        dataService.executeSql("delete from quitdate where humresid='"+humresid+"'");
//    String quitdate=dataService.getValue("select count(*) from quitdate where humresid='"+humresid+"'");

    String quitdate=dataService.getValue("select date from quitdate where humresid='"+humresid+"'");

    IHumres humres = (IHumres) humresService.getHumresById(humresid);
    String humresname = humres.getObjname();

    if (selectDate.equals("")) {
        selectDate = sdf.format(today.getTime());
    String year = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(selectDate.substring(0, 4)));
    String yeah = selectDate.substring(0, 4);
    String lastyear = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(selectDate.substring(0, 4)) - 1);
    String beforlastyear = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(selectDate.substring(0, 4)) - 2);
    System.out.println("year====" + year + "beforlastyear===" + beforlastyear + "====lastyear=====" + lastyear);

    <script src="/vjs/base/InputMsg.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<form name="VelcroForm" id="VelcroForm" aciton="">
    <div class="bBac" style="margin-left:3%;">
            <button id="button_wb-search" class="btn btn-primary ladda-button" onclick="onSubmit()" type="button">
                <span class="ladda-label">搜索</span></button>
            <button id="button_wb-search1" class="btn btn-primary ladda-button" onclick="daying()" type="button" target="_blank">
                <span class="ladda-label">打印</span></button>
                if (currentuser.getId().equals("5a91c68456c08fad0156c4aba61e0056") || currentuser.getId().equals("402881e70be6d209010be75668750014")){

            <button id="button_wb-search1" class="btn btn-primary ladda-button" onclick="NewFile()" type="button" target="_blank">
                <span class="ladda-label">编辑离职日期</span></button>
    <div style="margin-left:5%;margin-right: 5%;">
            <div class="sTab">
                <%--WdatePicker({ dateFmt: 'yyyy', minDate: '1900', maxDate: '2099' })--%>
                    <%--<td><input size="5" type="text"--%>
                    <%--onclick="WdatePicker({ dateFmt: 'yyyy', minDate: '1900', maxDate: '2099' })"--%>
                    <%--placeholder="<%=selectDate%>" id="selectDate" name="selectDate" value="<%=year%>"/></td>--%>
                        <select id="selectDate" name="selectDate">
                            <!-- 是 -->
                                String selectitemListSql = "SELECT s.id AS id,s.objname AS nameid,l.labelname AS names FROM selectitem s LEFT JOIN label l ON " +
                                        " s.objname = l.id WHERE s.typeid='8ae8e83a58dcc91a0158ddb5760d0391' AND l.labelname>2019 and s.pid IS NULL ORDER BY names";
                                List selectitemList = dataService.getValues(selectitemListSql);
                                String yearsid = "";
                                String newyearsid = "";
                                for (int n = 0; n < selectitemList.size(); n++) {
                                    Map selectMap = (Map) selectitemList.get(n);
                                    String names = (String) selectMap.get("names");
                                    if (!names.equals("2020")){
                            <option <%if (names.equals(year)) { %>
                                            newyearsid = (String) selectMap.get("id");
                                            int h = n - 1;
                                            String lastid = "";
                                            if (n != 0) {
                                                lastid = (String) ((Map) (selectitemList.get(h))).get("id");
                                            yearsid = lastid;
                                        } %>
                    <td class="input-group">
                        <input id="humresid" name="humresid" type="hidden" value="<%=humresid%>">
                        <input class="form-control" id="humresid_span"
                               type="text" value="<%=humresname%>">
                        <button class="icoR iRSin btn btn-primary"
                                type="button" style="right: 33px;">
                <div style="margin-left:80%;">
                    <img src="/vcss/images/logo1.png" width="75%">

            <table id="eTab" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout:fixed;">
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="3" width="4%">Staff No.</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="3" width="13%">Staff Name</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="3" width="15%">DOJ</th>
                    <th scope="col" colspan="11">Leaves taken in <%=year%>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="3" width="5%">remarks</th>

                    <th scope="col" colspan="2" width="30%">Leave Date</th>
                    <th scope="col" colspan="5" width="46%">Annual Leave</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="2" width="6%">Sick Leave</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="2" width="6%">Wedding Leave</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="2" width="6%">Nopay Leave</th>
                    <th scope="col" rowspan="2" width="6%">Others</th>

                    <th width="20%">From</th>
                    <th width="20%">To</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%"><%=lastyear%> Balance</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%"><%=year%> Entitlement</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%"><%=year%> Actual Entitlement</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%"><%=year%>  Taken</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%"><%=year%>Actual Balance</th>
                    String jobgradeSql = "select * from humreslevellist where field001='" + humresid + "' and nyear='" + yeah + "' order by bdate";
                    List jobgrades = dataService.getValues(jobgradeSql);
                    double sum = 0;
                    double days = 0;
                    String Entitlements = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < jobgrades.size(); i++) {
                        Map map = (Map) jobgrades.get(i);
                        String nyear1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("nyear"));
                        String bdate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("bdate"));               //职级开始日期
                        String edate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("edate"));               //职级结束日期
                        String serviceyear = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("serviceyear"));   //已在职年数
                        String jobgrade1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("jobgrade"));        //职级
                        String zhijidays = zhijidays(serviceyear, jobgrade1);
                        String value = dataService.getValue(zhijidays);

                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){

                        double Acutual = everyzhiji(nyear1,bdate,edate,value);  //职级对应的年假数
                        sum += math(Acutual);    //计算一年实际获取年假总和

                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){
//                        double entitlement = Double.valueOf(value);            //每类职级对应的年假数
//                        if (days != entitlement) {
//                            if (i == 0) {
//                                Entitlements += "" + (int) entitlement + "";
//                            } else {
//                                Entitlements += "/" + (int) entitlement;
//                            }
//                            days = entitlement;
//                        }


                     * 上一年员工年假剩余天数
                    String lastyears = "";
                    if (!yearsid.equals("")) {
                        lastyears = dataService.getValue("SELECT surplustime FROM uft9c2x01609814704081 "+
                                " WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM uft9c2x01609814704081 WHERE years='" +
                                yearsid + "' AND humresid='" + humresid + "' AND yearstype='a')");
                    if (lastyears.equals("")) {
                        lastyears = "0";

                    String lastyearb = "";
                    if (!yearsid.equals("")) {
                        lastyearb = dataService.getValue("select surplustime from uft9c2x01609814704081 where years='" +
                                yearsid + "' and humresid='" + humresid + "' and yearstype='b'");
                    if (lastyearb.equals("")) {
                        lastyearb = "0";
                    <td scope="row"><%=humres.getExttextfield0()%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=humres.getObjname()%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=humres.getExtdatefield0()%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=lastyears%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(sum)%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>

                    String selectSql = "select * from ufe2u6z01347003295281 where field001='" + humresid + "' " +
                            "and field005 >= '" + yeah + "-03-01' and field005 < '" + (Integer.valueOf(yeah) + 1) +
                            "-03-01' and requestid IN (SELECT id FROM workflowbase WHERE isdelete=0) order by field005";
                    List values = dataService.getValues(selectSql);

                    String selectSqllast = "select * from ufe2u6z01347003295281 where field001='" + humresid + "' " +
                            "and field005 >= '" + yeah + "-01-01' and field005 < '" + yeah + "-03-01' "+
                            " and requestid IN (SELECT id FROM workflowbase WHERE isdelete=0) order by field005";
                    List lastjia = dataService.getValues(selectSqllast);
                    //List lastdateid = new ArrayList();

                    double TakenSum = 0;
                    double SickLeaveSum = 0;
                    double WeddingLeaveSum = 0;
                    double NopayLeaveSum = 0;
                    double OthersSum = 0;
                    double takens = 0;
                    double takenb = 0;
                    if (!lastyears.equals("")) {
                        takens = Double.valueOf(lastyears);
                    if (!lastyearb.equals("")) {
                        takenb = Double.valueOf(lastyearb);
                    double ActualEntitlement = sum+ takens;
                    double ActualBalance = sum + takens;

                    double sumds = 0;
                    sumds = sum + takens;
                    double oneyear=0;
                    //ActualEntitlement = math(ActualEntitlement);
                    //ActualBalance = math(ActualBalance);
                    if (math(takenb)<0){
                        String selectSqllastyear = "select * from ufe2u6z01347003295281 where field001='" + humresid + "' " +
                                "and field005 >= '" + (Integer.valueOf(yeah) - 1) + "-01-01' and field005 <= '" + (Integer.valueOf(yeah) - 1) + "-12-31' "+
                                " and requestid IN (SELECT id FROM workflowbase WHERE isdelete=0) order by field005 desc";
                        List lastjiayear = dataService.getValues(selectSqllastyear);
                        for (int i = 0; i < lastjiayear.size(); i++) {
                            Map map = (Map) lastjiayear.get(i);
                            String field005 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field005"));  //请假开始日期
                            String field007 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field007"));  //请假结束日期
                            String field013 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field013"));  //请假天数
                            String field003 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field003"));  //请假类别
                            String requestid = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("requestid"));
                            String field021 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field021"));

                            String Taken = "0";
                            String SickLeave = "";
                            String WeddingLeave = "";
                            String NopayLeave = "";
                            String Others = "";
                            if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                                if ((-math(takenb))>=math(Double.valueOf(field013))){
                                    Taken = field013;
                                }else if ((-math(takenb))>0 && (-math(takenb))<math(Double.valueOf(field013))){
                                    Taken = (-math(takenb))+"";
                                ActualBalance = ActualEntitlement - Double.valueOf(Taken);
                                if (ActualBalance < 0) {
                                    ActualBalance = 0;
                                    Taken = math(ActualEntitlement) +"";
                                TakenSum += math(Double.valueOf(Taken));

                            if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230045")) {
                                SickLeave = field013;
                                SickLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(SickLeave);
                                SickLeaveSum = math(SickLeaveSum);
                            } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230049")) {
                                WeddingLeave = field013;
                                WeddingLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(WeddingLeave);
                                WeddingLeaveSum = math(WeddingLeaveSum);
                            } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a23004c")) {
                                Others = field013;
                                OthersSum += Double.valueOf(Others);
                                OthersSum = math(OthersSum);
                            } else if (!field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                                NopayLeave = field013;
                                NopayLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(NopayLeave);

                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row">
                            if (currentuser.getId().equals("5a91c68456c08fad0156c4aba61e0056")){

                        <a href="/ServiceAction/com.velcro.workflow.workflow.servlet.WfViewAction?workflowid=<%=requestid%>" target="_blank">编辑</a>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field005%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field007%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualEntitlement)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Taken%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualBalance)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=SickLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=WeddingLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=NopayLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Others%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field021%>
                            ActualEntitlement = ActualBalance;
                            if (takenb==0){
                    for (int i = 0; i < lastjia.size(); i++) {
                        Map map = (Map) lastjia.get(i);
                        String field005 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field005"));  //请假开始日期
                        String field007 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field007"));  //请假结束日期
                        String field013 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field013"));  //请假天数
                        String field003 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field003"));  //请假类别
                        String requestid = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("requestid"));
                        String field021 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field021"));
                        String id = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("id"));

                        String Taken = "0";
                        String SickLeave = "";
                        String WeddingLeave = "";
                        String NopayLeave = "";
                        String Others = "";

                        if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                            if (math(takenb)>=math(Double.valueOf(field013))){
                                Taken = "0";
                            }else if (math(takenb)>0 && math(takenb)<math(Double.valueOf(field013))){
                                Taken = math(Double.valueOf(field013)-takenb)+"";
                            }/*else if (math(takenb)<0){
                            }*/else {
                                Taken = field013;
                            if (isDate(field005) >=isDate(yeah+"-01-01") && isDate(field005) <=isDate(yeah+"-12-31")){
                                oneyear+= Double.valueOf(Taken);
                            ActualBalance = ActualEntitlement - Double.valueOf(Taken);
                            if (ActualBalance < 0) {
                                ActualBalance = 0;
                                Taken = math(ActualEntitlement) +"";
                            TakenSum += math(Double.valueOf(Taken));

                        if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230045")) {
                            SickLeave = field013;
                            SickLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(SickLeave);
                            SickLeaveSum = math(SickLeaveSum);
                        } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230049")) {
                            WeddingLeave = field013;
                            WeddingLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(WeddingLeave);
                            WeddingLeaveSum = math(WeddingLeaveSum);
                        } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a23004c")) {
                            Others = field013;
                            OthersSum += Double.valueOf(Others);
                            OthersSum = math(OthersSum);
                        } else if (!field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                            NopayLeave = field013;
                            NopayLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(NopayLeave);
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row">
                            if (currentuser.getId().equals("5a91c68456c08fad0156c4aba61e0056")){

                        <a href="/ServiceAction/com.velcro.workflow.workflow.servlet.WfViewAction?workflowid=<%=requestid%>" target="_blank">编辑</a>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field005%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field007%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualEntitlement)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Taken%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualBalance)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=SickLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=WeddingLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=NopayLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Others%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field021%>
                        ActualEntitlement = ActualBalance;
                    } %>
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
                        Map map = (Map) values.get(i);
                        String field005 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field005"));  //请假开始日期
                        String field007 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field007"));  //请假结束日期
                        String field013 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field013"));  //请假天数
                        String field003 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field003"));  //请假类别
                        String requestid = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("requestid"));
                        String field021 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("field021"));
                        String id = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("id"));

                        String Taken = "0";
                        String SickLeave = "";
                        String WeddingLeave = "";
                        String NopayLeave = "";
                        String Others = "";

//                        if (takens>0){
                        if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                            Taken = field013;
                            if (isDate(field005) >=isDate(yeah+"-01-01") && isDate(field005) <=isDate(yeah+"-12-31")){
                                oneyear+= Double.valueOf(Taken);
                            ActualBalance = ActualEntitlement - Double.valueOf(Taken);
                            if (ActualBalance < 0) {
                                ActualBalance = 0;
                                Taken = math(ActualEntitlement) +"";
                            TakenSum += math(Double.valueOf(Taken));

//                        }

                        if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230045")) {
                            SickLeave = field013;
                            SickLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(SickLeave);
                            SickLeaveSum = math(SickLeaveSum);
                        } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230049")) {
                            WeddingLeave = field013;
                            WeddingLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(WeddingLeave);
                            WeddingLeaveSum = math(WeddingLeaveSum);
                        } else if (field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a23004c")) {
                            Others = field013;
                            OthersSum += Double.valueOf(Others);
                            OthersSum = math(OthersSum);
                        } else if (!field003.equals("ff80808133a4ca6e0133a4df1a230047")) {
                            NopayLeave = field013;
                            NopayLeaveSum += Double.valueOf(NopayLeave);

                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row">
                            if (currentuser.getId().equals("5a91c68456c08fad0156c4aba61e0056")){

                        <a href="/ServiceAction/com.velcro.workflow.workflow.servlet.WfViewAction?workflowid=<%=requestid%>" target="_blank">编辑</a>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field005%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field007%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualEntitlement)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Taken%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualBalance)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=SickLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=WeddingLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=NopayLeave%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=Others%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=field021%>
                        ActualEntitlement = ActualBalance;
                    } %>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row">Total:</td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(TakenSum)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualBalance)%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=SickLeaveSum%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=WeddingLeaveSum%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=NopayLeaveSum%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=OthersSum%>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    if (isDate(yeah+"-01-01")>=isDate("2020-01-01")){
                        List intyear = dataService.getValues("select * from uft9c2x01609814704081 where yearstype='b' and years='"+newyearsid+"' "+
                                " and humresid='"+humresid+"'");
                        if (intyear.isEmpty()){
                            dataService.executeSql("insert into uft9c2x01609814704081(id,requestid,nodeid,humresid,years,surplustime,yearstype)"+
                                    " values (replace(uuid(),'-',''),'2c923daf7838c1610178a6211ca0295d','2c923daf76b7d9e30176d079a1c01309',"+
                        }else {
                            dataService.executeSql("update uft9c2x01609814704081 set surplustime='"+math(sumds-oneyear)+"' "+
                                    " where yearstype='b' and years='"+newyearsid+"' and humresid='"+humresid+"'");
//                    dataService.executeSql("update uft9c2x01609814704081 set surplustime='"+math(sum-oneyear)+"' "+
//                            " where requestid='2c923daf7838c1610178a6211ca0295d' and humresid='"+humresid+"'");
//                    dataService.executeSql("insert into uft9c2x01609814704081(id,requestid,nodeid,humresid,years,surplustime,yearstype)"+
//                            " values (replace(uuid(),'-',''),'2c923daf7838c1610178a6211ca0295d','2c923daf76b7d9e30176d079a1c01309',"+
//                            "'"+humresid+"','8ae8e83a58dcc91a0158ddb654c703a9','"+math(sum-oneyear)+"','b')");

            <table id="eTab" cellspacing="0">
                    <th scope="col" width="1%">Formula</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="1%">Service Year</th>
                    <th width="12%">JobGrade</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%">Period From</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="10%">Periond To</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="8%">Entitlement</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="8%">Acutual</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="25%">Taken</th>
                    <th scope="col" width="25%"></th>
                    for (int i = 0; i < jobgrades.size(); i++) {
                        Map map = (Map) jobgrades.get(i);
                        String nyear1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("nyear"));
                        String bdate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("bdate"));               //职级开始日期
                        String edate = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("edate"));               //职级结束日期
                        String serviceyear = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("serviceyear"));   //已在职年数
                        String jobgrade1 = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("jobgrade"));        //职级

                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){

                        String zhijidays = zhijidays(serviceyear, jobgrade1);
                        String value = dataService.getValue(zhijidays);

                        int nyear = Integer.valueOf(nyear1);
                        int yeardays = 365;
                        if (nyear % 4 == 0 && nyear % 100 != 0 || nyear % 400 == 0) {
                            yeardays = 366;
                        double Acutual = 0;
                        Acutual =((addDays(edate) - addDays(bdate) + 1) / yeardays) * Integer.valueOf(value);

                    <td scope="row"><%=nyear%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=serviceyear%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=jobgrade1%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=bdate%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=edate%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=value%>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(Acutual)%>
                    <td scope="row">
                            if (i==jobgrades.size()-1){
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                        if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(quitdate)){
                            if ((isDate(quitdate)>=isDate(bdate)) && (isDate(quitdate)<=isDate(edate))){
                    } %>
                    <td scope="row">剩余假期</td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"></td>
                    <td scope="row"><%=math(ActualBalance)%>
                    <td scope="row">
                    <td scope="row">
<div style="display: none">
    <div id="openwin" title="编辑离职日期" style="overflow: hidden;">
        <script src="/vjs/base/Validator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <form name="dates" id="dates" aciton="">
            <div class="vTab">
                        <th>离职日期</th><!-- 联系人 -->
                        <%--<td><input type="text" id="lidate" name="lidate" />--%>
                            <input name="lidate" id="lidate" type="hidden" value="<%=quitdate%>">
                            <input name="lidatespan" id="lidatespan" style="width: 295px;" readonly="readonly" onchange="changeDate('lidate')" type="text" value="<%=quitdate%>">
                            <button class="icoR iRDat" id="button_lidate" onclick="javascript:getdate(event,'lidate','lidatespan','0');" type="button"></button>
                            <input name="form_need_check" disabled="disabled" id="form_need_check_lidatespan" required="false" type="hidden" value="lidatespan" requiredfield="false" datatype="date('yyyy-MM-dd')">
                            <input name="lidateaction" id="lidateaction" type="hidden" value="qc">
                            <input name="selectDate" id="selectDate" type="hidden" value="<%=selectDate%>">
                            <input name="humresid" id="humresid" type="hidden" value="<%=humresid%>">
            <div style="float: right;" class="bBac">
                <div class="fMid">
                    <button class="btn" accessKey="S" onclick="onconfirm()"><%=labelService.getLabelName(locale,"402881eb0bcbfd19010bcc6e71870022") %></button>
     * 向上取一位小数
    public double math(double t) {
        BigDecimal bigDecimal2 = new BigDecimal(t).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);//向上取小数点后两位数
        t = bigDecimal2.doubleValue();
        BigDecimal bigDecimal1 = new BigDecimal(t).setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
        t = bigDecimal1.doubleValue();
        return t;

     * 获取时间值,用于进行时间比较
    public long isDate(String Date) throws ParseException {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Date parse = sdf.parse(Date);
        long time = parse.getTime();
        return time;

     * 获取对应职级的年假天数
    public String zhijidays(String service, String job) {
        Integer intservice = Integer.valueOf(service);
        String dayssql = "";
        if (intservice <= 1) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=0 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 1 && intservice <= 3) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=1 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 3 && intservice <= 10) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=3 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        } else if (intservice > 10) {
            dayssql = "select field003 from ufa0p7g41597332545253 where " +
                    " requestid='402880e978492dea017849f7f7690009' and field004=10 " +
                    " and field001='" + name(job) + "'";
        return dayssql;

     * 获取对应日期的天数
     * @param date
     * @return
    private double addDays(String date) {
        Date date1 = null;
        try {
            date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(date);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf0 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
        SimpleDateFormat sdf1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM");
        SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd");
        double year = Double.valueOf(sdf0.format(date1)); //
        double month = Double.valueOf(sdf1.format(date1)); //
        double days = Double.valueOf(sdf2.format(date1)); ////定义数组,这里2月的天数取28,假设是平年。
        int[] Day = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

        if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0) {
            Day[1] = 29;
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < month - 1; i++) {
            sum += Day[i];
        return sum + days;

     * 职级名称与id相互转化
    public String name(String name) {
//        DataService dataService = (DataService) BaseContext.getBean(request, "dataService");
//        String sql="SELECT id,objdesc FROM selectitem WHERE typeid = '2c923daf73e3322e0173e863c72f083e'";
//        List values = dataService.getValues(sql);
//        for (int i=0;i<values.size();i++){
//            Map map = (Map) values.get(i);
//            String ids = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("id"));
//            String objdesc = StringHelper.null2String(map.get("objdesc"));
//            System.out.println(ids+"==============================="+objdesc);
//        }
        if (name.equals("1")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0861";
        } else if (name.equals("2")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0862";
        } else if (name.equals("3")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0863";
        } else if (name.equals("4")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0864";
        } else if (name.equals("5")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0865";
        } else if (name.equals("6")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0866";
        } else if (name.equals("7")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0867";
        } else if (name.equals("8")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0868";
        } else if (name.equals("9")) {
            return "2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0869";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0861")) {
            return "1";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0862")) {
            return "2";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0863")) {
            return "3";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0864")) {
            return "4";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0865")) {
            return "5";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0866")) {
            return "6";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0867")) {
            return "7";
        } else if (name.equals("2c923daf73e3322e0173e87e327c0868")) {
            return "8";
        } else {
            return "9";

     * 获取一年中每个职级对应的年假数
    public double everyzhiji(String nyear1,String bdate,String edate,String value){
        int nyear = Integer.valueOf(nyear1);
        int yeardays = 365;
        if (nyear % 4 == 0 && nyear % 100 != 0 || nyear % 400 == 0) {
            yeardays = 366;
        double Acutual = ((addDays(edate) - addDays(bdate)+1) / yeardays) * Integer.valueOf(value);
        return Acutual;

    function onSubmit() {

    function daying() {
        a=$("#selectDate option:selected").val();
        c = $('#VelcroForm').serialize();

    function NewFile() {
            modal : true,
            width : "400",
            height : "130"
    function onconfirm() {
        //var fileName = document.getElementById("lidate").value; //文件名
        //alert("fileName:" + fileName);



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