ATG教程-DEV1 Charpter1: Getting Started, Chapter2: Components

Developing ATG Applications Part I

Using ATG Repositories, Scenario PersonalizationSM and the Dynamo Application Framework


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Document Version

Developing ATG Applications Part I v1.1 Revision Date: 26-Sep-03 Print date: 19-May-11


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Exercise Setup. 2

Background. 2

Solutions Module. 2

Chapter 1: Getting Started. 3

   Exercise 1: Creating a J2EE web application module. 3

   Exercise Objective. 3

   Problem Statement. 3

   Guided Instruction. 3

Chapter 2: Components. 8

   Catching Up. 8

   Exercise 1: Modifying component configurations. 8

      Exercise Objective. 8

      Problem Statement. 8

      Guided Instruction. 8

   Exercise 2: Creating a component. 9

      Exercise Objective. 9

      Problem Statement. 9

      Guided Instruction. 10

Exercise Setup


The <atgdir> symbolic folder that this document makes frequent reference to is the location of the top-level ATG folder; e.g. D:\ATG

All the files that you will need to complete these exercises can be found in the Developing ATG Applications course folder, <atgdir>\training\dev1.

Directory structure:


docs contains documentation

examples contains sample code

setup contains files need to setup the course

solutions contains individual solution files for the exercises

src contains any source code or starter files you will need for each exercise

Solutions Module

A final solution module for the course labs is provided in a folder called final solution, located in the solutions folder.

Chapter 1: Getting Started

Exercise 1: Creating a J2EE web application module

Exercise Objective

After completing this exercise, you will be able to start ATG and the ATG Control Center (ACC), and create and start a new ATG project.

Problem Statement

Use the ACC to create a new J2EE web application called “Dynamusic”. All lab work for this course will be contained in this application, a music sharing site. To start, the application will consist of a set of static html “mockup” pages that will be provided for you.

Some of the exercises in this document use and build upon several baseline components that have been provided in a module called “Dynamusic-Base”. The module that you will create in this exercise to contain your Dynamusic web application will have a dependency upon this module. Do not worry too much about the contents of Dynamusic-Base at this time as this document will describe these baseline components as needed to complete the individual exercises.

Guided Instruction
Start Solid, ATG, and the ATG Control Center (ACC)

1. Start the SOLID database process by selecting: Start > Programs > ATG 9.1 > ATG Consumer Commerce > 1. Start SOLID Server.

2. Start ATG by selecting: Start > Programs > ATG 9.1 > ATG Consumer Commerce > 2. Start ATG 9.1.

3. Wait for ATG to start up. This may take a minute or so. You will know ATG has completely initialized when you see Nucleus Running displayed in the ATG logging window.


4. Use a browser to navigate to http://localhost:8080/PioneerCycling and verify that you are brought to the Pioneer Cycling application. Take a few minutes to explore this reference application for the ATG Relationship Management platform.

5. Start the ACC by selecting: Start > Programs > ATG 9.1 > Tools > ATG Control Center. When prompted, enter “admin” / “admin” as the User Name / Password.

6. Download and unzip it. Create a folder called ‘Dynamusic’ under ATG installation folder (e.g. The folder is like D:\ATG\ATG9.1\Dynamusic).

7. Install new plug-in: Open eclipse, select Help – Install New Software…


Click ‘Add’ button. Input Name(ATG) and Location Click OK.


Click ‘Next’ and ‘Finish’ until installation succeed. Restart Eclipse.

8. Open ATG perspective: windows – Open Perspective – Other – Choose ATG

Dynamusic dependency on module Dynamusic-Base

9. The Dynamusic-Base is a required module to provide support functionality for the application that will be created in the lab exercises. To install this module:

a. Make sure the DYNAMO_HOME is set to the <atgdir>\ATG9.1\home

b. Execute the <atgdir>\training\dev1\setup\setup_dev1.bat

Create a new J2EE Application

10. New – New ATG Module . Input project name and ATG installation location.


Click ‘Next’ button.


Select ATG Adaptive Scenario Engine and click ‘Remove’ button.


Click ‘Next’ button and click ‘Add’. Choose additional required module ‘Dynamusic-Base’. Click ‘OK’.


Click ‘Next’ button and then ‘Next’ button.

Create the J2EE Web Application

11. Input j2ee application name, web application name and context root. Select target application server.

12. Click ‘Finish’ button to finish creation.


Test your new application

13. Stop ATG jboss.

14. Close the ACC by selecting Exit from the File menu.

15. Start ATG manually, using the new Dynamusic module.

Open a cmd prompt window and enter the following commands:

cd %DYNAMO_HOME%\bin

startDynamoOnJBoss –m Dynamusic

16. Wait for Nucleus Running to be displayed in the ATG logging window.

17. Visit http://localhost:8080/dynamusic and verify that your welcome file, dynamusic-web Test JSP Page, is displayed.

Bookmark the ATG Documentation in your browser

18. Locate the ATG Documentation set by selecting: Start > Programs > ATG9.1 > Documentation > ATG Dynamo Documentation. This page provides access to the various ATG guides which will be useful to you in this class.

19. Open the Dynamo Programming Guide and the API Reference and bookmark these pages for quick access.

Chapter 2: Components

Catching Up

Successful completion of the Chapter 1 exercises is required to complete the exercises in the rest of the course. If you were unable to finish the previous exercise, copy the Dynamusic module from <atgdir>/training/dev1/solutions/chapter01 to <atgdir>/ATG9.1/Dynamusic.

Exercise 1: Modifying component configurations

Exercise Objective

After completing this exercise, you will be able to modify component configurations via properties files.

Problem Statement

Create a Dynamusic specific configuration file and set Dynamusic as the default configuration layer for component modifications made via the ACC. In addition, set the default SMTP email “from” address to an application specific value for Dynamusic.

Guided Instruction
Create a new file and add it to the Dynamusic module

1. Use a text editor to create a file in the config folder of the Dynamusic module (i.e. <atgplatform>\Dynamusic\config\

2. Set the name and defaultForUpdates properties as follows:


A true defaultForUpdates property value tells the ACC that any component configuration changes should be saved in this configuration layer. The name property tells the ACC how to label this configuration layer when displaying a components configuration in the Configuration tab or “Set Update Layer for Properties Files”.

3. In addition to turning on default updating for Dynamusic, you have to turn off default updating for the localconfig layer. Edit <atgdir>\ATG9.1\home\localconfig\ and change defaultForUpdates to false, and save the file.

4. Restart ATG to pick up the new values. You can restart ATG or by typing Ctrl-C twice in the Command Prompt window, and hitting the up arrow to return to the previous command line. (You will need to restart ATG frequently throughout the rest of the exercises.)

5. Make sure you see Nucleus Running in the ATG logging window before proceeding!

Modify the /atg/dynamo/service/SMTPEmail component

6. In the ACC, select Pages and Components > Components by Path.

7. Open the /atg/dynamo/service/SMTPEmail component and change the configured value of the defaultFrom property to ““.

8. Save your changes clip_image017. When asked whether you want to change the component’s live value, select No. (In subsequent exercises, you will usually say Yes to this question, but for this exercise you should explore the difference between Live and Configured values.)

9. Note the different values in the “Configured Value” and “Live Value” columns of the component properties window.


10. Use a text editor to open the file <ATG9.1>\Dynamusic\config\atg\dynamo\service\ and observe that your new property value has been recorded.

11. Restart ATG.

12. From the ACC, open the SMTPEmail component and verify that your change has been recognized and that the live configuration value is now set to your new value.

Exercise 2: Creating a component

Exercise Objective

After completing this exercise, you will be able to create components based on existing Java classes.

Problem Statement

Create a component to hold a list of featured songs.

Guided Instruction
Create a new component based on a custom class

A custom class called dynamusic.FeaturedSongs, which includes a songs String array property, has been provided in the Dynamusic-Base module.

1. From the ACC select Components by Path. Select dynamusic from the configuration hierarchy.


2. Create a new component by selecting the new component clip_image020 button. Select the Generic Component template.

3. Base your globally scoped component on the dynamusic.FeaturedSongs class. Name your component FeaturedSongs. (On this screen you can also choose a directory in which to put the component; be sure to confirm that your dynamusic directory is selected, otherwise the resulting component will be created in an incorrect folder.)

4. Add your own list of featured songs using the songs property. Select the ellipses clip_image021 button to enter your array of song titles. Click OK when done.

5. Set the loggingDebug property to true.

6. Save your changes clip_image017[1].

7. Hit the start clip_image022 button to load the component into the live configuration.

8. Examine the ATG logging window and verify that debug output for the FeaturedSongs component is displayed.

9. Use your Windows Explorer to open the <ATG9.1dir>\Dynamusic\config\dynamusic folder and locate the file. Open the file and observe your setting. (If you cannot locate the properties file under your Dynamusic directory, check under < ATG9.1dir >\home\localconfig. If you find it there, it means that your defaultForUpdates line is not configured properly.)

posted on 2011-05-19 11:44  Eason Jiang  阅读(1265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
