11 2009 档案
摘要:see :http://www.licenturion.com/xp/fully-licensed-wpa.txtThe automatic WFP daemon is fine, but you may run into occasions when you would like toperform a signature scan yourself. Two utilities are ava...
摘要:see also:维基百科:英特尔微处理器列表Intel® Processor Identification UtilityWhat processors are supported?The table below shows which identification tool is recommended for use with each of the Intel® pro...
摘要:see also:How Interactive Logon WorksLSA工作过程概述1.winlogon从用户处手机登录身份凭据2.lsass获取这些身份凭据,并在kerberos或者NTLM的帮助下使用这些凭据来验证用户身份3.LSASS构建一个访问令牌,它定义用户的访问权限和系统权限4.安全性参考监视器(security reference Monitor,SRM)将这个令牌与对象的安全...
摘要:Using Exchange Server 2003 Stress Tools in a Test LabTopic Last Modified: 2009-04-02 This article will help you test an enterprise Microsoft® Exchange Server2003 environment in a non-production t...
摘要:Exchange Server Soft and Hard RecoveryTopic Last Modified: 2005-12-15 By Mike Lee.This article goes into details about rules for hard and soft recovery and how they work. As we depend on soft and hard...
摘要:Exchange Store MaintenanceTopic Last Modified: 2007-04-03 By Jeremy KellyThis article contains details about Microsoft® Exchange Server store maintenance tasks. If tasks apply to only some versio...
摘要:The tool scans the mailbox store to ensure that all of the mailboxes have associated domain accounts. If they do not then the mailbox is marked with a red cross, and eventually deleted. Once the red c...
摘要:Deleted Item Recovery and Deleted Mailbox Recovery --This article describes how to use the Deleted Item Retension and Deleted Mailbox Retension feature in Exchange 2000. Published: Jan 22, 2003 Upd...
摘要:The Account Lockout policy has 3 variables: Account lockout thresholdThe number of log on attempts a user can make before the account is locked.Reset account lockout counter after The time that must e...