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Exchange 的information storage 会dismount当每日例行检查数据库大小超过制定的警告值的时候。


Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store
Event Category: General
Event ID: 9690
Date:  05.08.2008
Time:  05:00:34
User:  N/A
Computer: CXCHINA02
Exchange store 'First Administrative Group\Mailbox Store (CXCHINA02)': The logical size of this database (the logical size equals the physical size of the .edb file and the .stm file minus the logical free space in each) is 18 GB. This database size has exceeded the size limit of 18 GB.

This database will be dismounted immediately.

For more information, click http://www.microsoft.com/contentredirect.asp.



修改注册表相关值:见Database Size Limit Configuration and Management

然后重新启动Information storage服务


posted on 2008-09-26 17:56  岌岌可危  阅读(226)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报