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Event Type:      Error

Event Source:   Application Management

Event Category:            None

Event ID:          108

Date:                3/22/2007

Time:                10:52:37 AM

User:                NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

Computer:         CHCSWS50


Failed to apply changes to software installation settings.  Software
changes could not be applied.  A previous log entry with details should
exist.  The error was : The installation source for this product is not
available.  Verify that the source exists and that you can access it. 
Event Type:      Error

Event Source:   Application Management

Event Category:            None

Event ID:          102

Date:                3/22/2007

Time:                10:52:36 AM

User:                NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

Computer:         CHCSWS50


The install of application Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003
from policy CHCS Office 2003 Pro Ent Install Policy (TCCHCC SDP) failed.
The error was : The installation source for this product is not
available.  Verify that the source exists and that you can access it. 
Are you sure you have permissions setup correctly on the shares? Keep in
mind GP software assignments process under the machine account. Trying
giving explicit access to the "Domain Computers" group and see if that

Packages Assigned to Computers with Group Policy Are Not Installed

If that doesn't work you may be experiencing a race condition with Group
Policy trying to process before the network is up. There are a few
things you can try that may help out with that, but since Office is
installing okay, I could be wrong.

1.      Configure the GpNetworkStartTimeoutPolicyValue setting (KB840669
<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840669> )
2.      Disable Media Sense for TCP/IP (KB326152
<http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;326152> )
3.      Disable Fast Logon Optimization on Windows XP clients (ie.
"Always wait for network at computer startup and logon"). (KB305293
<http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q305293/> )

If that doesn't help either, you should enable logging for both the
Application Management CSE <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/246509/>
and Windows Installer <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314852/en-us> .
That may give you some more clues as to what is going on.


 had added the Domain Computers group to the
permissions on the installation folder, but had failed to add the group to
the Share Permissions. Here is a neat trick to check machine permissions:
Start a command prompt using the machine account with the AT command.
Example, if the time is 10:45a, the do this: AT 10:46a /interactive "cmd.exe"

When the prompt opens then do a DIR on the share to see if the machine
account can access it.
posted on 2008-04-10 12:22  岌岌可危  阅读(275)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报