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Windows Small Business Server 2003 安装程序为 Exchange 邮箱设置以下缺省配额:

达到该限度时发出警告 (KB): 175000

达到该限度时禁止发送和接收 (KB): 200000
“The value for 'Issue warning at (KB)' is not valid. Specify a value from 0 through 2097151.”
用ADSIEdit 工具修改邮箱存储限制.

Using ADSIEdit to Modify System Policies Mailbox Storage Limits

  1. Add ADSIEdit to the MMC and bind to the domain using the Configuration well known naming context.
  2. Navigate to the Services Container, MicrosoftExchange, ExchangeOrgName, AdministrativeGroups, AdministrativeGroupName, & click on the Policies folder.
  3. In the right hand side of the ADSIEdit window find the name of the policy you want to modify and double click on it.
  4. Scroll through the list of attributes until you see the attribute you want to modify, the attributes in question are:
    mDBStorageQuota: Issue warning at (KB)
    mDBOverQuotaLimit: Prohibit Send at (KB)
    mDBOverHardQuotaLimit: Prohibit Send and Receive at (KB)
  5. Double click the attribute you are going to modify and enter a size limit of your choice, keep in mind that limits are in KB, once you are finished simply close ADSIEdit and you are done.


Using ADSIEdit to Modify Mailbox Storage Limits on a Single User

  1. Add ADSIEdit to the MMC and bind to the domain using the Domain well known naming context.
  2. Navigate to the location of the user account that you want to modify.
  3. In the right hand side of the ADSIEdit window find the name of the policy you want to modify and double click on it.
  4. Scroll through the list of attributes until you see the attribute you want to modify, the attributes in question are:
    mDBStorageQuota: Issue warning at (KB)
    mDBOverQuotaLimit: Prohibit Send at (KB)
    mDBOverHardQuotaLimit: Prohibit Send and Receive at (KB)
  5. Double click the attribute you are going to modify and enter a size limit of your choice, keep in mind that limits are in KB, once you are finished simply close ADSIEdit and you are done.
posted on 2006-09-28 17:09  岌岌可危  阅读(652)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报