completed solution matches microsoft sequential workflow tutorial
microsoft sequential workflow tutorial website:
after reading this tutorial,i found three bugs:
1.the name of workflow project is the same as a class file name,both of them named "ExpenseReportWorkflow",which can cause compilction failed。
for example:
this.rejectEvent.InterfaceType = typeof(ExpenseReportWorkflow.IExpenseReportService);
please modify any of them;
2.the attribute of the interface IExpenseReportService should be ExternalDataExchangeAttribute
[ExternalDataExchangeAttribute] public interface IExpenseReportService { /// <summary> /// host appliation implements the Methods which will be called by workflow /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> void GetLeadApproval(string message); void GetManagerApproval(string message); /// <summary> /// 用于通知工作流特定的事件已经发生 /// 例如用户在界面中点击了同意按钮 /// </summary> event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> ExpenseReportApproved; event EventHandler<ExternalDataEventArgs> ExpenseReportRejected; }
3.for running this demo continuously,you'd better modify the submitButton_Click method as below:
if (properties.ContainsKey("Amount")) { //properties.Add("Amount", Int32.Parse(this.amount.Text)); properties["Amount"] = Int32.Parse(this.amount.Text); } else properties.Add("Amount", Int32.Parse(this.amount.Text)); Type type =typeof(ExpenseReportWorkflowProject.ExpenseReportWorkflow); this.workflowInstance = workflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow(type, properties); this.workflowInstance.Start();
finally,u can download the completed solution here
posted on 2014-01-28 17:16 我每天都在进步o(∩_∩)o... 阅读(312) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报