appium ios 问题总结

1. 真机和模拟器 安装包区别

  在真机中安装: 签名过的ipa文件,模拟器中安装:不能用签名过的ipa,需要时后缀为.app的安装包,具体原因请search


2. 模拟器 打开inspector后 应用不断闪退,打开再闪退

  app path中可能使用了签名后的安装包


3. 真机 打开inspector后,应用不断闪退,打开再闪退

  Are the following 3 conditions satisfied?

  1. The application package is signed with a developer key.
  2. The developer key is listed in a provisioning profile file that's been signed by Apple.
  3. The provisioning profile is installed to the device.

  It's also good to check that the "Enable UI Automation" option is turned on under the device settings.


4. Encountered internal error running command: Error: Installing us.zoom.meetingnow failed.

  check ideviceinstaller, try "ideviceinstall -l" ,check whether listing applications in your ios device.


posted @ 2016-09-20 15:55  仙羡1118  阅读(554)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报