Penrose连接Mysql解决方案--Mysql 设置
The following are the instructions to setup the sample database. The instructions were written for MySQL 4.x, but you can use other database systems.
Make sure you have a MySQL server running on your local machine. Create a MySQL database called "penrose_demo". Exececute the following commands inside a MySQL client:
create database penrose_demo;
Create a MySQL user called "penrose" with password "penrose". Exececute the following commands inside a MySQL client:
grant all privileges on *.* to 'penrose'@'<hostname>' identified by 'penrose' with grant option;
grant all privileges on *.* to 'penrose'@'localhost' identified by 'penrose' with grant option;
grant all privileges on *.* to 'penrose'@'%' identified by 'penrose' with grant option;
Change the <hostname> with your machine name.
Populate the database with the SQL script provided in PENROSE_HOME/samples/sql. Exececute the following commands inside a MySQL client:
use penrose_demo;
source PENROSE_HOME/samples/sql/example.sql;
The script was written for MySQL 4.x. If you are using a different database system, you might need to modify the script.