

















消息的发送通过NIOConnection.deliver(Packet packet)实现。






 * Routing table that stores routes to client sessions, outgoing server sessions

 * and components. As soon as a user authenticates with the server its client session

 * will be added to the routing table. Whenever the client session becomes available

 * or unavailable the routing table will be updated too.<p>


 * When running inside of a cluster the routing table will also keep references to routes

 * hosted in other cluster nodes. A {@link RemotePacketRouter} will be use to route packets

 * to routes hosted in other cluster nodes.<p>


 * Failure to route a packet will end up sending {@link IQRouter#routingFailed(JID, Packet)},

 * {@link MessageRouter#routingFailed(JID, Packet)} or {@link PresenceRouter#routingFailed(JID, Packet)}

 * depending on the packet type that tried to be sent.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Manages and directs server message auditing behavior. Turning on

 * all auditing options can produce copious amounts of data and

 * significantly slow the server as it saves the data to persistent storage.<p>


 * Auditing currently saves audit data to a raw XML file

 * which can later be processed and mined for information.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * A simple service that allows components to retrieve a roster based solely on the ID

 * of the owner. Users have convenience methods for obtaining a roster associated with

 * the owner. However there are many components that need to retrieve the roster

 * based solely on the generic ID owner key. This interface defines a service that can

 * do that. This allows classes that generically manage resource for resource owners

 * (such as presence updates) to generically offer their services without knowing or

 * caring if the roster owner is a user, chatbot, etc.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Loads and manages plugins. The <tt>plugins</tt> directory is monitored for any

 * new plugins, and they are dynamically loaded.


 * <p>An instance of this class can be obtained using:</p>


 * <tt>XMPPServer.getInstance().getPluginManager()</tt>


 * @author Matt Tucker

 * @see Plugin

 * @see org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer#getPluginManager()





 * The presence manager tracks on a global basis who's online. The presence

 * monitor watches and reports on what users are present on the server, and

 * in other jabber domains that it knows about. The presence manager does

 * not know about invisible users (they are invisible).


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Manages the sessions associated with an account. The information

 * maintained by the Session manager is entirely transient and does

 * not need to be preserved between server restarts.


 * @author Derek DeMoro




 * A router that handles incoming packets. Packets will be routed to their

 * corresponding handler. A router is much like a forwarded with some logic

 * to figute out who is the target for each packet.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Routes iq packets throughout the server. Routing is based on the recipient

 * and sender addresses. The typical packet will often be routed twice, once

 * from the sender to some internal server component for handling or processing,

 * and then back to the router to be delivered to it's final destination.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * <p>Route message packets throughout the server.</p>

 * <p>Routing is based on the recipient and sender addresses. The typical

 * packet will often be routed twice, once from the sender to some internal

 * server component for handling or processing, and then back to the router

 * to be delivered to it's final destination.</p>


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * <p>Route presence packets throughout the server.</p>

 * <p>Routing is based on the recipient and sender addresses. The typical

 * packet will often be routed twice, once from the sender to some internal

 * server component for handling or processing, and then back to the router

 * to be delivered to it's final destination.</p>


 * @author Iain Shigeoka





 * Router of packets with multiple recipients. Clients may send a single packet with multiple

 * recipients and the server will broadcast the packet to the target receipients. If recipients

 * belong to remote servers, then this server will discover if remote target servers support

 * multicast service. If a remote server supports the multicast service, a single packet will be

 * sent to the remote server. If a remote server doesn't the support multicast

 * processing, the local server sends a copy of the original stanza to each address.<p>


 * The current implementation will only search up to the first level of nodes of remote servers

 * when trying to find out if remote servers have support for multicast service. It is assumed

 * that it is highly unlikely for servers to have a node in the second or third depth level

 * providing the multicast service. Servers should normally provide this service themselves or

 * at least as a first level node.


 * This is an implementation of <a href=>

 * JEP-0033: Extended Stanza Addressing</a>


 * @author Matt Tucker




 * In-memory implementation of the packet transporter service.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * In-memory implementation of the packet deliverer service


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Routes packets to the appropriate transport gateway or drops the packet.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Controls what is done with offline messages.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Represents the user's offline message storage. A message store holds messages that were

 * sent to the user while they were unavailable. The user can retrieve their messages by

 * setting their presence to "available". The messages will then be delivered normally.

 * Offline message storage is optional, in which case a null implementation is returned that

 * always throws UnauthorizedException when adding messages to the store.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka





 * Manages VCard information for users.


 * @author Matt Tucker





 * Binds a resource to the stream so that the client's address becomes a full JID. Once a resource

 * has been binded to the session the entity (i.e. client) is considered a "connected resource".

 * <p>

 * Clients may specify a desired resource but if none was specified then the server will create

 * a random resource for the session. The new resource should be in accordance with ResourcePrep.

 * The server will also verify if there are previous sessions from the same user that are already

 * using the resource specified by the user. Depending on the server configuration the old session

 * may be kicked or the new session may be rejected.</p>


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Activate client sessions once resource binding has been done. Clients need to active their

 * sessions in order to engage in instant messaging and presence activities. The server may

 * deny sessions activations if the max number of sessions in the server has been reached or

 * if a user does not have permissions to create sessions.<p>


 * Current implementation does not check any of the above conditions. However, future versions

 * may add support for those checkings.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:auth protocol (plain only). Clients

 * use this protocol to authenticate with the server. A 'get' query

 * runs an authentication probe with a given user name. Return the

 * authentication form or an error indicating the user is not

 * registered on the server.<p>


 * A 'set' query authenticates with information given in the

 * authentication form. An authenticated session may reset their

 * authentication information using a 'set' query.


 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the XMPP Ping as defined by XEP-0199. This protocol offers an

 * alternative to the traditional 'white space ping' approach of determining the

 * availability of an entity. The XMPP Ping protocol allows pings to be

 * performed in a more XML-friendly approach, which can be used over more than

 * one hop in the communication path.


 * @author Guus der Kinderen

 * @see <a href="">XEP-0199:XMPP Ping</a>




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:private protocol. Clients

 * use this protocol to store and retrieve arbitrary application

 * configuration information. Using the server for setting storage

 * allows client configurations to follow users where ever they go.

 * <p>

 * A 'get' query retrieves any stored data.

 * A 'set' query stores new data.

 * </p>

 * <p>

 * Currently an empty implementation to allow usage with normal

 * clients. Future implementation needed.

 * </p>

 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * There should be a way of determining whether a session has

 * authorization to access this feature. I'm not sure it is a good

 * idea to do authorization in each handler. It would be nice if

 * the framework could assert authorization policies across channels.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka





 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:register protocol (plain only). Clients

 * use this protocol to register a user account with the server.

 * A 'get' query runs a register probe to obtain the fields needed

 * for registration. Return the registration form.

 * A 'set' query attempts to create a new user account

 * with information given in the registration form.

 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).

 * <h2>Compatibility</h2>

 * The current behavior is designed to emulate jabberd1.4. However

 * this behavior differs significantly from JEP-0078 (non-SASL registration).

 * In particular, authentication (IQ-Auth) must return an error when a user

 * request is made to an account that doesn't exist to trigger auto-registration

 * (JEP-0078 explicitly recommends against this practice to prevent hackers

 * from probing for legitimate accounts).


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:roster protocol. Clients

 * use this protocol to retrieve, update, and rosterMonitor roster

 * entries (buddy lists). The server manages the basics of

 * roster subscriptions and roster updates based on presence

 * and iq:roster packets, while the client maintains the user

 * interface aspects of rosters such as organizing roster

 * entries into groups.

 * <p>

 * A 'get' query retrieves a snapshot of the roster.

 * A 'set' query updates the roster (typically with new group info).

 * The server sends 'set' updates asynchronously when roster

 * entries change status.

 * </p>

 * <p>

 * Currently an empty implementation to allow usage with normal

 * clients. Future implementation needed.</p>

 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * There should be a way of determining whether a session has

 * authorization to access this feature. I'm not sure it is a good

 * idea to do authorization in each handler. It would be nice if

 * the framework could assert authorization policies across channels.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:time protocol (time info) as

 * as defined by JEP-0090. Allows Jabber entities to query each

 * other's local time.  The server will respond with its local time.

 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the time request is addressed to itself.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ time requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * There should be a way of determining whether a session has

 * authorization to access this feature. I'm not sure it is a good

 * idea to do authorization in each handler. It would be nice if

 * the framework could assert authorization policies across channels.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * This IQ handler implements XEP-0202: Entity Time.




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ vcard-temp protocol. Clients

 * use this protocol to set and retrieve the vCard information

 * associated with someone's account.

 * <p>

 * A 'get' query retrieves the vcard for the addressee.

 * A 'set' query sets the vcard information for the sender's account.

 * </p>

 * <p>

 * Currently an empty implementation to allow usage with normal

 * clients. Future implementation needed.

 * </p>

 * <h2>Assumptions</h2>

 * This handler assumes that the request is addressed to the server.

 * An appropriate TYPE_IQ tag matcher should be placed in front of this

 * one to route TYPE_IQ requests not addressed to the server to

 * another channel (probably for direct delivery to the recipient).

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * There should be a way of determining whether a session has

 * authorization to access this feature. I'm not sure it is a good

 * idea to do authorization in each handler. It would be nice if

 * the framework could assert authorization policies across channels.

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * I have noticed incompatibility between vCard XML used by Exodus and Psi.

 * There is a new vCard standard going through the JSF JEP process. We might

 * want to start either standardizing on clients (probably the most practical),

 * sending notices for non-conformance (useful),

 * or attempting to translate between client versions (not likely).


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:version protocol (version info). Allows

 * XMPP entities to query each other's application versions.  The server

 * will respond with its current version info.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the TYPE_IQ jabber:iq:last protocol (last activity). Allows users to find out

 * the number of seconds another user has been offline. This information is only available to

 * those users that already subscribed to the users presence. Otherwhise, a <tt>forbidden</tt>

 * error will be returned.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Implements the presence protocol. Clients use this protocol to

 * update presence and roster information.

 * <p>

 * The handler must properly detect the presence type, update the user's roster,

 * and inform presence subscribers of the session's updated presence

 * status. Presence serves many purposes in Jabber so this handler will

 * likely be the most complex of all handlers in the server.</p>

 * <p>

 * There are four basic types of presence updates:</p>

 * <ul>

 * <li>Simple presence updates - addressed to the server (or to address), these updates

 * are properly addressed by the server, and multicast to

 * interested subscribers on the user's roster. An empty, missing,

 * or "unavailable" type attribute indicates a simple update (there

 * is no "available" type although it should be accepted by the server.

 * <li>Directed presence updates - addressed to particular jabber entities,

 * these presence updates are properly addressed and directly delivered

 * to the entity without broadcast to roster subscribers. Any update type

 * is possible except those reserved for subscription requests.

 * <li>Subscription requests - these updates request presence subscription

 * status changes. Such requests always affect the roster.  The server must:

 * <ul>

 * <li>update the roster with the proper subscriber info

 * <li>push the roster changes to the user

 * <li>forward the update to the correct parties.

 * </ul>

 * The valid types include "subscribe", "subscribed", "unsubscribed",

 * and "unsubscribe".

 * <li>XMPPServer probes - Provides a mechanism for servers to query the presence

 * status of users on another server. This allows users to immediately

 * know the presence status of users when they come online rather than way

 * for a presence update broadcast from the other server or tracking them

 * as they are received.  Requires S2S capabilities.

 * </ul>

 * <h2>Warning</h2>

 * There should be a way of determining whether a session has

 * authorization to access this feature. I'm not sure it is a good

 * idea to do authorization in each handler. It would be nice if

 * the framework could assert authorization policies across channels.


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements the presence protocol. Clients use this protocol to

 * update presence and roster information.

 * <p>

 * The handler must properly detect the presence type, update the user's roster,

 * and inform presence subscribers of the session's updated presence

 * status. Presence serves many purposes in Jabber so this handler will

 * likely be the most complex of all handlers in the server.

 * </p>

 * <p>

 * There are four basic types of presence updates:

 * </p>

 * <ul>

 * <li>Simple presence updates - addressed to the server (or to address), these updates

 * are properly addressed by the server, and multicast to

 * interested subscribers on the user's roster. An empty, missing,

 * or "unavailable" type attribute indicates a simple update (there

 * is no "available" type although it should be accepted by the server.

 * <li>Directed presence updates - addressed to particular jabber entities,

 * these presence updates are properly addressed and directly delivered

 * to the entity without broadcast to roster subscribers. Any update type

 * is possible except those reserved for subscription requests.

 * <li>Subscription requests - these updates request presence subscription

 * status changes. Such requests always affect the roster.  The server must:

 * <ul>

 * <li>update the roster with the proper subscriber info

 * <li>push the roster changes to the user

 * <li>forward the update to the correct parties.

 * </ul>

 * The valid types include "subscribe", "subscribed", "unsubscribed",

 * and "unsubscribe".

 * <li>XMPPServer probes - Provides a mechanism for servers to query the presence

 * status of users on another server. This allows users to immediately

 * know the presence status of users when they come online rather than way

 * for a presence update broadcast from the other server or tracking them

 * as they are received.  Requires S2S capabilities.

 * </ul>


 * @author Iain Shigeoka




 * Implements JEP-0013: Flexible Offline Message Retrieval. Allows users to request number of

 * messages, request message headers, retrieve specific messages, remove specific messages,

 * retrieve all messages and remove all messages.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * <p>

 * An {@link IQHandler} used to implement XEP-0163: "Personal Eventing via Pubsub"

 * Version 1.0

 * </p>


 * <p>

 * For each user on the server there is an associated {@link PEPService} interacting

 * with a single {@link PubSubEngine} for managing the user's PEP nodes.

 * </p>


 * <p>

 * An IQHandler can only handle one namespace in its IQHandlerInfo. However, PEP

 * related packets are seen having a variety of different namespaces. Thus,

 * classes like {@link IQPEPOwnerHandler} are used to forward packets having these other

 * namespaces to {@link IQPEPHandler#handleIQ(IQ)}.

 * <p>


 * <p>

 * This handler is used for the following namespaces:</p>

 * <ul>

 * <li><i></i></li>

 * <li><i></i></li>

 * </ul>


 * @author Armando Jagucki

 * @author Guus der Kinderen,




 * <p>

 * An {@link IQHandler} used to implement XEP-0163: "Personal Eventing via Pubsub"

 * Version 1.0

 * </p>


 * <p>

 * An IQHandler can only handle one namespace in its IQHandlerInfo. However, PEP

 * related packets are seen having a variety of different namespaces. This

 * handler is needed to forward IQ packets with the

 * <i>''</i> namespace to IQPEPHandler.

 * </p>


 * @author Armando Jagucki





 * Publishes Openfire information as a service using the Multicast DNS (marketed by Apple

 * as Rendezvous) protocol. This lets other nodes on the local network to discover

 * the name and port of Openfire.<p>


 * The multicast DNS entries published:<ul>

 *  <li>Client connections: type of "_xmpp-client._tcp.local.".

 *  <li>Component connections: type of "_xmpp-component._tcp.local.".

 * </ul>


 * @author Matt Tucker




 * Handler of IQ packets whose child element is "sharedgroup" with namespace

 * "". This handler will return the list of

 * shared groups where the user sending the request belongs.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * An AdHocCommandHandler is responsbile for providing discoverable information about the

 * supported commands and for handling commands requests. This is an implementation of JEP-50:

 * Ad-Hoc Commands.<p>


 * Ad-hoc commands that require user interaction will have one or more stages. For each stage the

 * user will complete a data form and send it back to the server. The data entered by the user is

 * kept in a SessionData. Instances of {@link AdHocCommand} are stateless. In order to prevent

 * "bad" users from consuming all system memory there exists a limit of simultaneous commands that

 * a user might perform. Configure the system property <tt>"xmpp.command.limit"</tt> to control

 * this limit. User sessions will also timeout and their data destroyed if they have not been

 * executed within a time limit since the session was created. The default timeout value is 10

 * minutes. The timeout value can be modified by setting the system property

 * <tt>"xmpp.command.timeout"</tt>.<p>


 * New commands can be added dynamically by sending the message {@link #addCommand(AdHocCommand)}.

 * The command will immediatelly appear in the disco#items list and might be executed by those

 * users with enough execution permissions.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * IQPrivacyHandler is responsible for handling privacy lists.


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Provides several utility methods for file transfer manager implementaions to utilize.


 * @author Alexander Wenckus




 * Manages the transfering of files between two remote entities on the jabber network.

 * This class acts independtly as a Jabber component from the rest of the server, according to

 * the Jabber <a href="">SOCKS5 bytestreams protocol</a>.


 * @author Alexander Wenckus




 * A proxy service for UDP traffic such as RTP. It provides Jingle transport candidates

 * to be used for media transmission. The media proxy is especially useful for users

 * behind NAT devices or firewalls that prevent peer to peer communication..


 * @author Thiago Camargo




 * Module that implements JEP-60: Publish-Subscribe. By default node collections and

 * instant nodes are supported.


 * @author Matt Tucker




 * IQDiscoInfoHandler is responsible for handling disco#info requests. This class holds a map with

 * the main entities and the associated DiscoInfoProvider. We are considering the host of the

 * recipient JIDs as main entities. It's the DiscoInfoProvider responsibility to provide information

 * about the JID's name together with any possible requested node.

 * <p>

 * For example, let's have in the entities map the following entries: "localhost" and

 * "conference.localhost". Associated with each entry we have different DiscoInfoProviders. Now we

 * receive a disco#info request for the following JID: "room@conference.localhost" which is a disco

 * request for a MUC room. So IQDiscoInfoHandler will look for the DiscoInfoProvider associated

 * with the JID's host which in this case is "conference.localhost". Once we have located the

 * provider we will delegate to the provider the responsibility to provide the info specific to

 * the JID's name which in this case is "room". Among the information that a room could provide we

 * could find its identity and the features it supports (e.g. 'muc_passwordprotected',

 * 'muc_unmoderated', etc.). Finally, after we have collected all the information provided by the

 * provider we will add it to the reply. On the other hand, if no provider was found or the provider

 * has no information for the requested name/node then a not-found error will be returned.</p>


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * IQDiscoItemsHandler is responsible for handling disco#items requests. This class holds a map with

 * the main entities and the associated DiscoItemsProvider. We are considering the host of the

 * recipient JIDs as main entities. It's the DiscoItemsProvider responsibility to provide the items

 * associated with the JID's name together with any possible requested node.

 * <p>

 * For example, let's have in the entities map the following entries: "localhost" and

 * "conference.localhost". Associated with each entry we have different DiscoItemsProvider. Now we

 * receive a disco#items request for the following JID: "room@conference.localhost" which is a disco

 * request for a MUC room. So IQDiscoItemsHandler will look for the DiscoItemsProvider associated

 * with the JID's host which in this case is "conference.localhost". Once we have located the

 * provider we will delegate to the provider the responsibility to provide the items specific to

 * the JID's name which in this case is "room". Depending on the implementation, the items could be

 * the list of existing occupants if that information is publicly available. Finally, after we have

 * collected all the items provided by the provider we will add them to the reply. On the other

 * hand, if no provider was found or the provider has no information for the requested name/node

 * then a not-found error will be returned.</p>

 * <p>

 * Publishing of client items is still not supported.

 * </p>


 * @author Gaston Dombiak




 * Service that frequently checks for new server or plugins releases. By default the service

 * will check every 48 hours for updates. Use the system property <tt>update.frequency</tt>

 * to set new values.

 * <p>

 * New versions of plugins can be downloaded and installed. However, new server releases

 * should be manually installed.</p>


 * @author Gaston Dombiak






 * Manages the registration and delegation of Components. The ComponentManager

 * is responsible for managing registration and delegation of {@link Component Components},

 * as well as offering a facade around basic server functionallity such as sending and

 * receiving of packets.<p>


 * This component manager will be an internal service whose JID will be component.[domain]. So the

 * component manager will be able to send packets to other internal or external components and also

 * receive packets from other components or even from trusted clients (e.g. ad-hoc commands).


 * @author Derek DeMoro




 * Provides centralized management of all configured Multi User Chat (MUC) services.


 * @author Daniel Henninger




 * Centralized administration of Clearspace connections. The {@link #getInstance()} method

 * should be used to get an instance. The following properties configure this manager:

 * <ul>

 * <li>clearspace.uri</li>

 * <li>clearspace.sharedSecret</li>

 * </ul>


 * @author Daniel Henninger





 * This handler manages XEP-0280 Message Carbons.


 * @author Christian Schudt





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