到http://www.billxu.com/friend/rms/rms.fsm.html这里看一下吧,Richard Stallman过着很清贫的生活,“Stallman衣着简朴,不追求物质享受,如果估量一下他全身上下的衣着、随身的背包,价值应该在100元人民币以内,而且这些衣物几乎都是朋友赠送 的。”“Stallman非常珍惜时间,在任何空闲的时间段都会拿出笔记本电脑来工作,在吃饭的时候、在排队的时候、在坐车的时候,只要有时间都会拿出笔记本来开始工 作。他用的是一部已经使用很久的IBM T23笔记本电脑,操作系统是Debian GNU/Linux,平时的工作都在控制台下完成,工作环境当然都是emacs,很少去X下面工作,我见过他切换到X下面一次,他的X下只运行着一个 Mozilla浏览器。”
真担心Richard Stallman一倒下,自由软件的大旗还有谁扛得起?
我想寻找这样一位女士:爱好广泛,对世界充满好奇心,能够清晰表达她的爱憎(我痛恨动脑筋猜测),乐于使男人着迷,渴望被温柔地爱,对于快乐、真 理、美和正义的评价高于“成功”。这样的话,我们就能不断对另一方产生热烈而又美好的了解,当我们被生活中其他东西吸引的时候,彼此就能感到宽容的温暖。
I'm a single atheist white man, 52, reputedly intelligent, with unusual interests in politics, science, music and dance.
I'd like to meet a woman with varied interests, curious about the world, comfortable expressing her likes and dislikes (I hate struggling to guess), delighting in her ability to fascinate a man and in being loved tenderly, who values joy, truth, beauty and justice more than "success"--so we can share bouts of intense, passionately kind awareness of each other, alternating with tolerant warmth while we're absorbed in other aspects of life.
My 22-year-old child, the Free Software Movement, occupies most of my life, leaving no room for more children, but I still have room to love a sweetheart. I spend a lot of my time traveling to give speeches, often to Europe, Asia and Latin America; it would be nice if you were free to travel with me some of the time.
If you are interested, write to rms at stallman dot org and we'll see where it leads.