Server Option and Variable Reference
The following table provides a list of all the command line options, server and status variables applicable within mysqld
The table lists command-line options (Cmd-line), options valid in configuration files (Option file), server system variables (System Var), and status variables (Status var) in one unified list, with notification of where each option/variable is valid. If a server option set on the command line or in an option file differs from the name of the corresponding server system or status variable, the variable name is noted immediately below the corresponding option. For status variables, the scope of the variable is shown (Scope) as either global, session, or both. Please see the corresponding sections for details on setting and using the options and variables. Where appropriate, a direct link to further information on the item as available.
Table 5.1. mysqld Option/Variable Summary
Name | Cmd-Line | Option file | System Var | Status Var | Var Scope | Dynamic |
abort-slave-event-count | Yes | Yes | ||||
Aborted_clients | Yes | Global | No | |||
Aborted_connects | Yes | Global | No | |||
allow-suspicious-udfs | Yes | Yes | ||||
ansi | Yes | Yes | ||||
auto_increment_increment | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
auto_increment_offset | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
autocommit | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
automatic_sp_privileges | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
back_log | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
basedir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
big-tables | Yes | Yes | Session | Yes | ||
- Variable: big_tables | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
bind-address | Yes | Yes | ||||
Binlog_cache_disk_use | Yes | Global | No | |||
binlog_cache_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Binlog_cache_use | Yes | Global | No | |||
binlog-do-db | Yes | Yes | ||||
binlog-format | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: binlog_format | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
binlog-ignore-db | Yes | Yes | ||||
binlog-row-event-max-size | Yes | Yes | ||||
bootstrap | Yes | Yes | ||||
bulk_insert_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Bytes_received | Yes | Both | No | |||
Bytes_sent | Yes | Both | No | |||
character_set_client | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character-set-client-handshake | Yes | Yes | ||||
character_set_connection | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character_set_database[a] | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character-set-filesystem | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: character_set_filesystem | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character_set_results | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character-set-server | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: character_set_server | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
character_set_system | Yes | Global | No | |||
character-sets-dir | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: character_sets_dir | Yes | Global | No | |||
chroot | Yes | Yes | ||||
collation_connection | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
collation_database[b] | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
collation-server | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: collation_server | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
Com_admin_commands | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_alter_db | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_alter_event | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_alter_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_analyze | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_backup_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_begin | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_call_procedure | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_change_db | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_change_master | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_check | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_checksum | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_commit | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_db | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_event | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_function | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_index | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_create_user | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_dealloc_sql | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_delete | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_delete_multi | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_do | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_db | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_event | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_function | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_index | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_drop_user | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_execute_sql | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_flush | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_grant | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_ha_close | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_ha_open | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_ha_read | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_help | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_insert | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_insert_select | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_kill | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_load | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_lock_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_optimize | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_preload_keys | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_prepare_sql | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_purge | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_purge_before_date | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_rename_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_repair | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_replace | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_replace_select | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_reset | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_restore_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_revoke | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_revoke_all | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_rollback | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_savepoint | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_select | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_set_option | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_binlog_events | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_binlogs | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_charsets | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_collations | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_column_types | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_create_db | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_create_event | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_create_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_databases | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_engine_logs | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_engine_mutex | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_engine_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_errors | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_events | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_fields | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_grants | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_innodb_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_keys | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_logs | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_master_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_ndb_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_new_master | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_open_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_plugins | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_privileges | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_processlist | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_profile | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_profiles | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_slave_hosts | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_slave_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_status | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_storage_engines | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_triggers | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_variables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_show_warnings | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_slave_start | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_slave_stop | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_close | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_execute | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_fetch | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_prepare | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_reprepare | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_reset | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_stmt_send_long_data | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_truncate | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_unlock_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_update | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_update_multi | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_commit | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_end | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_prepare | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_recover | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_rollback | Yes | Both | No | |||
Com_xa_start | Yes | Both | No | |||
completion_type | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Compression | Yes | Session | No | |||
concurrent_insert | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
connect_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Connections | Yes | Global | No | |||
console | Yes | Yes | ||||
core-file | Yes | Yes | ||||
Created_tmp_disk_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Created_tmp_files | Yes | Global | No | |||
Created_tmp_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
datadir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
date_format | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
datetime_format | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
debug | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
default-storage-engine | Yes | Yes | ||||
default-table-type | Yes | Yes | ||||
default-time-zone | Yes | Yes | ||||
default_week_format | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
defaults-extra-file | Yes | |||||
defaults-file | Yes | |||||
defaults-group-suffix | Yes | |||||
delay-key-write | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: delay_key_write | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
Delayed_errors | Yes | Global | No | |||
delayed_insert_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Delayed_insert_threads | Yes | Global | No | |||
delayed_insert_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
delayed_queue_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Delayed_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
des-key-file | Yes | Yes | ||||
disconnect-slave-event-count | Yes | Yes | ||||
div_precision_increment | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
enable-locking | Yes | Yes | ||||
enable-named-pipe | Yes | Yes | ||||
enable-pstack | Yes | Yes | ||||
engine-condition-pushdown | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: engine_condition_pushdown | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
error_count | Yes | Session | No | |||
event-scheduler | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: event_scheduler | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
exit-info | Yes | Yes | ||||
expire_logs_days | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
external-locking | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: skip_external_locking | ||||||
flush | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Flush_commands | Yes | Global | No | |||
flush_time | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
foreign_key_checks | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
ft_boolean_syntax | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ft_max_word_len | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
ft_min_word_len | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
ft_query_expansion_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
ft_stopword_file | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
gdb | Yes | Yes | ||||
general-log | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: general_log | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
general_log_file | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
group_concat_max_len | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Handler_commit | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_delete | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_discover | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_prepare | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_first | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_key | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_next | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_prev | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_rnd | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_read_rnd_next | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_rollback | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_savepoint | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_savepoint_rollback | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_update | Yes | Both | No | |||
Handler_write | Yes | Both | No | |||
have_archive | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_blackhole_engine | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_compress | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_crypt | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_csv | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_dynamic_loading | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_example_engine | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_federated_engine | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_geometry | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_innodb | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_isam | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_merge_engine | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_ndbcluster | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_openssl | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_partitioning | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_query_cache | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_raid | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_row_based_replication | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_rtree_keys | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_ssl | Yes | Global | No | |||
have_symlink | Yes | Global | No | |||
help | Yes | Yes | ||||
hostname | Yes | Global | No | |||
identity | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
ignore_builtin_innodb | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
init_connect | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
init-file | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: init_file | Yes | Global | No | |||
init_slave | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb | Yes | Yes | ||||
innodb_adaptive_hash_index | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_autoextend_increment | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_buffer_pool_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_checksums | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_commit_concurrency | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_concurrency_tickets | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_data_file_path | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_data_fsyncs | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_data_home_dir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_pending_reads | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_pending_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_read | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_reads | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_data_written | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_dblwr_pages_written | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_dblwr_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_doublewrite | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_fast_shutdown | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_file_io_threads | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_file_per_table | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_flush_method | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_force_recovery | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_lock_wait_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_arch_dir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_archive | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_file_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_files_in_group | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_log_group_home_dir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_log_waits | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_log_write_requests | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_log_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_max_purge_lag | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_mirrored_log_groups | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
innodb_open_files | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_os_log_fsyncs | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_os_log_pending_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_os_log_written | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_page_size | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_pages_created | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_pages_read | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_pages_written | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_rollback_on_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Innodb_row_lock_current_waits | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_row_lock_time | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_row_lock_time_avg | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_row_lock_time_max | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_row_lock_waits | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_rows_deleted | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_rows_inserted | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_rows_read | Yes | Global | No | |||
Innodb_rows_updated | Yes | Global | No | |||
innodb_stats_on_metadata | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_status_file | Yes | Yes | ||||
innodb_support_xa | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
innodb_sync_spin_loops | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_table_locks | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
innodb_thread_concurrency | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_thread_sleep_delay | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithm | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
insert_id | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
interactive_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
join_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
keep_files_on_create | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Key_blocks_not_flushed | Yes | Global | No | |||
Key_blocks_unused | Yes | Global | No | |||
Key_blocks_used | Yes | Global | No | |||
key_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
key_cache_age_threshold | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
key_cache_block_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
key_cache_division_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Key_read_requests | Yes | Global | No | |||
Key_reads | Yes | Global | No | |||
Key_write_requests | Yes | Global | No | |||
Key_writes | Yes | Global | No | |||
language | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
large_page_size | Yes | Global | No | |||
large-pages | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: large_pages | Yes | Global | No | |||
last_insert_id | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
Last_query_cost | Yes | Session | No | |||
lc_time_names | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
license | Yes | Global | No | |||
local_infile | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
local-infile | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: local_infile | ||||||
locked_in_memory | Yes | Global | No | |||
log | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
log_bin | Yes | Global | No | |||
log-bin | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
log-bin-index | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-bin-trust-function-creators | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_bin_trust_function_creators | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
log-bin-trust-routine-creators | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_bin_trust_routine_creators | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
log-error | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: log_error | Yes | Global | No | |||
log-isam | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-output | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_output | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
log-queries-not-using-indexes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_queries_not_using_indexes | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
log-short-format | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-slave-updates | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: log_slave_updates | Yes | Global | No | |||
log-slow-admin-statements | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-slow-queries | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_slow_queries | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
log-slow-slave-statements | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-tc | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-tc-size | Yes | Yes | ||||
log-warnings | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: log_warnings | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
long_query_time | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
low-priority-updates | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: low_priority_updates | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
lower_case_file_system | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
lower_case_table_names | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
master-bind | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ||
master-connect-retry | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-host | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-info-file | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-password | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-port | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-retry-count | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl-ca | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl-capath | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl-cert | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl-cipher | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-ssl-key | Yes | Yes | ||||
master-user | Yes | Yes | ||||
max_allowed_packet | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_binlog_cache_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max-binlog-dump-events | Yes | Yes | ||||
max_binlog_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max_connect_errors | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max_connections | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max_delayed_threads | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_error_count | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_heap_table_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_insert_delayed_threads | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
max_join_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_length_for_sort_data | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_prepared_stmt_count | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max_relay_log_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
max_seeks_for_key | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_sort_length | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_sp_recursion_depth | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_tmp_tables | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Max_used_connections | Yes | Global | No | |||
max_user_connections | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
max_write_lock_count | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
memlock | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
merge | Yes | Yes | ||||
min-examined-row-limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
multi_range_count | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
myisam-block-size | Yes | Yes | ||||
myisam_data_pointer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
myisam_max_sort_file_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
myisam-recover | Yes | Yes | ||||
myisam_recover_options | Yes | Global | No | |||
myisam_repair_threads | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
myisam_sort_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
myisam_stats_method | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
myisam_use_mmap | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
named_pipe | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb_autoincrement_prefetch_sz | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
ndb-batch-size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
ndb_cache_check_time | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ndb-cluster-connection-pool | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Ndb_cluster_node_id | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ndb_config_from_host | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ndb_config_from_port | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ndb_conflict_fn_max | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ndb_conflict_fn_old | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb-connectstring | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_execute_count | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb_extra_logging | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ndb_force_send | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
ndb_index_stat_cache_entries | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_index_stat_enable | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_index_stat_update_freq | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_log_empty_epochs | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ndb_log_orig | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb-log-update-as-write | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ndb_log_updated_only | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
ndb-mgmd-host | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb-nodeid | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Ndb_number_of_data_nodes | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb_optimization_delay | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
ndb_optimized_node_selection | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_pruned_scan_count | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb_report_thresh_binlog_epoch_slip | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_report_thresh_binlog_mem_usage | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_scan_count | Yes | Global | No | |||
ndb_table_no_logging | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
ndb_table_temporary | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
ndb_use_copying_alter_table | Yes | Both | No | |||
ndb_use_exact_count | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
ndb_use_transactions | Yes | Yes | ||||
ndb_wait_connected | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ||
ndbcluster | Yes | Yes | ||||
net_buffer_length | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
net_read_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
net_retry_count | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
net_write_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
new | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
no-defaults | Yes | |||||
Not_flushed_delayed_rows | Yes | Global | No | |||
old | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
old-alter-table | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: old_alter_table | ||||||
old-passwords | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: old_passwords | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
old-style-user-limits | Yes | Yes | ||||
one-thread | Yes | Yes | ||||
Open_files | Yes | Global | No | |||
open-files-limit | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: open_files_limit | Yes | Global | No | |||
Open_streams | Yes | Global | No | |||
Open_table_definitions | Yes | Global | No | |||
Open_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
Opened_files | Yes | Global | No | |||
Opened_table_definitions | Yes | Both | No | |||
Opened_tables | Yes | Both | No | |||
optimizer_prune_level | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
optimizer_search_depth | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
optimizer_switch | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
pid-file | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: pid_file | Yes | Global | No | |||
plugin_dir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
plugin-load | Yes | Yes | ||||
port | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
port-open-timeout | Yes | Yes | ||||
preload_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Prepared_stmt_count | Yes | Global | No | |||
prepared_stmt_count | Yes | Global | No | |||
print-defaults | Yes | |||||
profiling | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
profiling_history_size | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
protocol_version | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_free_blocks | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_free_memory | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_hits | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_inserts | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_lowmem_prunes | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_not_cached | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_queries_in_cache | Yes | Global | No | |||
Qcache_total_blocks | Yes | Global | No | |||
Queries | Yes | Both | No | |||
query_alloc_block_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
query_cache_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
query_cache_min_res_unit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
query_cache_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
query_cache_type | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
query_cache_wlock_invalidate | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
query_prealloc_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Questions | Yes | Both | No | |||
rand_seed1 | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
rand_seed2 | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
range_alloc_block_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
read_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
read_only | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
read_rnd_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
relay-log | Yes | Yes | ||||
relay-log-index | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: relay_log_index | ||||||
relay-log-info-file | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: relay_log_info_file | ||||||
relay_log_purge | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
relay_log_space_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
replicate-do-db | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-do-table | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-ignore-db | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-ignore-table | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-rewrite-db | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-same-server-id | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-wild-do-table | Yes | Yes | ||||
replicate-wild-ignore-table | Yes | Yes | ||||
report-host | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: report_host | Yes | Global | No | |||
report-password | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: report_password | Yes | Global | No | |||
report-port | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: report_port | Yes | Global | No | |||
report-user | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: report_user | Yes | Global | No | |||
rpl_recovery_rank | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
Rpl_status | Yes | Global | No | |||
safe-mode | Yes | Yes | ||||
safe-show-database | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
safe-user-create | Yes | Yes | ||||
safemalloc-mem-limit | Yes | Yes | ||||
secure-auth | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: secure_auth | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
secure-file-priv | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: secure_file_priv | Yes | Global | No | |||
Select_full_join | Yes | Both | No | |||
Select_full_range_join | Yes | Both | No | |||
Select_range | Yes | Both | No | |||
Select_range_check | Yes | Both | No | |||
Select_scan | Yes | Both | No | |||
server-id | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: server_id | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
shared_memory | Yes | Global | No | |||
shared_memory_base_name | Yes | Global | No | |||
show-slave-auth-info | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-character-set-client-handshake | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-concurrent-insert | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: concurrent_insert | ||||||
skip-external-locking | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: skip_external_locking | Yes | Global | No | |||
skip-grant-tables | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-host-cache | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-innodb | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-innodb-checksums | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-locking | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-log-warnings | Yes | |||||
skip-merge | Yes | Yes | ||||
- Variable: | ||||||
skip-name-resolve | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-ndbcluster | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-networking | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: skip_networking | Yes | Global | No | |||
skip-new | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-safemalloc | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-show-database | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: skip_show_database | Yes | Global | No | |||
skip-slave-start | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-ssl | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-stack-trace | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-symbolic-links | Yes | |||||
skip-symlink | Yes | Yes | ||||
skip-thread-priority | Yes | Yes | ||||
slave-allow-batching | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: slave_allow_batching | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
slave_compressed_protocol | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
slave_exec_mode | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
Slave_heartbeat_period | Yes | Global | No | |||
slave-load-tmpdir | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: slave_load_tmpdir | Yes | Global | No | |||
slave-net-timeout | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: slave_net_timeout | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
Slave_open_temp_tables | Yes | Global | No | |||
Slave_received_heartbeats | Yes | Global | No | |||
Slave_retried_transactions | Yes | Global | No | |||
Slave_running | Yes | Global | No | |||
slave-skip-errors | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: slave_skip_errors | Yes | Global | No | |||
slave_transaction_retries | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Slow_launch_threads | Yes | Both | No | |||
slow_launch_time | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Slow_queries | Yes | Both | No | |||
slow-query-log | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: slow_query_log | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
slow_query_log_file | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
socket | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
sort_buffer_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Sort_merge_passes | Yes | Both | No | |||
Sort_range | Yes | Both | No | |||
Sort_rows | Yes | Both | No | |||
Sort_scan | Yes | Both | No | |||
sporadic-binlog-dump-fail | Yes | Yes | ||||
sql_auto_is_null | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_big_selects | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_big_tables | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_buffer_result | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_log_bin | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_log_off | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_log_update | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_low_priority_updates | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
sql_max_join_size | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
sql-mode | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | ||
- Variable: sql_mode | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
sql_notes | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_quote_show_create | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_safe_updates | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
sql_select_limit | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
sql_slave_skip_counter | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
sql_warnings | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
ssl | Yes | Yes | ||||
Ssl_accept_renegotiates | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_accepts | Yes | Global | No | |||
ssl-ca | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: ssl_ca | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_callback_cache_hits | Yes | Global | No | |||
ssl-capath | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: ssl_capath | Yes | Global | No | |||
ssl-cert | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: ssl_cert | Yes | Global | No | |||
ssl-cipher | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: ssl_cipher | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_cipher | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ssl_cipher_list | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ssl_client_connects | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_connect_renegotiates | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_ctx_verify_depth | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_ctx_verify_mode | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_default_timeout | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ssl_finished_accepts | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_finished_connects | Yes | Global | No | |||
ssl-key | Yes | Yes | Global | No | ||
- Variable: ssl_key | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_hits | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_misses | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_mode | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_overflows | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_size | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_session_cache_timeouts | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_sessions_reused | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ssl_used_session_cache_entries | Yes | Global | No | |||
Ssl_verify_depth | Yes | Both | No | |||
Ssl_verify_mode | Yes | Both | No | |||
ssl-verify-server-cert | Yes | Yes | ||||
Ssl_version | Yes | Both | No | |||
standalone | Yes | Yes | ||||
storage_engine | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
symbolic-links | Yes | Yes | ||||
sync-binlog | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: sync_binlog | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
sync-frm | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | ||
- Variable: sync_frm | Yes | Global | Yes | |||
sysdate-is-now | Yes | Yes | ||||
system_time_zone | Yes | Global | No | |||
table_cache | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
table_definition_cache | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
table_lock_wait_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
Table_locks_immediate | Yes | Global | No | |||
Table_locks_waited | Yes | Global | No | |||
table_open_cache | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
table_type | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
tc-heuristic-recover | Yes | Yes | ||||
Tc_log_max_pages_used | Yes | Global | No | |||
Tc_log_page_size | Yes | Global | No | |||
Tc_log_page_waits | Yes | Global | No | |||
temp-pool | Yes | Yes | ||||
thread_cache_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
thread_concurrency | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
thread_handling | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
thread_stack | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
Threads_cached | Yes | Global | No | |||
Threads_connected | Yes | Global | No | |||
Threads_created | Yes | Global | No | |||
Threads_running | Yes | Global | No | |||
time_format | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
time_zone | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
timed_mutexes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | Yes | |
timestamp | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
tmp_table_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
tmpdir | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
transaction_alloc_block_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
transaction_allow_batching | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
transaction-isolation | Yes | Yes | ||||
transaction_prealloc_size | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
tx_isolation | Yes | Both | Yes | |||
unique_checks | Yes | Session | Yes | |||
updatable_views_with_limit | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
Uptime | Yes | Global | No | |||
Uptime_since_flush_status | Yes | Global | No | |||
use-symbolic-links | Yes | Yes | ||||
user | Yes | Yes | ||||
verbose | Yes | Yes | ||||
version | Yes | Yes | Yes | Global | No | |
version_comment | Yes | Global | No | |||
version_compile_machine | Yes | Global | No | |||
version_compile_os | Yes | Global | No | |||
wait_timeout | Yes | Yes | Yes | Both | Yes | |
warning_count | Yes | Session | No | |||
[a] This option is dynamic, but only the server should set this information. You should not set the value of this variable manually. [b] This option is dynamic, but only the server should set this information. You should not set the value of this variable manually. |
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