饥荒 死亡后不删存档的办法







require "mods"
require "playerprofile"
require "saveindex"
require "screens/mainscreen"
require "screens/deathscreen"
require "screens/popupdialog"
require "screens/bigpopupdialog"
require "screens/endgamedialog"
Print (VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "[Loading frontend assets]")
local start_game_time = nil
TheSim:SetRenderPassDefaultEffect( RENDERPASS.BLOOM, "data/shaders/anim_bloom.ksh" )
TheSim:SetErosionTexture( "data/images/erosion.tex" )
--this is suuuuuper placeholdery. We need to think about how to handle all of the different types of updates for this
local function DoAgeWorld()
    for k,v in pairs(Ents) do
        --spoil all of the spoilables
        if v.components.perishable then
        --send things to their homes
        if v.components.homeseeker and v.components.homeseeker.home then
            if v.components.homeseeker.home.components.childspawner then
            if v.components.homeseeker.home.components.spawner then
        if v.components.fueled then
local function LoadAssets(fe)
    local be_prefabs = {"hud", "forest", "cave", "ceiling", "maxwell", "fire", "character_fire", "shatter"}
    local fe_prefabs = {"frontend"}
    local recipe_prefabs = {}
    for k,v in pairs(Recipes) do
        table.insert(recipe_prefabs, v.name)
        if v.placer then
            table.insert(recipe_prefabs, v.placer)
    if fe then
        print ("LOAD FE")
        print ("LOAD FE: done")
        print ("LOAD BE")
        print ("LOAD BE: done")
function GetTimePlaying()
    if not start_game_time then
        return 0
    return GetTime() - start_game_time
function CalculatePlayerRewards(wilson)
    local Progression = require "progressionconstants"
    print("Calculating progression")
    --increment the xp counter and give rewards
    local days_survived = GetClock().numcycles
    local start_xp = wilson.profile:GetXP()
    local reward_xp = Progression.GetXPForDays(days_survived)
    local new_xp = math.min(start_xp + reward_xp, Progression.GetXPCap())
    local all_rewards = Progression.GetRewardsForTotalXP(new_xp)
    for k,v in pairs(all_rewards) do
    print("Progression: ",days_survived, start_xp, reward_xp, new_xp)
    return days_survived, start_xp, reward_xp, new_xp
local function HandleDeathCleanup(wilson, data)
    local game_time = GetClock():ToMetricsString()
    if SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "survival" then
        local playtime = GetTimePlaying()
        playtime = math.floor(playtime*1000)
        SetTimingStat("time", "scenario", playtime)
        local days_survived, start_xp, reward_xp, new_xp = CalculatePlayerRewards(wilson)
        ProfileStatsSet("xp_gain", reward_xp)
        ProfileStatsSet("xp_total", new_xp)
        SubmitCompletedLevel() --close off the instance
        wilson.components.health.invincible = true
                    scheduler:ExecuteInTime(3, function()
                        TheFrontEnd:PushScreen(DeathScreen(days_survived, start_xp))
    elseif SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "adventure" then
            scheduler:ExecuteInTime(3, function()
                TheFrontEnd:Fade(false, 3, function()
                        local params = json.encode{reset_action="loadslot", save_slot = SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentSaveSlot(), playeranim="failadventure"}
    elseif SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "cave" then
        scheduler:ExecuteInTime(2, function()
                TheFrontEnd:Fade(false, 2, function()
                        for k,v in pairs(Ents) do
                            if v.prefab == "cave_exit" then
                                local params = json.encode{reset_action="loadslot", save_slot = SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentSaveSlot(), playeranim="failcave"}
local function OnPlayerDeath(wilson, data)
    local cause = data.cause or "unknown"
    local will_resurrect = wilson.components.resurrectable and wilson.components.resurrectable:CanResurrect()
    local game_time = GetClock():ToMetricsString()
    RecordDeathStats(cause, GetClock():GetPhase(), wilson.components.sanity.current, wilson.components.hunger.current, will_resurrect)
    --local res = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("resurrector")
    if will_resurrect then
        scheduler:ExecuteInTime(4, function() 
            if wilson.components.resurrectable:DoResurrect() then
                --HandleDeathCleanup(wilson, data)
        --HandleDeathCleanup(wilson, data)
function SetUpPlayerCharacterCallbacks(wilson)
    --set up on ondeath handler
    wilson:ListenForEvent( "death", function(inst, data) OnPlayerDeath(wilson, data) end)
    wilson:ListenForEvent( "quit",
            Print (VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "I SHOULD QUIT!")
            local playtime = GetTimePlaying()
            playtime = math.floor(playtime*1000)
            SetTimingStat("time", "scenario", playtime)
            ProfileStatsSet("time_played", playtime)
    wilson:ListenForEvent( "daycomplete",
        function(it, data)
            if not wilson.components.health:IsDead() then
        end, GetWorld())
    --[[wilson:ListenForEvent( "daytime",
        function(it, data)
            if not wilson.components.health:IsDead() and not wilson.is_teleporting then
                --print("Day has arrived...")
        end, GetWorld())
    wilson:ListenForEvent("builditem", function(inst, data) ProfileStatsAdd("build_item_"..data.item.prefab) end)   
    wilson:ListenForEvent("buildstructure", function(inst, data) ProfileStatsAdd("build_structure_"..data.item.prefab) end)
local function StartGame(wilson)
    TheFrontEnd:GetSound():KillSound("FEMusic") -- just in case...
    start_game_time = GetTime()
local deprecated = { turf_webbing = true }
local replace = {
                farmplot = "slow_farmplot", farmplot2 = "fast_farmplot",
                farmplot3 = "fast_farmplot", sinkhole= "cave_entrance",
                cave_stairs= "cave_entrance"
function PopulateWorld(savedata, profile, playercharacter, playersavedataoverride)
    playercharacter = playercharacter or "wilson"
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "PopulateWorld")
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG,  "[Instantiating objects...]" )
    local wilson = nil
    if savedata then
        --figure out our start info
        local spawnpoint = Vector3(0,0,0)
        local playerdata = {}
        if savedata.playerinfo then
            if savedata.playerinfo.x and savedata.playerinfo.z then
                local y = savedata.playerinfo.y or 0
                spawnpoint = Vector3(savedata.playerinfo.x, y, savedata.playerinfo.z)
            if savedata.playerinfo.data then
                playerdata = savedata.playerinfo.data
        if playersavedataoverride then
            playerdata = playersavedataoverride
        local newents = {}
        --local world = SpawnPrefab("forest")
        local world = nil
        local ceiling = nil
        if savedata.map.prefab == "cave" then
            world = SpawnPrefab("cave")
            ceiling = SpawnPrefab("ceiling")
            world = SpawnPrefab("forest")
        --spawn the player character and set him up
        wilson = SpawnPrefab(playercharacter)
        assert(wilson, "could not spawn player character")
        --this was spawned by the level file. kinda lame - we should just do everything from in here.
        local ground = GetWorld()
        if ground then
            if GetCeiling() then
                GetCeiling().MapCeiling:SetSize(savedata.map.width, savedata.map.height)
                GetCeiling().MapCeiling:Finalize(TheSim:GetSetting("graphics", "static_walls") == "true")
            ground.Map:SetSize(savedata.map.width, savedata.map.height)
            if savedata.map.prefab == "cave" then
                ground.Map:SetPhysicsWallDistance(0.75)--0) -- TEMP for STREAM
            if savedata.map.nav then
                print("Loading Nav Grid")
                ground.Map:SetNavSize(savedata.map.width, savedata.map.height)
                print("No Nav Grid")
            ground.hideminimap = savedata.map.hideminimap
            ground.topology = savedata.map.topology
            ground.meta = savedata.meta
            assert(savedata.map.topology.ids, "[MALFORMED SAVE DATA] Map missing topology information. This save file is too old, and is missing neccessary information.")
            for i=#savedata.map.topology.ids,1, -1 do
                local name = savedata.map.topology.ids[i]
                if string.find(name, "LOOP_BLANK_SUB") ~= nil then
                    table.remove(savedata.map.topology.ids, i)
                    table.remove(savedata.map.topology.nodes, i)
                    for eid=#savedata.map.topology.edges,1,-1 do
                        if savedata.map.topology.edges[eid].n1 == i or savedata.map.topology.edges[eid].n2 == i then
                            table.remove(savedata.map.topology.edges, eid)
            if ground.topology.level_number ~= nil then
                if levels.story_levels[ground.topology.level_number] ~= nil then
                    profile:UnlockWorldGen("preset", levels.story_levels[ground.topology.level_number].name)
            if ground.topology.override_triggers then
            for i,node in ipairs(ground.topology.nodes) do
                local story = ground.topology.ids[i]
                -- guard for old saves
                local story_depth = nil
                if ground.topology.story_depths then
                    story_depth = ground.topology.story_depths[i]
                if story ~= "START" then
                    story = string.sub(story, 1, string.find(story,":")-1)
--                  if Profile:IsWorldGenUnlocked("tasks", story) == false then
--                      wilson.components.area_unlock:RegisterStory(story)
--                  end
                wilson.components.area_aware:RegisterArea({idx=i, type=node.type, poly=node.poly, story=story, story_depth=story_depth})
                if node.type == "Graveyard" or node.type == "MistyCavern" then
                    if node.area_emitter == nil then
                        local mist = SpawnPrefab( "mist" )
                        mist.Transform:SetPosition( node.cent[1], 0, node.cent[2] )
                        mist.components.emitter.area_emitter = CreateAreaEmitter( node.poly, node.cent )
                        if node.area == nil then
                            node.area = 1
                        mist.components.emitter.density_factor = math.ceil(node.area / 4)/31
            if savedata.map.persistdata ~= nil then
        wilson:SetPersistData(playerdata, newents)
        if wilson.components.health.currenthealth == 0 then
            wilson.components.health.currenthealth = 1
        if savedata.playerinfo and savedata.playerinfo.id then
            newents[savedata.playerinfo.id] = {entity=wilson, data=playerdata}
        --set the clock (LEGACY! this is now handled via the world object's normal serialization)
        if savedata.playerinfo.day and savedata.playerinfo.dayphase and savedata.playerinfo.timeleftinera then
            GetClock().numcycles = savedata.playerinfo and savedata.playerinfo.day or 0
            if savedata.playerinfo and savedata.playerinfo.dayphase == "night" then
            elseif savedata.playerinfo and savedata.playerinfo.dayphase == "dusk" then
            if savedata.playerinfo.timeleftinera then
                GetClock().timeLeftInEra = savedata.playerinfo.timeleftinera
        -- Force overrides for ambient
        local retune = require("tuning_override")
        -- Check for map overrides
        if ground.topology.overrides ~= nil and ground.topology.overrides ~= nil and GetTableSize(ground.topology.overrides) > 0 then           
            for area, overrides in pairs(ground.topology.overrides) do 
                for i,override in ipairs(overrides) do 
                    if retune.OVERRIDES[override[1]] ~= nil then
        --instantiate all the dudes
        for prefab, ents in pairs(savedata.ents) do
            local prefab = replace[prefab] or prefab
            if not deprecated[prefab] then
                for k,v in ipairs(ents) do
                    v.prefab = v.prefab or prefab -- prefab field is stripped out when entities are saved in global entity collections, so put it back
                    SpawnSaveRecord(v, newents)
        --post pass in neccessary to hook up references
        for k,v in pairs(newents) do
            v.entity:LoadPostPass(newents, v.data)
        GetWorld():LoadPostPass(newents, savedata.map.persistdata)
        --Run scenario scripts
        for guid, ent in pairs(Ents) do
            if ent.components.scenariorunner then
        --Record mod information
        ModManager:SetModRecords(savedata.mods or {})
        if SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() ~= "adventure" and GetWorld().components.age and GetPlayer().components.age then
            local player_age = GetPlayer().components.age:GetAge()
            local world_age = GetWorld().components.age:GetAge()
            if world_age <= 0 then
                GetWorld().components.age.saved_age = player_age
            elseif player_age > world_age then
                local catch_up = player_age - world_age
                print ("Catching up world", catch_up)
                LongUpdate(catch_up, true)
                --this is a cheesy workaround for coming out of a cave at night, so you don't get immediately eaten
                if SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "survival" and not GetWorld().components.clock:IsDay() then
                    local light = SpawnPrefab("exitcavelight")
        Print(VERBOSITY.ERROR, "[MALFORMED SAVE DATA] PopulateWorld complete" )
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "[FINISHED LOADING SAVED GAME] PopulateWorld complete" )
    return wilson
local function DrawDebugGraph(graph)
    -- debug draw of new map gen
    local debugdrawmap = CreateEntity()
    local draw = debugdrawmap.entity:AddDebugRender()
    for idx,node in ipairs(graph.nodes) do
        local colour = graph.colours[node.c]
        for i =1, #node.poly-1 do
            draw:Line(node.poly[i][1], node.poly[i][2], node.poly[i+1][1], node.poly[i+1][2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, 255)
        draw:Line(node.poly[1][1], node.poly[1][2], node.poly[#node.poly][1], node.poly[#node.poly][2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, 255)
        draw:Poly(node.cent[1], node.cent[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, colour.a, node.poly)
        draw:String(graph.ids[idx].."("..node.cent[1]..","..node.cent[2]..")",  node.cent[1], node.cent[2], node.ts)
    for idx,edge in ipairs(graph.edges) do
        if edge.n1 ~= nil and edge.n2 ~= nil then
            local colour = graph.colours[edge.c]
            local n1 = graph.nodes[edge.n1]
            local n2 = graph.nodes[edge.n2]
            if n1 ~= nil and n2 ~= nil then
                draw:Line(n1.cent[1], n1.cent[2], n2.cent[1], n2.cent[2], colour.r, colour.g, colour.b, colour.a)
--OK, we have our savedata and a profile. Instatiate everything and start the game!
function DoInitGame(playercharacter, savedata, profile, next_world_playerdata, fast)   
    --print("DoInitGame",playercharacter, savedata, profile, next_world_playerdata, fast)
    assert(savedata.map, "Map missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.prefab, "Map prefab missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.tiles, "Map tiles missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.width, "Map width missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.height, "Map height missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology, "Map topology missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.ids, "Topology entity ids are missing from savedata on load")
    --assert(savedata.map.topology.story_depths, "Topology story_depths are missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.colours, "Topology colours are missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.edges, "Topology edges are missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.nodes, "Topology nodes are missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.level_type, "Topology level type is missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.map.topology.overrides, "Topology overrides is missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.playerinfo, "Playerinfo missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.playerinfo.x, "Playerinfo.x missing from savedata on load")
    --assert(savedata.playerinfo.y, "Playerinfo.y missing from savedata on load")   --y is often omitted for space, don't check for it
    assert(savedata.playerinfo.z, "Playerinfo.z missing from savedata on load")
    --assert(savedata.playerinfo.day, "Playerinfo day missing from savedata on load")
    assert(savedata.ents, "Entites missing from savedata on load")
    if savedata.map.roads then
        Roads = savedata.map.roads
        for k, road_data in pairs( savedata.map.roads ) do
            local weight = road_data[1]
            if weight == 3 then
                for i = 2, #road_data do
                    local ctrl_pt = road_data[i]
                    RoadManager:AddControlPoint( ctrl_pt[1], ctrl_pt[2] )
                for k, v in pairs( ROAD_STRIPS ) do
                    RoadManager:SetStripEffect( v, "data/shaders/road.ksh" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.EDGES,    "data/images/roadedge.tex",     "data/images/roadnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CENTER,   "data/images/square.tex",       "data/images/roadnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CORNERS,  "data/images/roadcorner.tex",   "data/images/roadnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.ENDS,     "data/images/roadendcap.tex",   "data/images/roadnoise.tex" )
                        ROAD_PARAMETERS.WIDTH_JITTER_SCALE, true )
                for i = 2, #road_data do
                    local ctrl_pt = road_data[i]
                    RoadManager:AddControlPoint( ctrl_pt[1], ctrl_pt[2] )
                for k, v in pairs( ROAD_STRIPS ) do
                    RoadManager:SetStripEffect( v, "data/shaders/road.ksh" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.EDGES,    "data/images/roadedge.tex",     "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CENTER,   "data/images/square.tex",       "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CORNERS,  "data/images/roadcorner.tex",   "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.ENDS,     "data/images/roadendcap.tex",   "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                        0, 0,
                        0, false )                     
                for i = 2, #road_data do
                    local ctrl_pt = road_data[i]
                    RoadManager:AddSmoothedControlPoint( ctrl_pt[1], ctrl_pt[2] )
                for k, v in pairs( ROAD_STRIPS ) do
                    RoadManager:SetStripEffect( v, "data/shaders/river.ksh" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.EDGES,    "data/images/square.tex",       "data/images/river_bed.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CENTER,   "data/images/square.tex",       "data/images/water_river.tex" )
                RoadManager:SetStripUVAnimStep( ROAD_STRIPS.CENTER, 0, 0.25 )
                RoadManager:SetStripWrapMode( ROAD_STRIPS.EDGES, WRAP_MODE.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, WRAP_MODE.WRAP )
                --RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.CORNERS,    "data/images/roadcorner.tex",   "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                --RoadManager:SetStripTextures( ROAD_STRIPS.ENDS,       "data/images/roadendcap.tex",   "data/images/pathnoise.tex" )
                        5, 5,
                        2, 2,
                        0, false )
    --some lame explicit loads
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "DoInitGame Loading prefabs...")
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "DoInitGame Adjusting audio...")
    TheMixer:SetLevel("master", 0)
    --apply the volumes
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "DoInitGame Populating world...")
    local wilson = PopulateWorld(savedata, profile, playercharacter, next_world_playerdata)
    if wilson then
        Print(VERBOSITY.WARNING, "DoInitGame NO WILSON?")
    if Profile.persistdata.debug_world  == 1 then
        if savedata.map.topology == nil then
            Print(VERBOSITY.ERROR, "OI! Where is my topology info!")
    local function OnStart()
        Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "DoInitGame OnStart Callback... turning volume up")
    if not TheFrontEnd:IsDisplayingError() then
        local hud = PlayerHud()
        --clear the player stats, so that it doesn't count items "acquired" from the save file
        --after starting everything up, give the mods additional environment variables
        if ( SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() ~= "cave" and (SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "survival" or SaveGameIndex:GetSlotWorld() == 1) and SaveGameIndex:GetSlotDay() == 1 and GetClock():GetNormTime() == 0) then
            if GetPlayer().components.inventory.starting_inventory then
                for k,v in pairs(GetPlayer().components.inventory.starting_inventory) do
                    local item = SpawnPrefab(v)
                    if item then
        if fast then
            if Settings.playeranim == "failcave" then
            elseif Settings.playeranim == "failadventure" then
            elseif GetWorld():IsCave() then
            elseif Settings.playeranim == "wakeup" or playercharacter == "waxwell" or savedata.map.nomaxwell then
                --announce your freedom if you are starting as waxwell
                if playercharacter == "waxwell" and SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "survival" and (GetClock().numcycles == 0 and GetClock():GetNormTime() == 0) then
                    GetPlayer():DoTaskInTime( 3.5, function()
                        GetPlayer().components.talker:Say(GetString("waxwell", "ANNOUNCE_FREEDOM"))
            elseif (GetClock().numcycles == 0 and GetClock():GetNormTime() == 0) or Settings.maxwell ~= nil then
                local max = SpawnPrefab("maxwellintro")
                local speechName = "NULL_SPEECH"
                if Settings.maxwell then
                    speechName = Settings.maxwell
                elseif SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "adventure" then
                    if savedata.map.override_level_string == true then
                        local level_id = 1
                        if GetWorld().meta then
                            level_id = GetWorld().meta.level_id or level_id
                        speechName = "ADVENTURE_"..level_id
                        speechName = "ADVENTURE_"..SaveGameIndex:GetSlotWorld()
                    speechName = "SANDBOX_1"
                max.task = max:StartThread(function()   max.components.maxwelltalker:DoTalk() end)
                --PlayNIS("maxwellintro", savedata.map.maxwell)
            local title = STRINGS.UI.SANDBOXMENU.ADVENTURELEVELS[SaveGameIndex:GetSlotLevelIndexFromPlaylist()]
            local subtitle = STRINGS.UI.SANDBOXMENU.CHAPTERS[SaveGameIndex:GetSlotWorld()]
            local showtitle = SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode() == "adventure" and title
            if showtitle then
            TheFrontEnd:Fade(true, 1, function()
                TheMixer:SetLevel("master", 1)
                --TheFrontEnd:PushScreen(PopupDialogScreen(STRINGS.UI.HUD.READYTITLE, STRINGS.UI.HUD.READY, {{text=STRINGS.UI.HUD.START, cb = function() OnStart() end}}))
            end, showtitle and 3, showtitle and function() SetHUDPause(false) end )
        if savedata.map.hideminimap ~= nil then
            hud.minimap:DoTaskInTime(0, function(inst) inst.MiniMap:ClearRevealedAreas(savedata.map.hideminimap) end)
        if savedata.map.teleportaction ~= nil then
            local teleportato = TheSim:FindFirstEntityWithTag("teleportato")
            if teleportato then
                local pickPosition = function()
                    local portpositions = GetRandomInstWithTag("teleportlocation", teleportato, 1000)
                    if portpositions then
                        return Vector3(portpositions.Transform:GetWorldPosition())
                        return Vector3(savedata.playerinfo.x, savedata.playerinfo.y or 0, savedata.playerinfo.z)
                teleportato.action = savedata.map.teleportaction
                teleportato.maxwell = savedata.map.teleportmaxwell
                teleportato.teleportpos = pickPosition()
    Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "DoInitGame complete")
        c_printtextureinfo( "texinfo.csv" )
local function DoLoadWorld(saveslot, playerdataoverride)
    local function onload(savedata)
        DoInitGame(SaveGameIndex:GetSlotCharacter(saveslot), savedata, Profile, playerdataoverride)
    SaveGameIndex:GetSaveData(saveslot, SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(saveslot), onload)
local function DoGenerateWorld(saveslot, type_override)
    local function onComplete(savedata )
        local function onsaved()
            local success, world_table = RunInSandbox(savedata)
            if success then
                DoInitGame(SaveGameIndex:GetSlotCharacter(saveslot), world_table, Profile, SaveGameIndex:GetPlayerData(saveslot))
        SaveGameIndex:OnGenerateNewWorld(saveslot, savedata, onsaved)
    local world_gen_options =
        level_type = type_override or SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(saveslot),
        custom_options = SaveGameIndex:GetSlotGenOptions(saveslot,SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode()),
        level_world = SaveGameIndex:GetSlotLevelIndexFromPlaylist(saveslot),
        profiledata = Profile.persistdata,
    if world_gen_options.level_type == "adventure" then
        world_gen_options["adventure_progress"] = SaveGameIndex:GetSlotWorld()
    elseif world_gen_options.level_type == "cave" then
        world_gen_options["cave_progress"] = SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentCaveLevel()
    TheFrontEnd:PushScreen(WorldGenScreen(Profile, onComplete, world_gen_options))
local function LoadSlot(slot)
    if SaveGameIndex:HasWorld(slot, SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(slot)) then
        DoLoadWorld(slot, SaveGameIndex:GetModeData(slot, SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(slot)).playerdata)
        if SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(slot) == "survival" and SaveGameIndex:IsContinuePending(slot) then
            local function onsave()
            local function onSet(character)
                SaveGameIndex:SetSlotCharacter(slot, character, onsave)
            TheFrontEnd:PushScreen(CharacterSelectScreen(Profile, onSet, true, SaveGameIndex:GetSlotCharacter(slot)))
local function OnFilesLoaded()
    UpdateGamePurchasedState( function()
        --print( "[Settings]",Settings.character, Settings.savefile)
        if Settings.reset_action then
            if Settings.reset_action == "loadslot" then
                if not SaveGameIndex:GetCurrentMode(Settings.save_slot) then
            elseif Settings.reset_action == "printtextureinfo" then
            if PRINT_TEXTURE_INFO then
                        local function onsaved()
                            local params = json.encode{reset_action="printtextureinfo", save_slot = 1}
                        SaveGameIndex:StartSurvivalMode(1, "wilson", {}, onsaved)
Profile = PlayerProfile()
SaveGameIndex = SaveIndex()
Print(VERBOSITY.DEBUG, "[Loading profile and save index]")
Profile:Load( function()
    SaveGameIndex:Load( OnFilesLoaded )
end )
--dont_load_save in profile


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