
MSBuilder directly instead of default VSComplie with keyborad shotcut 原创

Everybody know its really slowly to use VSComplie usally like F6, but really fast of bath build which use msbuilder directly!

But after some days run the bath file agina and again its boring and not convient to read in commandline.QQ截图20110815160457


Follow my steps and replace the F6 command:

1)Menu:Tools=>External tools

2)click “Add”

3)replace the default Title with"ComplieInMsbuilder"


5)Arguments:/c “$(SolutionDir)batch.cmd”

6)Initial directory:$(SolutionDir)

7)Click the “Use Output window”

8)Click Apply

9)Menu Tools=>options

10)change the F6 command to External command #

PS:the # means the command the count from “External tools”,for example External command1 is Create& GUID

posted @ 2011-08-15 16:12  today4king  阅读(293)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报