一个小孩买了价值少于1美元的糖,并将1美元的钱交给售货员。售货员希望用数目最少的硬币找给小孩。假设提供了数目不限的面值为2 5美分、1 0美分、5美分、及1美分的硬币。售货员分步骤组成要找的零钱数,每次加入一个硬币。选择硬币时所采用的贪婪准则如下:每一次选择应使零钱数尽量增大。为保证解法的可行性(即:所给的零钱等于要找的零钱数),所选择的硬币不应使零钱总数超过最终所需的数目。
假设需要找给小孩6 7美分,首先入选的是两枚2 5美分的硬币,第三枚入选的不能是2 5美分的硬币,否则硬币的选择将不可行(零钱总数超过6 7美分),第三枚应选择1 0美分的硬币,然后是5美分的,最后加入两个1美分的硬币。
Dim sAction
Dim sResultString '表单提交后结果信息
sAction = LCase(Trim(Request("action")))
If sAction = "do" Then
Dim nMoney, nKeepMoney, sCoin
nMoney = Trim(Request.Form("Money"))
sCoin = Trim(Request.Form("Coin"))
'response.write nMoney & "<br/>"
'response.write sCoin & "<br/>"
nKeepMoney = nMoney
If IsNumeric(nMoney) = True Then
nMoney = CLng(nMoney)
OutputError "[钱]必须是数字!"
End If
If sCoin = "" Then OutputError "[币值]不能为空!"
Dim bFindSolution, aSolution() '是否找到找钱方案(boolean), 方案结果(二维数组)
Dim aCoin, nCoinClass, nPayCoinCount '硬币币值(一维数组), 币值种类个数, 找出的硬币数量
Dim i, t, sum '循环变量, 交换变量,累加变量
bFindSolution = False
nPayCoinCount = 0
aCoin = Split(sCoin, ",")
nCoinClass = UBound(aCoin, 1) '隔开逗号得到硬币种类个数
ReDim aSolution(nCoinClass, 1) '定义结果为二维数组, aSolution(x,0)表示币值, aSolution(x,1)表示该币值找回的个数
aCoin = QuickSort(aCoin) '将币值数组升序排序
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If IsNumeric(aCoin(i)) = False Then OutputError "币值只能是数字,[" & aCoin(i) & "]不是数字!"
If aCoin(i) = 0 Then OutputError "币值不能为零!"
aSolution(i,0) = aCoin(i)
aSolution(i,1) = 0
Dim aRecord(), nRecordCount, nRecordIndex '记录数组(一维,存放币值), 数组长度(即最多找回的硬币个数或找的次数), 当前操作的数组下标
nRecordCount = nMoney / aCoin(0) '钱/最小币值, 取得最多找回的个数
ReDim aRecord(nRecordCount)
nRecordIndex = 0
i = nCoinClass '取最大币值下标
Do While True
sum = 0
Do While i>=0 And nMoney-aCoin(i)>=0 '剩余的钱比当前的币值小
nMoney = nMoney - aCoin(i) '扣掉拿出的币值
Call InCrease(aCoin(i)) '结果中该币值的个数加1
nPayCoinCount = nPayCoinCount + 1 '总的拿出的硬币个数加1
If i > 0 Then
aRecord(nRecordIndex) = aCoin(i) '记录
nRecordIndex = nRecordIndex + 1
t = i '保留当前币值的下标, 以便下次循环从 这个下标-1 开始
sum = sum + aCoin(i) '最小币值的钱累加
End If
If nMoney = 0 Then
bFindSolution = True
Exit Do
End If
If i > 0 Then
i = i - 1 '当前币值太大, 进行下次更小 币值的循环
If CLng(aRecord(0)) = 0 Then '如果记录中不含任何币值, 表示全部回溯都已经试过仍没有方案
bFindSolution = False
Exit Do
End If
'以下做 回溯操作
nMoney = nMoney + sum
nMoney = nMoney + aRecord(nRecordIndex-1)
nPayCoinCount = nPayCoinCount - 1
Call DeCrease(aRecord(nRecordIndex-1))
aRecord(nRecordIndex-1) = 0
End If
If bFindSolution = True Then
sResultString = "<b>条件:</b>" & "<br/>" & _
"钱:" & nKeepMoney & "<br/>" & _
"币值:" & sCoin & "<br/><br/>" & _
"<b>找回硬币最少的方案:</b>" & "<br/>" & _
"最少找回个数:" & nPayCoinCount & "<br/>"
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
sResultString = sResultString & " " & "币值:" & aSolution(i,0) & " " & "个数:" & aSolution(i,1) & "<br/>"
sResultString = "<b><font color='red'>不能用指定的币值找回硬币!</font></b>"
End If
End If
Sub InCrease(n_Coin)
Dim i
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If CLng(aSolution(i,0)) = CLng(n_Coin) Then
aSolution(i,1) = aSolution(i,1) + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub DeCrease(n_Coin)
Dim i
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If CLng(aSolution(i,0)) = CLng(n_Coin) Then
aSolution(i,1) = aSolution(i,1) - 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function QuickSort(a_Data)
Dim i, j
Dim count, t
count = UBound(a_Data, 1)
For i = 0 To count-1
For j = i+1 To count
If CLng(a_Data(i)) > CLng(a_Data(j)) Then
t = a_Data(i)
a_Data(i) = a_Data(j)
a_Data(j) = t
End If
QuickSort = a_Data
End Function
Sub OutputError(str)
Response.Write "<script language='javascript'>alert('" & str & "');history.back();</script>"
End Sub
<p align='center'>
<table border=0>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="?action=do">
<tr><td>钱:</td><td><input type="text" name="Money" value="" size="10"></td></tr>
<tr><td>币值:</td><td><input type="text" name="Coin" value="" size="30"> <font color='gray'>多个以逗号隔开</font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="找钱方案"></td></tr>
Dim sAction
Dim sResultString '表单提交后结果信息
sAction = LCase(Trim(Request("action")))
If sAction = "do" Then
Dim nMoney, nKeepMoney, sCoin
nMoney = Trim(Request.Form("Money"))
sCoin = Trim(Request.Form("Coin"))
'response.write nMoney & "<br/>"
'response.write sCoin & "<br/>"
nKeepMoney = nMoney
If IsNumeric(nMoney) = True Then
nMoney = CLng(nMoney)
OutputError "[钱]必须是数字!"
End If
If sCoin = "" Then OutputError "[币值]不能为空!"
Dim bFindSolution, aSolution() '是否找到找钱方案(boolean), 方案结果(二维数组)
Dim aCoin, nCoinClass, nPayCoinCount '硬币币值(一维数组), 币值种类个数, 找出的硬币数量
Dim i, t, sum '循环变量, 交换变量,累加变量
bFindSolution = False
nPayCoinCount = 0
aCoin = Split(sCoin, ",")
nCoinClass = UBound(aCoin, 1) '隔开逗号得到硬币种类个数
ReDim aSolution(nCoinClass, 1) '定义结果为二维数组, aSolution(x,0)表示币值, aSolution(x,1)表示该币值找回的个数
aCoin = QuickSort(aCoin) '将币值数组升序排序
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If IsNumeric(aCoin(i)) = False Then OutputError "币值只能是数字,[" & aCoin(i) & "]不是数字!"
If aCoin(i) = 0 Then OutputError "币值不能为零!"
aSolution(i,0) = aCoin(i)
aSolution(i,1) = 0
Dim aRecord(), nRecordCount, nRecordIndex '记录数组(一维,存放币值), 数组长度(即最多找回的硬币个数或找的次数), 当前操作的数组下标
nRecordCount = nMoney / aCoin(0) '钱/最小币值, 取得最多找回的个数
ReDim aRecord(nRecordCount)
nRecordIndex = 0
i = nCoinClass '取最大币值下标
Do While True
sum = 0
Do While i>=0 And nMoney-aCoin(i)>=0 '剩余的钱比当前的币值小
nMoney = nMoney - aCoin(i) '扣掉拿出的币值
Call InCrease(aCoin(i)) '结果中该币值的个数加1
nPayCoinCount = nPayCoinCount + 1 '总的拿出的硬币个数加1
If i > 0 Then
aRecord(nRecordIndex) = aCoin(i) '记录
nRecordIndex = nRecordIndex + 1
t = i '保留当前币值的下标, 以便下次循环从 这个下标-1 开始
sum = sum + aCoin(i) '最小币值的钱累加
End If
If nMoney = 0 Then
bFindSolution = True
Exit Do
End If
If i > 0 Then
i = i - 1 '当前币值太大, 进行下次更小 币值的循环
If CLng(aRecord(0)) = 0 Then '如果记录中不含任何币值, 表示全部回溯都已经试过仍没有方案
bFindSolution = False
Exit Do
End If
'以下做 回溯操作
nMoney = nMoney + sum
nMoney = nMoney + aRecord(nRecordIndex-1)
nPayCoinCount = nPayCoinCount - 1
Call DeCrease(aRecord(nRecordIndex-1))
aRecord(nRecordIndex-1) = 0
End If
If bFindSolution = True Then
sResultString = "<b>条件:</b>" & "<br/>" & _
"钱:" & nKeepMoney & "<br/>" & _
"币值:" & sCoin & "<br/><br/>" & _
"<b>找回硬币最少的方案:</b>" & "<br/>" & _
"最少找回个数:" & nPayCoinCount & "<br/>"
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
sResultString = sResultString & " " & "币值:" & aSolution(i,0) & " " & "个数:" & aSolution(i,1) & "<br/>"
sResultString = "<b><font color='red'>不能用指定的币值找回硬币!</font></b>"
End If
End If
Sub InCrease(n_Coin)
Dim i
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If CLng(aSolution(i,0)) = CLng(n_Coin) Then
aSolution(i,1) = aSolution(i,1) + 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub DeCrease(n_Coin)
Dim i
For i = 0 To nCoinClass
If CLng(aSolution(i,0)) = CLng(n_Coin) Then
aSolution(i,1) = aSolution(i,1) - 1
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function QuickSort(a_Data)
Dim i, j
Dim count, t
count = UBound(a_Data, 1)
For i = 0 To count-1
For j = i+1 To count
If CLng(a_Data(i)) > CLng(a_Data(j)) Then
t = a_Data(i)
a_Data(i) = a_Data(j)
a_Data(j) = t
End If
QuickSort = a_Data
End Function
Sub OutputError(str)
Response.Write "<script language='javascript'>alert('" & str & "');history.back();</script>"
End Sub
<p align='center'>
<table border=0>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="?action=do">
<tr><td>钱:</td><td><input type="text" name="Money" value="" size="10"></td></tr>
<tr><td>币值:</td><td><input type="text" name="Coin" value="" size="30"> <font color='gray'>多个以逗号隔开</font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="找钱方案"></td></tr>