moss2007 webpart custom property sample

using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace MyWebParts
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for WebCustomControl1.
    /// </summary>
    [ToolboxData("<{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart runat=server></{0}:CustomPropertyWebPart>")]

    public class CustomPropertyWebPart : WebPart
        // Constants
        const string strDefault = "This is a Sample String.";
        const bool boolDefault = false;
        const int intDefault = 20;
        const float floatDefault = 33.33f;

        public enum enumSample

        protected enumSample enumInstance;

        // Private variables
        private string strMyString;
        private string strMyStringforToolPart;
        private bool boolMyBoolean;
        private int intMyInteger;
        private float floatMyFloat;
        private System.DateTime datetimeMyDateTime;
        private System.Drawing.KnownColor knowncolorMyColor =

        // Constructor
        public CustomPropertyWebPart()
            // Initialize private variables.
            strMyString = strDefault;
            strMyStringforToolPart = strDefault;
            boolMyBoolean = boolDefault;
            intMyInteger = intDefault;
            floatMyFloat = floatDefault;
            enumInstance = enumSample.Black;
            datetimeMyDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;

        // Creates a custom property that is a String.
        // This property will display as a text box in the
        // property pane.

        // Create a custom category in the property sheet.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]

            // Assign the default value.

            // Property is available in both Personalization
            // and Customization mode.

            // The caption that appears in the property sheet.
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom String")]

            // The tooltip that appears when hovering over the
            // friendly name in the property pane.
        [Description("Type a string value.")]

            // Display the property in the property pane.

            // The accessor for this property.
        public string MyString
                return strMyString;
                strMyString = value;

        // Creates a custom property that is a Boolean.
        // This property will display as a checkbox in the
        // property pane.

        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Boolean")]
        [Description("Select to set value to True.")]
            // The accessor for this property.
        public bool MyBool
                return boolMyBoolean;
                boolMyBoolean = value;

        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom String for Toolpart")]
        [Description("Used by the toolpart.")]
            // The accessor for this property.
        public string MyStringforToolPart
                return strMyStringforToolPart;
                strMyStringforToolPart = value;

        // Creates a custom property that is an integer.
        // This property will display as a text box in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Integer")]
        [Description("Type an integer value.") ]
        public int MyInt
                return intMyInteger;
                intMyInteger = value;

        // Creates a custom property that is a Float.
        // This property will display as a text box in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Float")]
        [Description("Type a floating point value.") ]
        public float MyFloat
                return floatMyFloat;
                floatMyFloat = value;

        // Creates a custom property that is a System.DateTime
        // This property will display as a text box in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Date Time")]
        [Description("Type a DateTime value.")]
        public System.DateTime MyDateTime
                return datetimeMyDateTime;
                datetimeMyDateTime = value;

        public bool ShouldSerializeMyDateTime()
            return true;

        // Creates a custom property that is an Enum.
        // This property will display as a dropdown list in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyName("Custom Enum")]
        [Description("Select a value from the dropdown list.")]
        public enumSample MyEnum
                return enumInstance;     
                enumInstance = value;

        protected override string  GetCustomBuilder(string propertyname)
                return ReplaceTokens("_WPR_/colorbuilder.htm");
                return ReplaceTokens("_WPR_/colorbuilder.htm");
            return null;            
        // Creates a property that is a known system color.
        // This property will display as a dropdown list in the
        // property pane.
        [Category("Custom Properties")]
        [FriendlyNameAttribute("Custom Color")]
        [Description("Select a color from the dropdown list.")]
        public System.Drawing.KnownColor MyColor
                return knowncolorMyColor;
                knowncolorMyColor = value;

        public bool ShouldSerializeMyColor()
            return true;

        // Render the Web Part
        protected override void RenderWebPart(HtmlTextWriter output)
            // Write stored property values to the Web Part
            output.Write("<div id='mydiv_" + this.ReplaceTokens("_WPQ_") + "' STYLE='background-color:" + this.MyEnum.ToString() + "'>");
            output.Write("<b>Stored Property Values</b>");
            output.Write("<br><b>String: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>Boolean: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>Int: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>Float: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>DateTime: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>Hour: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><b>Enum: </b>" +
            output.Write("<br><font color='" + this.MyColor.ToString() + "'>Color Enum: </font>" +

            output.Write("<BR><BR><B>Token replacement</B>");
            /*output.Write("<br><b>Current User: </b> " +
            output.Write("<br><b>Class Resource Path: </b> " +
            output.Write("<br><b>Qualifier: </b> "
                + this.ReplaceTokens("_WPQ_"));
            output.Write("<br><b>Web Part ID: </b> "
                + this.ReplaceTokens("_WPID_"));    
            output.Write("<br><br><b>String from Tool Part: </b> "
                + this.MyStringforToolPart.ToString());    

        public override ToolPart[] GetToolParts()
            ToolPart[] toolparts = new ToolPart[3];
            toolparts[0] = new WebPartToolPart();
            toolparts[1] = new CustomPropertyToolPart();

            //Create a custom toolpart
            toolparts[2] = new MyWebParts.CustomToolPart();
            return toolparts;

posted on 2008-01-29 15:42  JIN Weijie  阅读(885)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报