微软将遗弃Linq to SQL?

       在微软的ADO.NET team blog中,LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework的项目经理发表的一篇博客中写道:

Since the release of LINQ to SQL and the Entity Framework, many questions have been raised about the future plans for the technologies and how they will relate to each other long term.
During this week of PDC we are now at a point, with the announcement of Visual Studio 10 and the .NET Framework 4.0, that we can provide more clarity on our direction.
We have seen great momentum with LINQ in the last year.  In .NET Framework 3.5 we released several LINQ providers, including LINQ to SQL which set the bar for a great programming model with LINQ over relational databases.  In .NET 3.5 SP1, we followed up that investment with the Entity Framework enabling developers to build more advanced scenarios and to use LINQ against any database including SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, etc.
We’re making significant investments in the Entity Framework such that as of .NET 4.0 the Entity Framework will be our recommended data access solution for LINQ to relational scenarios.  We are listening to customers regarding LINQ to SQL and will continue to evolve the product based on feedback we receive from the community as well.

      很显然,MS大力推荐Entity Framework 而取代Linq to SQL,难道Linq to SQL真的存在很大的问题吗?

      这是不是意味着微软将停止对Linq to SQL后续版本的开发?如果是这样的话那真是很遗憾啊,毕竟Linq to SQL一出来就引起众多开发者的目光,不管是不是.net阵营的,给人眼前一亮的感觉,而且据我所知,Linq to SQL已经被正式用到有很多项目中了,开发者研究的人不在少数,耗费在这方面的时间和精力也不少,突然间说终止就终止,这未免太匪夷所思了。

      虽然Linq to SQL存在一些效率上或者是其他方面一些问题,但是毕竟才发布第一个版本,而且大致上还是得到大部分人的认可的,而对于那些已经在项目中用到了Linq to SQL的团队,我想最好还是迁移到ADO.net Entity Framework吧,不知道迁移到ADO.net Entity Framework会不会很麻烦?

David Hayden的反应是:LINQ To SQL Gets Kicked to the Curb... Needs A Good Home! ,他的强烈希望重组原来的Linq to SQL团队,用ASp.net MVC团队的方式,把Linq to SQL项目放在codeplex上,推出一个面向社区高测试性的,可维护性强的版本放入.net 4.0中


posted @ 2008-10-31 19:41  代码乱了  阅读(3442)  评论(24编辑  收藏  举报