
1.Extended Threading: Do More with the Same Thread

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    2.Smart Thread Pool
    智能线程池。该线程池不同于.net framework提供的线程池,这个线程池完全重新实现,并增加了很多有用的特性。
    The number of threads dynamically changes according to the workload on the threads in the pool.

  • Work items can return a value.
  • A work item can be cancelled if it hasn't been executed yet.
  • The caller thread's context is used when the work item is executed (limited).
  • Usage of minimum number of Win32 event handles, so the handle count of the application won't explode.
  • The caller can wait for multiple or all the work items to complete.
  • Work item can have a PostExecute callback, which is called as soon the work item is completed.
  • The state object, that accompanies the work item, can be disposed automatically.
  • Work item exceptions are sent back to the caller.
  • Work items have priority.
  • Work items group.
  • The caller can suspend the start of a thread pool and work items group.
  • Threads have priority.
  • posted @ 2008-01-06 15:50  代码乱了  阅读(583)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报