严格意义上讲,任何长时间的“硬等待”都是可取的!!到处随意的Sleep()只能显示你技能的匮乏,写出的Case也会效率低下。所以当此之时, 我们都应该多用WaitFor方法,而且任何的自动化框架都是有类似方法的,像Robotium的:
solo.waitForDialogToClose() //waits for the dialog to close solo.waitForActivity() // if there is a activity change solo.waitForText() //if a certain text appears after the loading is done solo.waitForView() //if a certain view is shown after the load screen is done.
但是如果从框架里找不到类似的方法来满足实际测试的场景,怎么办? OK, 那我们就只能自己来实现了.
其实仔细想想,这样的方法归根到底还是需要sleep动作的,毕竟是要等待,只不过我们要做的是让它要更聪明的去等待. 比如下面:
/** * Wait for the view with id to be shown in the timeout * * @param id the id of the view * @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait * @return true that the view is shown, false otherwise */ public <T extends View> boolean waitForViewShown(final int id, final int timeout){ final long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + timeout; boolean foundMatchingView = false; View view; while (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() < endTime) { solo.sleep(Global.SLEEP_FLASH_TIME); view = solo.getView(id); if (view != null) foundMatchingView = view.isShown(); if (foundMatchingView) return true; } return false; }
我们可以设置个Timeout时间,这样在时间范围内,只要找到目标,就立马返回,如果没找到,那么再进行下一轮循环. 这样当要操作的对象确实出来之后,在进行下一步操作, 出错的可能就会少很多.
另外,出错少可不代表不出错,也许就会有一些莫名其妙的情况让你的代码执行失败. 虽然努力分析错误,找出最终导致Case失败的Root Cause, 毋庸置疑是非常重要的。但也许考虑到付出与得到的性价比,也许一个简单的失败再重试,会对你更有用。
/// <summary> /// Open the bottom app bar /// </summary> public static void OpenBottomAppBar() { Report.Info("Running in OpenBottomAppBar method."); System.DateTime endtime = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); while(System.DateTime.Compare(System.DateTime.Now, endtime) <= 0) { //Move cursor to center of HP Connected Drive view and right click to open filter menu Size point = repo.HPConnectedDriveView.Self.Element.Size; Mouse.MoveTo(point.Width/2 < 400?400:point.Width/2, 10); Delay.Seconds(1); Mouse.Click(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right); if(Utility.FindElement(repo.HPConnectedDriveView.BottomAppBar.BottomAppBarInfo, 1000 * 2)) { return; } } Report.Screenshot(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a snapfish account via snapfish website /// http://www.snapfish.com/snapfish/home /// http://us1.sfint1.qa.snapfish.com/snapfish/home /// </summary> /// <param name="stack"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string CreateSFAccount(string stack) { int i =0; string result = null; while(i<2) { i++; OpenSnapfishSignUpPage(stack); Delay.Seconds(4); ClickSignUPLink(); Delay.Seconds(1); string emailPrefix = "asgqa.hpcd.SF"; string emailPassword = "asg111111"; string suffix = Utility.GetUniqueNumber(); string email = emailPrefix + suffix + Utility.MapStack(stack) +"@hp.com"; email = InputSFRegisteredAccountInformation(email, emailPassword, emailPassword); ClickSFSubmitButton(); result = email + "|" + emailPassword; if(Utility.FindElement(repo.Snapfish.SignOutInfo, 1000*60)) { Validate.IsTrue(true, "Register Snapfish account successfully email=" + email + " password=" + emailPassword); return result; } else { Report.Warn("Failed to get the successful infor after registering the SF account, take screenshot for reference"); Report.Screenshot(); Report.Info("Click F5 to refresh the page"); repo.Snapfish.Self.PressKeys("{F5}"); if(Utility.FindElement(repo.Snapfish.SignOutInfo, 1000*30)) { Validate.IsTrue(true, "Register Snapfish account successfully email=" + email + " password=" + emailPassword); return result; } } } Report.Warn("still Unable to create snapfish account after try twice, take screenshot for reference"); Report.Screenshot(); Report.Warn("Sometimes i found even we registerd successfully, Snapfish website page still didn't refreshed, so i will use the registered account to login HPCD to try it again"); return result; }
构建健壮的测试代码,是我们测试人员的目标,就像开发需要不断的重构代码,以让代码更简洁优雅,其性质是完全一样的。这里只是我常使用的几个小Tips,抛砖引玉, 若各位看官有啥意见和建议,望不吝赐教。
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