sort是在Linux里非常常用的一个命令,管排序的,集中精力,五分钟搞定sort,现在开始!1 sort的工作原理 sort将文件的每一行作为一个单位,相互比较,比较原则是从首字符向后,依次按ASCII码值进行比较,最后将他们按升序输出。[rocrocket@rocrocket programming]$ cat seq.txtbananaapplepearorange[rocrocket@ro... 阅读全文
Linux基础入门之网络属性配置摘要Linux网络属性配置,最根本的就是ip和子网掩码(netmask),子网掩码是用来让本地主机来判断通信目标是否是本地网络内主机的,从而采取不同的通信机制。Linux网络属性配置,最根本的就是ip和子网掩码(netmask),子网掩码是用来让本地主机来判断通信目标是否是本地网络内主机的,如果在同一网络内,那么可以通过ARP广播机制得到对方mac地址后就可以进行通... 阅读全文
One of the easiest way to protect and secure SSH logins by displaying warming message to UN-authorized users or display welcome or informational messages to authorized users.Being a system administrat... 阅读全文
很多时候,特别是在linux调整分区后,开机重启时会出现 error : unknow filesystem grub rescue> 的字样,系统就是进不去。这表示你的grub2的配置文件坏了…… 由于分区调整或分区UUID改变造成grub2不能正常启动,从而进入修复模式了(grub rescue),也称救援模式。 ... 阅读全文
Have you ever wanted to ssh to your Linux box that sits behind NAT? Now you can with reverse SSH tunneling. This document will show you step by step h 阅读全文
详细介绍就略过吧,可以参考这篇文章:使用ZSH的九个理由下面记录一下我在配置ZSH的过程中的要点:1、基本上你能找到的配置教程都是基于oh-my-zsh的。因为zsh配置过于复杂,所以有了oh-my-zsh这个项目,目的在于简化zsh配置。项目地址:https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh在项目readme文档中详细介绍了使用方法,这里略过。 2、使用oh... 阅读全文
change grayscale to pseudo colouring using colormap in MatlabIn matlab you can view a grayscale image with: imshow(im)Which for my image im shows:And you can also view this grayscale image using pseud... 阅读全文
I used this guide to set up a PPTP VPN server on my Ubuntu 12.04 server.To summarize the main points in the link, though:1: Install pptpd and ufw. iptables can be used in place of ufw, but for the sak... 阅读全文
How to block a specific IP Address using UFWThe key to blocking a specific IP address with UFW is to make sure that the rule which blocks the ipaddress is applied before any allow rules. Because the f... 阅读全文
Install and Configure OSSEC on Debian 7&8Contributed by Sunday Ogwu-Chinuwa Updated Friday, February 5th, 2015 by James StewartThis is a Linode Community guide. Write for us and earn $250 per publish... 阅读全文