生词表 2011

accomplish 达到,完成,实现

tone 结实,强壮

decrease muscle tone

conceivably 可想象地,可信地

measurable 可测量的,显著的

be rooted in 根植于

sober-sided 严肃的

unpretentious 谦逊的,低调的

formidable 令人望而生畏的,难克服的

faint praise 用轻微的赞扬来贬低

vibrant 充满活力的

get the nod 获选,获准;获悉

turbulent 动荡的,骚乱的

pronouncement 声明

take hold 开始起作用,产生影响

abound 大量存在

poach 偷猎,窃取,侵犯

recruiter 猎头

headhunter 猎头

spur 鼓舞,刺激

attend to 照料,致力于

leverage 最大限度利用

promote 宣传,推销

hostage to

alleviate 减轻

insightful 有深刻见解的

provocative 挑衅的,引起争议的

anything less than 绝不是

dampen 抑制

Madonna 圣母玛利亚

newsstand 报摊

procreation 生育

gape 张开,裂开

glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的

canon 经典;原则,标准

post 职位

cut across 与……相抵触

such courses cut across the insistence by top American universities that liberal-arts education and professional education should be kept seperate, taught in different schools

take its toll on sb/sth 产生恶果,造成重大损失

faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll

transmissible but not transferable 可传播但不可转移

exclusionary 排外的

holistic 整体的,全面的


posted @ 2018-11-04 16:24  敬业福  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报