Windows 下 Char 和Wchar的转换
刚封装了一个C的方法,碰到最多的就是char 和Wchar的转化问题. 找了些资料:
#define UNICODE #define _UNICODE
const char *pFilePathName = "c:\\aa.dll ";
int nLen = strlen(pFilePathName) + 1;
int nwLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pFilePathName, nLen, NULL, 0);
TCHAR lpszFile[256];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pFilePathName, nLen, lpszFile, nwLen);
char *pFilePathName;
TCHAR lpszFile[256];
_tcscpy(lpszFile, _T( "c:\\aa.dll "));
int nLen = wcslen(wstr)+1;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpszFile, nLen, pFilePathName, 2*nLen, NULL, NULL);
1.#include <windows.h> 2.#include <stdio.h> 3. 4.//function: charTowchar 5.//purpose:char to WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR etc 6.void charTowchar(const char *chr, wchar_t *wchar, int size) 7.{ 8. MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, chr, 9. strlen(chr)+1, wchar, size/sizeof(wchar[0]) ); 10.} 11. 12.//function: wcharTochar 13.//purpose:WCHAR 、wchar_t、LPWSTR to char 14.void wcharTochar(const wchar_t *wchar, char *chr, int length) 15.{ 16. WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wchar, -1, 17. chr, length, NULL, NULL ); 18.} 19. main (void) 21.{ 22. char chr[128]; 23. wchar_t *wchar = L"陈鸿钦"; 24. 25. 26. //wchar_t to char 27. wcharTochar(wchar, chr, sizeof(chr)); 28. printf("char is %s\n", chr); 29. 30. //char to wchar_t 31. wchar = (wchar_t *)malloc(sizeof(wchar_t) * 64); 32. charTowchar(chr, wchar, sizeof(wchar_t) * 64); 33. 34. wprintf_s(L"%s\n", wchar);// 35. getchar(); 36. 37. return 0; 38.}
#include "atlconv.h" void func() { USES_CONVERSION; char *test = "i am a sucker"; WCHAR *conv = A2W(strPic1) ; }