为什么Fedora 10不允许root用户登录GUI?

   偶然发现在Fedora 10的GUI登录窗口,用root登录的时候,都会提示说“unable to authenticate user”。切到CLI界面可以正常登录,Terminal也可以登录。或者用putty也可以登上去。在Fedora的wiki上发现了这么一段话:


Fedora is a multi-user operating system. Multiple users, each with different access privileges, can be logged into the computer at the same time.

During installation, you provided a password for the system administrator account, sometimes called the superuser. The username for this account is root.

After installation, Fedora asked you to set up a normal user account. Use that account, or another normal account, for daily use of the system. and the root account for administrative and maintenance tasks.

This design has many benefits:

  • Limited privileges reduce the possibility of doing significant damage to the entire system.
  • Each user account has individual settings.
  • Each user account maintains its data separate and private from others.
  • A problem in one user account does not put the entire system at risk.
Do not login as root
Do not use the root account for routine purposes. A normal user account can run all desktop applications, and greatly increases your security and safety. Applications that require root privileges prompt you for the root password when they start, so you need not login as root to use them.
















posted @ 2008-12-10 16:34  Jimmy N. L.  阅读(2269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报