关于卸载windows service后再重新安装遇到的特殊问题

今天早上回来后发现自己写的windows service需要修改调整,就用installutil/u卸载了该服务。等自己修改好后再用installutil进行安装的时候,却总是提示安装失败:The specified service has been marked for deletion.


Once you have the post-build event in place, you'll need to keep in mind that every time you build, it will make the installutil calls automatically. Don't leave your services window open when you're building or running installutil or you could get a highly mysterious error: "The specified service has been marked for deletion."



posted on 2005-07-05 10:28  湘南和也  阅读(2310)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报