Hive(16) Hive的参数传递



[hadoop@node03 ~]$ hive -help
usage: hive
 -d,--define <key=value>          Variable subsitution to apply to hive
                                  commands. e.g. -d A=B or --define A=B
    --database <databasename>     Specify the database to use
 -e <quoted-query-string>         SQL from command line
 -f <filename>                    SQL from files
 -H,--help                        Print help information
    --hiveconf <property=value>   Use value for given property
    --hivevar <key=value>         Variable subsitution to apply to hive
                                  commands. e.g. --hivevar A=B
 -i <filename>                    Initialization SQL file
 -S,--silent                      Silent mode in interactive shell
 -v,--verbose                     Verbose mode (echo executed SQL to the

* 语法结构

  • hive [-hiveconf x=y]* [<-i filename>]* [<-f filename>|<-e query-string>] [-S]

  • 说明:

    • -i 从文件初始化HQL
    • -e从命令行执行指定的HQL
    • -f 执行HQL脚本
    • -v 输出执行的HQL语句到控制台
    • -p connect to Hive Server on port number
    • -hiveconf x=y Use this to set hive/hadoop configuration variables. 设置hive运行时候的参数配置






  • 用户自定义配置文件:$HIVE_CONF_DIR/hive-site.xml

  • 默认配置文件:$HIVE_CONF_DIR/hive-default.xml

  • 用户自定义配置会覆盖默认配置。

  • 另外,Hive也会读入Hadoop的配置,因为Hive是作为Hadoop的客户端启动的,Hive的配置会覆盖Hadoop的配置。配置文件的设定对本机启动的所有Hive进程都有效。


启动Hive(启动hive shell客户端或hiveServer方式)时,可以在命令行添加-hiveconf param=value来设定参数,例如:

# 启动hive客户端方式 传递参数:
[hadoop@node03 ~]$ hive --hiveconf javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName=root
# 这一设定只对本次启动的Session有效!!!
# 启动hiveserver2方式 传递参数:
[hadoop@node03 ~]$ nohup hive --service hiveserver2 & --hiveconf javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName=root
# 对于这种Server方式的启动,对所有请求的Sessions都有效


[hadoop@node03 ~]$ beeline --hiveconf javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName=root


进入hive shell客户端后,或者通过beeline连接hiveserver2后,可以在HQL中使用SET关键字设定参数,这种方式设置的参数都是hiveconf类型,例如:

# 进入hive shell后配置参数
hive (default)> set javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName=root;
# 这一设定的作用域是session级的。只对当前session有效
# beeline连接hiveserver2后,配置参数,设置mr中reduce个数
0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> set mapreduce.job.reduces=100;
# 这一设定的作用域是session级的。只对当前session有效



  • 即参数声明覆盖命令行参数,命令行参数覆盖配置文件设定。
  • 注意某些系统级的参数,例如log4j相关的设定,必须用前两种方式设定,因为那些参数的读取在Session建立以前已经完成了。
参数声明  >   命令行参数   >  配置文件参数(hive)


  • 实际工作当中,我们一般都是将hivehql语法开发完成之后,就写入到一个脚本里面去,然后定时的通过命令 hive -f 去执行hive的语法即可

  • 然后通过定义变量来传递参数到hive的脚本当中去,那么我们接下来就来看看如何使用hive来传递参数。

  • hive0.9以及之前的版本是不支持传参

  • hive1.0版本之后支持传参,语法格式是: hive -f 传递参数

  • hive当中我们一般可以使用hivevar或者hiveconf来进行参数的传递




0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> set my=80;  #仅对当前session有效,一旦!quit退出,my就会失效
No rows affected (0.015 seconds)
0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> set my;
|  set   |
| my=80  |
1 row selected (0.017 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> use db1;
No rows affected (0.048 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> select * from score7_1;
| score7_1.s_id  | score7_1.c_id  | score7_1.s_score  | score7_1.month  |
| 01             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 01             | 02             | 90                | 201805          |
| 01             | 03             | 99                | 201805          |
| 02             | 01             | 70                | 201805          |
| 02             | 02             | 60                | 201805          |
| 02             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 02             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |
| 04             | 01             | 50                | 201805          |
| 04             | 02             | 30                | 201805          |
| 04             | 03             | 20                | 201805          |
| 05             | 01             | 76                | 201805          |
| 05             | 02             | 87                | 201805          |
| 06             | 01             | 31                | 201805          |
| 06             | 03             | 34                | 201805          |
| 07             | 02             | 89                | 201805          |
| 07             | 03             | 98                | 201805          |
18 rows selected (0.102 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> select * from score7_1 where s_score=${hiveconf:my};
| score7_1.s_id  | score7_1.c_id  | score7_1.s_score  | score7_1.month  |
| 01             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 02             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 02             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |


hivevar用于定义HIVE运行时的变量替换,类似于JAVA中的“PreparedStatement”,与${key}配合使用或者与 ${hivevar:key}


-- 使用前缀:
-- 不使用前缀:
[hadoop@node03 ~]$ beeline --hivevar myscore=80;  #myscore仅对当前session有效

beeline> !connect jdbc:hive2://node03:10000

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> use db1;
No rows affected (0.105 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> select * from score7_1 where s_score=${myscore};
| score7_1.s_id  | score7_1.c_id  | score7_1.s_score  | score7_1.month  |
| 01             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 02             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 01             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 02             | 80                | 201805          |
| 03             | 03             | 80                | 201805          |
5 rows selected (0.247 seconds)



[hadoop@node03 ~]$ hive -d myscore=90;  #myscore仅对当前session有效

hive (db1)> select * from score7_1 where s_score>${myscore};
score7_1.s_id   score7_1.c_id   score7_1.s_score        score7_1.month
01      03      99      201805
07      03      98      201805
Time taken: 0.879 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)


create external table score(s_id string,c_id string,s_score int) 
partitioned by(month string) 
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';

load data local inpath '/kkb/install/hivedatas/score.csv' overwrite into table score partition(month='201805');

create external table student(s_id string, s_name string, s_birth string, s_sex string) 
row format delimitedfields terminated by '\t';

load data local inpath '/kkb/install/hivedatas/student.csv' overwrite into table student;

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> select * from student;
| student.s_id  | student.s_name  | student.s_birth  | student.s_sex  |
| 01            | 赵雷              | 1990-01-01       | 男              |
| 02            | 钱电              | 1990-12-21       | 男              |
| 03            | 孙风              | 1990-05-20       | 男              |
| 04            | 李云              | 1990-08-06       | 男              |
| 05            | 周梅              | 1991-12-01       | 女              |
| 06            | 吴兰              | 1992-03-01       | 女              |
| 07            | 郑竹              | 1989-07-01       | 女              |
| 08            | 王菊              | 1990-01-20       | 女              |
8 rows selected (0.093 seconds)

0: jdbc:hive2://node03:10000> select * from score;
| score.s_id  | score.c_id  | score.s_score  | score.month  |
| 01          | 01          | 80             | 201805       |
| 01          | 02          | 90             | 201805       |
| 01          | 03          | 99             | 201805       |
| 02          | 01          | 70             | 201805       |
| 02          | 02          | 60             | 201805       |
| 02          | 03          | 80             | 201805       |
| 03          | 01          | 80             | 201805       |
| 03          | 02          | 80             | 201805       |
| 03          | 03          | 80             | 201805       |
| 04          | 01          | 50             | 201805       |
| 04          | 02          | 30             | 201805       |
| 04          | 03          | 20             | 201805       |
| 05          | 01          | 76             | 201805       |
| 05          | 02          | 87             | 201805       |
| 06          | 01          | 31             | 201805       |
| 06          | 03          | 34             | 201805       |
| 07          | 02          | 89             | 201805       |
| 07          | 03          | 98             | 201805       |
18 rows selected (0.136 seconds)
  • 开发hql脚本,并使用hiveconfhivevar进行参数传入

  • node03执行以下命令定义hql脚本

cd /kkb/instal/hivedatas

vim hivevariable.hql

use db1;  # 脚本一定要加上这一行,否则会找不到表
select * from student left join score on student.s_id = score.s_id where score.month = ${hiveconf:month} and score.s_score > ${hivevar:s_score} and score.c_id = ${c_id}; 

use db1;
select * from student st left join score sc on st.s_id = sc.s_id where sc.month = ${hiveconf:month} and sc.s_score > ${hivevar:s_score} and sc.c_id = ${c_id};
  • node03执行以下命令,调用脚本2:
hive --hiveconf month=201905 --hivevar s_score=80 --hivevar c_id=03  -f /kkb/install/hivedatas/hivevariable.hql

st.s_id st.s_name  st.s_birth  st.s_sex   sc.s_id sc.c_id sc.s_score    sc.month
01      赵雷        1990-01-01      男      01         3       99         201805
07      郑竹        1989-07-01      女      07         3       98         201805
Time taken: 18.187 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)
posted @ 2020-08-24 00:29  Whatever_It_Takes  阅读(1267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报