
Some people ragard animals as pets while others see them as a source of food and clothing. What is your opinion?


It is sometimes hard to comprehend the true nature of our existence until we let ourselves loose into the wilderness, where species of all kinds co-exist in a good order. Then we will realize that mankind is but a part of nature, being only one species among the myraid of creatures.

Bearing this in mind, I would regard animals as my fellow creatures and treat them on an equal basis. Just as we have our human rights, animals should also enjoy animal rights. I, for one, won't take unfair advantage of an animal. Only a bully would shoo off a dog standing in his way. Wherever possible there need not be any use of force between humans and animals. Understandably, the relationship between man and his fellow creatures is a comples one, just like the relationship among people. Some animals will become our friends and companions; some will turn into our foes; still many never come into contact with any of us.

However, there is one role that can only be played by plants and animals: being our food. This is actually a very poignant issue. Some religions, Buddhism for instant, explicitly forbid the killing and eating of animals. Vegetarians also preach the sanctity of animal life. These assertions, however, cannot bear close analysis. If the sanctity of life is indeed universally valued then we must starve to death because the life of vegetables should not be forfeited either. Thus revealed was the inconsistence of those absolute moralists. Alas, it is rather ironic that to maintain one life, some lives have to be sacrificed.

We have superior powers over most animals. We are on top of the food chain. We have the capacity to exterminate an entire species. On the other hand we can choose to treat animals as equals. In deed, I would advocate equal treatment to all things, living or unliving. There should be no destruction of anything unless absolutely necessary.







posted @ 2021-03-02 14:43  Orchidelle  阅读(116)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报