
People have different hobbies such as collecting stamps or wood carving. Why are hobbies important to us? How can we benefit from having hobbies?


Former British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill once said that to be really happy and safe one ought to have two or three hobbies. Hobbies usually vary from person to person. However, this doesn't prevent us from reaping its benefits.

Hobbies are beneficial because they are a genuine source of fun and pleasure. Many people are doing uninteresting jobs for the sake of money. Work gives them no satisfaction apart from financial reward. They need to find some interest in life to absorb their attention and energy and above all to have fun. This kind of fun cannot be had by going to the cinema or taking a trip abroad, which brings nothing more than fleeting sensual pleasure. Real hobbies and interests can bring about abiding happiness.

A hobby is also an antidote to stress. Due to increasing social competition, most of us are victims of stress-related problems. We keep worrying about problems at work even outside working hours. A hobby serves to alleviate our stress and anxiety by engrossing our attention. We often forget our problems when we are preoccupied with our hobbies, which also increase our self-esteem. Low self-esteem is usually caused by our inability to pursue our dreams, to follow our hearts. When trapped in an unworthy job, we subconsciously blame ourselves for the lack of  courage to break the shackles of society and seek freedom. Thus we need a hobby to be ourselves.

To best avail ourselves of our hobbies, we should associate with others who have similar hobbies. It is said that man can never be happy all by himself because the loneliness would be too much to bear if he has not a soul to share with. Hence, try to form genuine friendship, broaden your interests and become less self-centered.







posted @ 2021-03-02 13:41  Orchidelle  阅读(164)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报