
How to measure a country's success? Some say it depends on the quality of citizens' life, but others say it means a prosperous economy. What's your opinion?


Success is a universal goal for all people and nations. It often defies definition. It is hard to measure personal and national success. A nation's success in particular depends on many factors.

Equality is a main factor in measuring a nation's success. A nation may enjoy great material wealth yet remains a failure. Indeed, inequality exists in all countries to some degree. There is an old Chinese saying which goes: trouble is caused not by poverty but inequality. If people are discriminated against because of their gender, income or social status, resentment and hostility between different classes will grow. The oppressed and underprivileged will struggle for equality, culminating often in social unrest or even civil wars. A sound political and judical system is required to ensure equality among the people. It should be considered the proudest achievement of any nation.

Apart from that, success should be gauged by a country's contribution to the international community. Ours is a global village whose villagers are all interrelated and interdependent. Each nation is just one member of the global family. One is supposed to look after the interest of one's relatives. However, many a time we have witnessed aggression and war against other nations in the quest for power and money. However mighty those invaders become, their history will forever be tinted with wickedness and humiliation. The luxury enjoyed by the conquerors or exploiters inspires no admiration, only contempt and hatred. Truly noble are those nations who extend a helping hand to others with no strings attached and no ulterior motives.

Success is forever pursued by nations as well as individuals. All too often people mistake success for economic success, which is rather deplorable. Among the factors contributing to real success, a booming economy is an inconsequential one.






posted @ 2021-03-01 21:15  Orchidelle  阅读(165)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报