
Advertising adversely affects young people, so it should be strictly limited. Do you agree or not?


Advertising is ubiquitous. Wherever you go, you are likely to see or hear some forms of advertising, usually for a certain product or service. In fact, some adverts are used to raise public awareness or to educate people. As I see it, most commercial adverts should be placed under strict control or banned.

For one thing, advertisements often withhold the truth from the public. In order to sell more products, advertisements are designed with no concern for the truth. Some of them are outrageous lies, while most of them exaggerate the benefits and hide or downplay the drawbacks of a certain product. Consumers can't see the whole picture. Being given to impulsive actions and inexperienced in wordly affairs, young people are often the first to fall victim to those misleading adverts.

For another, most adverts advocate an unhealthy way of life. In most newspaper advertisements or TV commercials people are depicted as leading an exciting and romantic life. Attractive men and women can transform their lives after they used such and such products. But real life is not like that. Daily life is apt to be much simpler and uneventful. As it often happens, young people often get too carried away by the daily onslaught of advertising and become unsatisfied with their lives. They start to try out various products, imitate the trendy lifestyle portrayed in commercials and squander time and money on luxuries.

Additionally, advertising adds to the anxiety of the young. Already under lots of pressure, the young are being told all kinds of problems they are to have if they don't use certain products or services. You are going to lose your attraction to your husband if you don't use our perfume; you are going to lose your health if you don't take our calcium tablets three times a day. What a bunch of lies! Indeed, it is widely agreed that many so called 'diseases' are created by advertisers -- they try to find some problems with us at first and then offer the solution with their products. It is nothing more than a tricky business strategy.

Although credits should be given to commercial advertisements for informing the public, strict control should be imposed to rid them of the usual misrepresentation of the truth. Adverts must be truthful or banned altogether.







posted @ 2021-03-01 17:14  Orchidelle  阅读(153)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报