
Which is a better place for the aged, home or nursing home?


In light of the growing number of senior citizen in many countries, the caring for elderly people is becoming harder to tackle. Some aged people can afford paid nurses and maids to look after their needs at home, but many others are not so fortunate. To them, a nursing home seems an ideal place.

To begin with, staying at a nursing home makes good financial sense. Some state-owned nursing homes are free of charge. Even for those that do require a small admission fee, the cost is low when you take into consideration the daily expenses incurred when one lives all by oneself. At the nursing home, everything can be purchased at wholesale prices. You don't have to do your own shopping or pay the electricity bill.

More importantly, a nursing home can provide professional care for those having trouble looking after themselves. Elderly people are prone to sudden attacks of various disease. Ther is no telling when they would require help. If they live alone or even with their partners, there is every likelihood that they won't react effectively enough to an emergency. The stakes are too high to allow for even one mistake. Thus, it is wise to go to a nursing home where you will be monitored and attended to by professionals.

An even stronger argument in favor of nursing homes is the sense of community created there. Living alone, the aged usually feel lonely and sad. Even those living with their children often find themselves depressed because of the generation gap. By living in a nursing home, one can meet and talk to people of one's own age. There is a wealth of shared memory and common interest. They can take their mind off their own troubles and concerns and become part of the community, which means a lot to their mental health.

Staying at home is a good choice only for some people. For the vast majority of the senior citizen, nursing homes are ideal places to spend the rest of their lives in. Of course, much needs to be done to improve the conditions of the numerous poorly-managed nursing homes.







posted @ 2021-03-01 16:46  Orchidelle  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报