条件: 树梅派安装opencv和免驱动的摄像头
#include <iostream> #include "opencv.hpp" /** * 一个程序捕获USB摄像头和视频保存一个文件使用OpenCV。 */ using namespace std; using namespace cv; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { cout << "Usage: ./video_capture output_video_file_name\n" << endl; return 1; } string outputVideoFile = argv[1]; //输出的视频文件的路径 VideoCapture videoCapture(0); //初始化结构体,用于捕获摄像入视频 0为默认的摄像头 if (!videoCapture.isOpened()){ cout << "Failed to open the default camera" << endl; return 1; } /* 获取视频帧的宽度和高度 */ double frameWidth = videoCapture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); double frameHeight = videoCapture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); cout << "Frame size is [" << frameWidth << "x" << frameHeight << "]" << endl; /* 创建一个VideoWriter的对象将视频流写入文件 */ Size frameSize(static_cast<int>(frameWidth), static_cast<int>(frameHeight)); /* videoWriter(输出的文件名,输出文件的编码,帧率,帧的尺寸,是否是彩色(尽支持win)) */ //('D', 'I', 'V', 'X') mp4 VideoWriter videoWriter(outputVideoFile.c_str(), CV_FOURCC('D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), 10, frameSize, true); if (!videoWriter.isOpened()) { cout << "Failed to initialize the VideoWriter" << endl; return 1; } while (true) { Mat frame; if (!videoCapture.read(frame)) { // 抓住,解码并返回下一个视频帧 cout << "Failed to read a video frame" << endl; break; } videoWriter.write(frame); // 写入文件的框架 if (27 == waitKey(30)) { // 等待按下“ESC”键(注意:不是工作如果没有窗口被创建!) cout << "ESC key pressed, stop capturing video" << endl; break; } } return 0; }
#!/bin/bash # A script to invoke a C program to capture video from USB camera & save to a file using OpenCV. CURRENT_DIR=`dirname "$0"` WORKING_HOME=`cd "$CURRENT_DIR"; pwd` SOURCE_FILE=$WORKING_HOME/video_capture.cpp COMPILED_BIN=$WORKING_HOME/video_capture OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE=$WORKING_HOME/webcam.avi rm -f $OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE # compile the source code if the executable bin not exists if [ ! -f $COMPILED_BIN ]; then echo "Compiling $SOURCE_FILE ..." g++ -I/usr/include/opencv2/ `pkg-config --cflags opencv --libs opencv` $SOURCE_FILE -o $COMPILED_BIN if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to compile $SOURCE_FILE" exit 1 fi fi # run the program echo "Start capturing video & save to file $OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE ..." $COMPILED_BIN $OUTPUT_VIDEO_FILE