delphi 根据DELTA自动生成SQL语句
delphi 根据DELTA自动生成SQL语句 上传客户端的CLIENTDATASET.delta到服务器的,服务端解析clientdataset的数据生成相应的SQL语句。 相对于直接调用datasetprovider.applyupdates()方法提交数据而言,前者的可控性更强,对于某些要求灵活性很强的场合,前者可能是必须的提交方式。
procedure TBaseService.ApplyUpdates(const Delta: OleVariant; TableName, KeyField: WideString); var Flag: Boolean; begin if VarIsNull(Delta) then exit; with (FParent as TDataServer2) do begin cdsDelta.Close; cdsDelta.Data := Delta; Flag := cdsDelta.FindField('SYS_STATUS') <> nil; end; // with if Flag then InnerApplyUpdates2(TableName, KeyField) else InnerApplyUpdates(TableName, KeyField); end; procedure TBaseService.InnerApplyUpdates(TableName, KeyField: WideString); var i: integer; s1, s2: string; CmdStr: string; FieldList: TStringList; begin with (FParent as TDataServer2) do begin FieldList := TStringList.Create; Connection.GetFieldNames(TableName, FieldList); if not cdsDelta.Active then cdsDelta.Open; for i := 1 to FieldList.Count do if cdsDelta.FindField(FieldList[i - 1]) <> nil then cdsDelta.FindField(FieldList[i - 1]).Tag := 1; FieldList.Free; if cdsDelta.RecordCount > 0 then begin cdsDelta.First; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; while not cdsDelta.Eof do begin CmdStr := ''; case cdsDelta.UpdateStatus of usUnmodified: begin s2 := VarToSql(cdsDelta[KeyField]); end; usModified: begin s1 := ''; for i := 1 to cdsDelta.FieldCount do if (not cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].IsNull) and (cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Tag = 1) then begin if s1 = '' then s1 := Trim(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].FieldName) + ' = ' + VarToSql(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Value) else s1 := s1 + ',' + Trim(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].FieldName) + ' = ' + VarToSql(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Value); end; if s1 <> '' then begin CmdStr := 'Update ' + TableName + ' Set ' + s1 + ' Where ' + KeyField + ' = ' + s2; end; end; usInserted: begin s1 := ''; s2 := ''; for i := 1 to cdsDelta.FieldCount do if (not cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].IsNull) and (cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Tag = 1) then begin if s1 = '' then begin s1 := Trim(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].FieldName); s2 := VarToSql(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Value); end else begin s1 := s1 + ',' + Trim(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].FieldName); s2 := s2 + ',' + VarToSql(cdsDelta.Fields[i - 1].Value); end; end; if s1 <> '' then begin CmdStr := 'Insert into ' + TableName + '(' + s1 + ') Values (' + s2 + ')'; end; end; usDeleted: begin s2 := VarToSql(cdsDelta[KeyField]); CmdStr := 'Delete ' + TableName + ' Where ' + KeyField + ' = ' + s2; end; end; if CmdStr <> '' then Cmd.Execute(CmdStr); cdsDelta.Next; end; cdsDelta.First; cdsDelta.EmptyDataSet; cdsDelta.Close; end; end; end;
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