注: 无需odbc配置 {* * MySQL Helper v1.0 * 2015.6.19 * 说明: * 这是一个操作MySQL的类,该类必须和libmysql.dll,dbxmys.dll两个文件一起使用. * 安装: * 将dll拷贝到C:\Windows\System32下和项目目录下,发行的时候放到exe目录下即可. * 使用: * //使用insert,update,delete语句时请使用:TMySQLHelper.ExecSQL();返回受影响行数Integer; * //使用select语句时请使用TMySQLHelper.Query();返回数据集TSQLQuery; * 测试: * WIN7 SP1 X86 , MySQL 5.6.17 , Delphi XE 测试通过. * ========================================== * var * MySQLHelper : TMySQLHelper; * begin * MySQLHelper := TMySQLHelper.Create; * MySQLHelper.User_name := 'root'; * MySQLHelper.Password := 'root'; * MySQLHelper.Database := 'Test'; * ShowMessage('影响行数:'+IntToStr(MySQLHelper.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO test(name)values(''FangJun'')'))); * MySQLHelper.Free; * end; * ========================================== * var * MySQLHelper : TMySQLHelper; * SQLQuery : TSQLQuery; * begin * MySQLHelper := TMySQLHelper.Create; * MySQLHelper.User_name := 'root'; * MySQLHelper.Password := 'root'; * MySQLHelper.Database := 'Test'; * SQLQuery := TSQLQuery.Create(nil); * SQLQuery := MySQLHelper.Query('select * from test'); * while not SQLQuery.Eof do * begin * ShowMessage('姓名:'+VarToStr(SQLQuery.FieldValues['name']); * SQLQuery.Next; * end; * MySQLHelper.MySQLClose; * MySQLHelper.Free; * end; * ========================================== } unit MySQLHelper; interface uses SysUtils,StdCtrls,Classes,Variants,DB,SqlExpr,DBXMySQL; type TMySQLHelper = class(TObject) private _PORT : Integer; _HOST : string; _DATABASE : string; _USER_NAME : string; _PASSWORD : string; _SERVERCHARSET : string; _SQLQuery : TSQLQuery; _SQLConnection : TSQLConnection; procedure Set_PORT(const Value: Integer); procedure Set_HOST(const Value: string); procedure Set_DATABASE (const Value: string); procedure Set_USER_NAME(const Value: string); procedure Set_PASSWORD (const Value: string); procedure Set_SERVERCHARSET(const Value: string); function MySQLConnection:TSQLConnection; public constructor Create; overload; property Post:Integer write Set_PORT; property Host:string write Set_HOST; property Database:string write Set_DATABASE; property User_name:string write Set_USER_NAME; property Password:string write Set_PASSWORD; property ServerCharSet:string write Set_SERVERCHARSET; function ExecSQL(const SQL:string):Integer; function Query(const SQL:string):TSQLQuery; procedure MySQLClose; end; implementation //初始化 constructor TMySQLHelper.Create; begin _HOST := ''; _PORT := 3306; _SERVERCHARSET := 'utf8'; end; //执行 SQL 语句 INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE 返回影响行数 function TMySQLHelper.ExecSQL(const SQL:string):Integer; begin if not Assigned(_SQLQuery) then _SQLQuery := TSQLQuery.Create(nil); with _SQLQuery do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQLConnection := MySQLConnection; end; try _SQLQuery.SQL.Add(SQL); result := _SQLQuery.ExecSQL; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.Create('SQL语句执行失败 :'+E.Message); end; MySQLClose; end; //执行 SQL 语句 Select 返回 数据集 function TMySQLHelper.Query(const SQL:string):TSQLQuery; begin if not Assigned(_SQLQuery) then _SQLQuery := TSQLQuery.Create(nil); with _SQLQuery do begin Close; SQL.Clear; SQLConnection := MySQLConnection; end; try _SQLQuery.SQL.Add(SQL); _SQLQuery.Open; _SQLQuery.Active := true; result := _SQLQuery; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.Create('SQL语句查询失败 :'+E.Message); end; end; //关闭连接 procedure TMySQLHelper.MySQLClose; begin _SQLQuery.Close; _SQLConnection.Close; end; //连接MySQL 返回 TSQLConnection function TMySQLHelper.MySQLConnection:TSQLConnection; begin if not Assigned(_SQLConnection) then _SQLConnection := TSQLConnection.Create(nil); with _SQLConnection do begin Close; GetDriverFunc := 'getSQLDriverMYSQL'; LibraryName := 'dbxmys.dll'; VendorLib := 'LIBMYSQL.dll'; DriverName:= 'MySQL'; Params.Values['drivername']:= 'MySQL'; Params.Values['port'] := IntToStr(_PORT); Params.Values['hostname'] := _HOST; Params.Values['database'] := _DATABASE; Params.Values['user_name'] := _USER_NAME; Params.Values['password'] := _PASSWORD; Params.Values['ServerCharSet'] := _SERVERCHARSET; end; try _SQLConnection.Open; _SQLConnection.Connected := true; result := _SQLConnection; except on E: Exception do raise Exception.Create('数据库连接错误:'+E.Message); end; end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_PORT(const Value: Integer); begin if Value<>0 then _PORT := Value end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_HOST (const Value: string); begin if Value<>'' then _HOST := Value end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_DATABASE (const Value: string); begin _DATABASE := Value end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_USER_NAME (const Value: string); begin _USER_NAME := Value; end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_PASSWORD (const Value: string); begin _PASSWORD := Value; end; procedure TMySQLHelper.Set_SERVERCHARSET (const Value: string); begin if Value<>'' then _SERVERCHARSET := Value end; end.
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