Remoting Discussion(一)

  Yesterday,I attended  a  meeting about remoting And felt be very good. Every one said its thinking and good ideal to slove the problem. 
Through MS .Net Remoting technology to implete distribute system design. In order to strengthen the whole system .we will sut up the Remoting object on the many servers. If we like do this ,when some of the server go wrong. We can use remoting object  service on the another server. Now our main target is that when our application went wrong it can be auoto use another remoting object service on the server. So we  have designed a calss library to implete this  function.
This is solution. If u have some suggestion. Welcome to give me your good ideal .thx!


It’s a better way that the router proxy’s function looking like the object’s. but this time. TransparentProxy is a good methed to resolve it. Of cource. We use this object it must inhert MarshalByRefObject .we can deter the object’s method by RealProxy. Then return the TransparentProxy to client.
Not be over……

posted on 2006-02-24 12:43  kim  阅读(1596)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报
