Software Delivery System


软件派送系统(software delivery system)是一个能和插件系统结合起来的系统,使得能方便地扩展系统功能;而更重要的是系统管理员可以使用此系统远程部署各种应用软件到大量的客户端。

我考虑的软件派送系统(software delivery system)大概是这样的(由于在公司使用e文写文檔我下面列的内容没有翻译成中文,请大家见谅)



Administrators use the software delivery system to deploy software packages automatically and safely across organization. The software delivery system can help the administrators to deploy new software or updates to keep application current, useful and secure.



1.      Automated software distribution. Centrally control and manage software installations, reinstallation, configuration and un-installation of software on IT devices such as desktops and laptops.

2.      Policy and schedule based software delivery task with advanced distribution mechanisms available. A software delivery task can be scheduled for a single sensor, a group of sensors or whole sensors. The administrators can create a software delivery task and define the policy, schedule and priority easily, and designate the distribution mechanisms including multicast or broadcast. The task can be designated by the administrators as mandatory or optional, allow or prohibit user control, even have an expired date.

3.      Sequential software delivery task. The administrators can create some software delivery tasks having strict sequence. The task starts only if previously dependent task complete successfully. If an installation in the sequence fails, all steps will be automatically rolled back, returning the system to its previous working state.

4.      Internal dependencies in a software package. Dependencies between different software items deployed on the same sensor can be set up; these software items will be installed in turn.

5.      Control the version of software package.

6.      Real-Time notification. The administrators can instantly see the status of all active or scheduled software delivery tasks and view reports on what software is installed where, when and by whom.

7.      Checkpoint recovery. It resumes a package download to a sensor or server if the download is interrupted.

8.      Encryption and compression. The software will be compressed to a zip package before data transfer. The encryption is optional.

9.      Reporting. There are a number of reports help the administrators to analyze and make proactive management decisions.




posted @ 2005-07-11 10:17  风满袖  阅读(1553)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报