

Release NHibernate has been labeled as being in the Beta stage.

NHibernate -
    • Added support for proxy="" on classes. proxy="" must either specify an Interface or the properties that need to be proxied have to be virtual.
    • Added a configuration parameter "hibernate.prepare_sql" to turn on or off calls to IDbCommand.Prepare(). Defaults to "true".
    • Added NHibernate Type for System.SByte. (Sergey Koshcheyev)
    • Added support for mapping subclasses and joined-subclasses in different files through addition of extends attribute. (Andrew Mayorov)
    • Added support for LIMIT to MySQLDialect. (Sergey Koshcheyev)
    • Improved error messages when IDbCommand and IDbConnection can't be found by the IDriver.
    • Improved error message when mapped class is missing a constructor with no args.
    • Fixed problem with spaces in sql generated from hql and MySql.
    • Fixed bug with Configuration when there is a class without a namespace.
    • Fixed bug with Sql generated for an IN clause that contains a class/subclass with a discriminator-value="null".
    • Fixed potential threading problem with QueryTranslator.
    • Modified logging in Transaction to not generate as many messages.
    • Modified how exceptions are rethrown so call stack of original exception is not lost.
    • Moved NHibernate.Tasks and NHibernate.Tool.hbm2net to the NHibernateContrib package.
    • Removed DbType {get;} from IUserType.
NHibernateContrib -
    • Moved NHibernate.Tasks and NHibernate.Tool.hbm2net from the NHibernate package to the NHibernateContrib package.
    • Added NHibernate.Tool.Net2Hbm that enables classes to be mapped with Attributes instead of hbm.xml files - contributed by John Morris.
posted @ 2005-01-06 09:59  风满袖  阅读(1102)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报