
 public static void main(String[] args)
    String filename = "c:/0824.flv";
    // Create a Xuggler container object
    IContainer container = IContainer.make();
    // Open up the container
    if (container.open(filename, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + filename);
    // query how many streams the call to open found
    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();
    System.out.printf("file \"%s\": %d stream%s; ",
        numStreams == 1 ? "" : "s");
    System.out.printf("duration (ms): %s; ", container.getDuration() == Global.NO_PTS ? "unknown" : "" + container.getDuration()/1000);
    System.out.printf("start time (ms): %s; ", container.getStartTime() == Global.NO_PTS ? "unknown" : "" + container.getStartTime()/1000);
    System.out.printf("file size (bytes): %d; ", container.getFileSize());
    System.out.printf("bit rate: %d; ", container.getBitRate());

    // and iterate through the streams to print their meta data
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      // Find the stream object
      IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
      // Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
      IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
      // and now print out the meta data.
      System.out.printf("stream %d: ",    i);
      System.out.printf("type: %s; ",     coder.getCodecType());
      System.out.printf("codec: %s; ",    coder.getCodecID());
      System.out.printf("duration: %s; ", stream.getDuration() == Global.NO_PTS ? "unknown" : "" + stream.getDuration());
      System.out.printf("start time: %s; ", container.getStartTime() == Global.NO_PTS ? "unknown" : "" + stream.getStartTime());
      System.out.printf("language: %s; ", stream.getLanguage() == null ? "unknown" : stream.getLanguage());
      System.out.printf("timebase: %d/%d; ", stream.getTimeBase().getNumerator(), stream.getTimeBase().getDenominator());
      System.out.printf("coder tb: %d/%d; ", coder.getTimeBase().getNumerator(), coder.getTimeBase().getDenominator());
      if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
        System.out.printf("sample rate: %d; ", coder.getSampleRate());
        System.out.printf("channels: %d; ",    coder.getChannels());
        System.out.printf("format: %s",        coder.getSampleFormat());
      } else if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
        System.out.printf("width: %d; ",  coder.getWidth());
        System.out.printf("height: %d; ", coder.getHeight());
        System.out.printf("format: %s; ", coder.getPixelType());
        System.out.printf("frame-rate: %5.2f; ", coder.getFrameRate().getDouble());


posted @ 2017-03-08 09:57  -J  阅读(438)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报