free store VS heap(自由存储区VS堆)

1. free store VS heap

free store (自由存储区)和 heap (堆),在C/C++中经常会遇到。他们是否有区别呢?

偶最早发现这两个概念性问题是在《Exceptional C++》一书中。

其中提到C++中使用new分配所得的内存是分配在 freestore 上,而C 风格的内存分配 malloc 分配所得的内存是在 heap 上


通过在 Google 的搜索,所得的中文资料相当少,英文的倒是不少,而且不少还有争议性质。




前者,是C 语言中很典型的分配方法,它的作用就是根据参数指定大小,分配一定的动态内存空间。



获得了这部分内存,返回给程序员的是一个  void* 类型的指针(其实是无类型)。



如果忘记free,后果就是恐怖的“内存泄露”(memory leakage)。


然后,我们再看new。C++中new已经是一个“运算符”了,我们可以重载operator new 和 placement new。

它也是分配内存,同时在这块内存上执行所要new 的对象的构造函数以建立起这个对象。


built-in type ,也就是内置类型,他们也可以被new,执行是这些基本类型的伪构造函数)




Note that the heap and free-store may reside on distinct physical memory regions and they might be controlled by different underlying memory managers.

Technically, free-store is an abstract term referring to unused memory that is available for dynamic allocations. Heap is the data model used by virtually all C++ compilers to implement the free-store. In practice, however, the distinction between heap and free-store is roughly equivalent to the differences between the memory models of C and C++.



从技术角度来说,freestore 是一个抽象的术语,它表示那些用来动态分配内存的未占用空间。

而 heap 是一个具体形象的数据模型概念,它通过C++编译器去实现扩充了freestore。

事实上,两者的区别有点像是 C 和 C++ 的内存模型的差异。

因为毕竟C++中用malloc,calloc,realloc 和 free 并不多,除非一些特定情况,我们需要获取一部分原始内存(raw memory)。







The free store is one of the two dynamic memory areas, allocated/freed by new/delete. Object lifetime can be less than the time the storage is allocated; that is, free store objects can have memory allocated without being immediately initialized, and can be destroyed without the memory being immediately deallocated. During the period when the storage is allocated but outside the object's lifetime, the storage may be accessed and manipulated through a void* but none of the proto-object's nonstatic members or member functions may be accessed, have their addresses taken, or be otherwise manipulated.




The heap is the other dynamic memory area, allocated/freed by malloc/free and their variants. Note that while the default global new and delete might be implemented in terms of malloc and free by a particular compiler, the heap is not the same as free store and memory allocated in one area cannot be safely deallocated in the other. Memory allocated from the heap can be used for objects of class type by placement-new construction and explicit destruction. If so used, the notes about free store object lifetime apply similarly here.

总结:已经可以确定的结论是,自由存储区是由new/delete来管理的,而堆是由malloc/free来管理的;关于heap和free store的具体详细区别,到目前为止并没有一个特别准确的结论。


2. 关于内存管理

参见,但是该文中对heap和free store 的区别界定反了,应该是new/delete 对应于free store。



posted @ 2013-08-06 22:33  jiayouwyhit  阅读(1809)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报