
 一本好书、一个榜样、一句谚语都能够影响到我们,,在个人管理 - IT人士书籍推荐(已读)中我推荐了一些书籍,这些书籍都是我看过的,今天要推荐敏捷结果原作者推荐的一些书籍。在Source of Insight中最近推荐了一些好书好人好谚语,一直很佩服博主,特把这些内容收集下来以供整体参考,相信每个人都能够从他的列表中找到对自己有帮助的内容。


  • 沟通和演示
    • Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Winning Presentationsclip_image001- learn how the entire presentation process works, how to give presentations to one person or a crowd of thousands, how to capture the audience’s "Aha!" moment, how to use storytelling techniques, how to use graphics, text, and numbers to show and tell your story.
    • Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Storyclip_image001[1]- how to capture your audience, how to make your story flow, how to use graphics to bring your story to life, how to use the right text, how to use the right numbers,
  • 目标
    • Goal-Free Living: How to Have the Life You Want NOW! – how to use a compass, not a map to let yourself wander and try new things on the way to fulfilling your aspirations, how to trust that you are never lost and use every wrong turn as an opportunity to learn and experience new things, how to leverage unexpected possibilities, how to want what you have, how to seek out adventure.
    • Who Are You and What Do You Want? – how to define yourself and your needs, how to gain clarify about your purpose, passion, and values.
  • 直觉
    • Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking- how to use thin slicing to make sophisticated judgments, how to ask people what they want, how to listen with your eyes.
    • The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Make Better Decisions at Work- how to use intuitive decision making, how to overcome the problems with metrics, how to coach others to develop strong intuitions, how to safeguard your intuition, how to communicate your intuitions, how to size up situations, how to spot problems before they get out of hand, how to use mental simulation to evaluate options, how to speed up your learning curve.
    • Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions- learn how experienced decision makers make decisions, learn recognition-primed decision making, learn how team decision making develops, how to leverage metaphors and analogues, how to recognize patterns, how to identify leverage points. 


“If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” — Isaac Newton


“A quotation at the right moment is like bread in a famine.”  — Talmud

posted @ 2011-03-24 21:30  HelloSUN  阅读(971)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报