ifInOctets and ifOutOctets 的类型是counter是一个32位的无符号数,
from snmp_cmds import snmpwalk
import time
def Get_IntPercentage(IP,OID):
res1 = snmpwalk(ipaddress = IP,oid = OID, community = 'ssss')
T1 = int(res1[0][1])
res2 = snmpwalk(ipaddress = IP,oid = OID, community = 'ssss')
T2 = int(res2[0][1])
If T2>T1:
return('percent: {:.0f}%'.format((T2-T1)*8/10/1000000000*100))
if T2<T1:
return('percent: {:.0f}%'.format((2^32-T1+T2)*8/10/1000000000*100))
print 即可,
然而Counter是32位的总会出现问题, 本以为Counter计数超过2的32次方之后以上面方法就可以了,但问题是时间长了可能会出现计数超过2的32次方两次三次就会出现问题,以上方法仍然存在问题,最终还是使用了SNMP V2版本的Counter64的计数器节约问题。
OID名称改为IF-MIB:ifHCInOctets.8即为SNMP v2版本Counter64的,基本不会溢出
RFC1213定义了SNMP V1的字段:
IF-MIB:ifInOctets,解释为The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
RFC2863中SNMP v2版本定义的64位字段:
IF-MIB:ifHCInOctets,The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInOctets.Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
所以建议最终还是直接使用SNMP v2版本,就目前来看还没遇到过不支持v2的,上面之前使用v1的T2-T1的折中方法有点愚蠢的不堪过往了。。。。